Source code for pyaerocom.aeroval.collections

import abc
from fnmatch import fnmatch

from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import BrowseDict
from pyaerocom.aeroval.modelentry import ModelEntry
from pyaerocom.aeroval.obsentry import ObsEntry
from pyaerocom.exceptions import EntryNotAvailable, EvalEntryNameError

[docs] class BaseCollection(BrowseDict, abc.ABC): #: maximum length of entry names MAXLEN_KEYS = 25 #: Invalid chars in entry names FORBIDDEN_CHARS_KEYS = ["_"] def _check_entry_name(self, key): if any([x in key for x in self.FORBIDDEN_CHARS_KEYS]): raise EvalEntryNameError( f"Invalid name: {key}. Must not contain any of the following " f"characters: {self.FORBIDDEN_CHARS_KEYS}" ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._check_entry_name(key) if "web_interface_name" in value: self._check_entry_name(value["web_interface_name"]) super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def keylist(self, name_or_pattern: str = None) -> list: """Find model names that match input search pattern(s) Parameters ---------- name_or_pattern : str, optional Name or pattern specifying search string. Returns ------- list list of keys in collection that match input requirements. If `name_or_pattern` is None, all keys will be returned. Raises ------ KeyError if no matches can be found """ if name_or_pattern is None: name_or_pattern = "*" matches = [] for key in self.keys(): if fnmatch(key, name_or_pattern) and not key in matches: matches.append(key) if len(matches) == 0: raise KeyError(f"No matches could be found that match input {name_or_pattern}") return matches
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_entry(self, key) -> object: """ Getter for eval entries Raises ------ KeyError if input name is not in this collection """ pass
@property @abc.abstractmethod def web_iface_names(self) -> list: """ List of webinterface names for """ pass
[docs] class ObsCollection(BaseCollection): """ Dict-like object that represents a collection of obs entries Keys are obs names, values are instances of :class:`ObsEntry`. Values can also be assigned as dict and will automatically be converted into instances of :class:`ObsEntry`. Note ---- Entries must not necessarily be only observations but may also be models. Entries provided in this collection refer to the y-axis in the AeroVal heatmap display and must fulfill the protocol defined by :class:`ObsEntry`. """ SETTER_CONVERT = {dict: ObsEntry}
[docs] def get_entry(self, key) -> object: """ Getter for obs entries Raises ------ KeyError if input name is not in this collection """ try: entry = self[key] entry["obs_name"] = self.get_web_iface_name(key) return entry except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise EntryNotAvailable(f"no such entry {key}")
[docs] def get_all_vars(self) -> list: """ Get unique list of all obs variables from all entries Returns ------- list list of variables specified in obs collection """ vars = [] for ocfg in self.values(): vars.extend(ocfg.get_all_vars()) return sorted(list(set(vars)))
[docs] def get_web_iface_name(self, key): """ Get webinterface name for entry Note ---- Normally this is the key of the obsentry in :attr:`obs_config`, however, it might be specified explicitly via key `web_interface_name` in the corresponding value. Parameters ---------- key : str key of entry. Returns ------- str corresponding name """ entry = self[key] if not "web_interface_name" in entry: return key return entry["web_interface_name"]
@property def web_iface_names(self) -> list: """ List of web interface names for each obs entry Returns ------- list """ return [self.get_web_iface_name(key) for key in self.keylist()] @property def all_vert_types(self): """List of unique vertical types specified in this collection""" return list({x["obs_vert_type"] for x in self.values()})
[docs] class ModelCollection(BaseCollection): """ Dict-like object that represents a collection of model entries Keys are model names, values are instances of :class:`ModelEntry`. Values can also be assigned as dict and will automatically be converted into instances of :class:`ModelEntry`. Note ---- Entries must not necessarily be only models but may also be observations. Entries provided in this collection refer to the x-axis in the AeroVal heatmap display and must fulfill the protocol defined by :class:`ModelEntry`. """ SETTER_CONVERT = {dict: ModelEntry}
[docs] def get_entry(self, key) -> object: """Get model entry configuration Since the configuration files for experiments are in json format, they do not allow the storage of executable custom methods for model data reading. Instead, these can be specified in a python module that may be specified via :attr:`add_methods_file` and that contains a dictionary `FUNS` that maps the method names with the callable methods. As a result, this means that, by default, custom read methods for individual models in :attr:`model_config` do not contain the callable methods but only the names. This method will take care of handling this and will return a dictionary where potential custom method strings have been converted to the corresponding callable methods. Parameters ---------- model_name : str name of model Returns ------- dict Dictionary that specifies the model setup ready for the analysis """ try: entry = self[key] entry["model_name"] = key return entry except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise EntryNotAvailable(f"no such entry {key}")
@property def web_iface_names(self) -> list: """ List of web interface names for each obs entry Returns ------- list """ return self.keylist()