Source code for pyaerocom.aeroval.collections

import abc
from fnmatch import fnmatch

from pyaerocom.aeroval.modelentry import ModelEntry
from pyaerocom.aeroval.obsentry import ObsEntry
from pyaerocom.exceptions import EntryNotAvailable

[docs] class BaseCollection(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): """ Initialize an instance of BaseCollection. The instance maintains a dictionary of entries. """ self._entries = {} def __iter__(self): """ Iterates over each entry in the collection. Yields ------ object The next entry in the collection. """ yield from self._entries.values()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_entry(self, key, value) -> None: """ Abstract method to add an entry to the collection. Parameters ---------- key: Hashable The key of the entry. value: object The value of the entry. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_entry(self, key) -> None: """ Abstract method to remove an entry from the collection. Parameters ---------- key: Hashable The key of the entry to be removed. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_entry(self, key) -> object: """ Abstract method to get an entry from the collection. Parameters ---------- key: Hashable The key of the entry to retrieve. Returns ------- object The entry associated with the provided key. """ pass
[docs] def keylist(self, name_or_pattern: str = None) -> list[str]: """Find model / obs names that match input search pattern(s) Parameters ---------- name_or_pattern : str, optional Name or pattern specifying search string. Returns ------- list list of keys in collection that match input requirements. If `name_or_pattern` is None, all keys will be returned. Raises ------ KeyError if no matches can be found """ if name_or_pattern is None: name_or_pattern = "*" matches = [] for key in self._entries.keys(): if fnmatch(key, name_or_pattern) and key not in matches: matches.append(key) if len(matches) == 0: raise KeyError(f"No matches could be found that match input {name_or_pattern}") return matches
@property def web_interface_names(self) -> list: """ List of web interface names for each obs entry Returns ------- list """ return self.keylist()
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """ Convert object to serializable dict Returns ------- dict content of class """ output = {} for key, val in self._entries.items(): if hasattr(val, "json_repr"): val = val.json_repr() output[key] = val return output
[docs] class ObsCollection(BaseCollection): """ Object that represents a collection of obs entries "Keys" are obs names, values are instances of :class:`ObsEntry`. Values can also be assigned as dict and will automatically be converted into instances of :class:`ObsEntry`. Note ---- Entries must not necessarily be only observations but may also be models. Entries provided in this collection refer to the y-axis in the AeroVal heatmap display and must fulfill the protocol defined by :class:`ObsEntry`. """
[docs] def add_entry(self, key: str, entry: dict | ObsEntry): if isinstance(entry, dict): entry = ObsEntry(**entry) self._entries[key] = entry self._entries[key].obs_name = self.get_web_interface_name(key)
[docs] def remove_entry(self, key: str): if key in self._entries: del self._entries[key]
[docs] def get_entry(self, key: str) -> ObsEntry: """ Getter for obs entries Raises ------ KeyError if input name is not in this collection """ try: entry = self._entries[key] return entry except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise EntryNotAvailable(f"no such entry {key}")
[docs] def get_all_vars(self) -> list[str]: """ Get unique list of all obs variables from all entries Returns ------- list list of variables specified in obs collection """ vars = [] for ocfg in self._entries.values(): vars.extend(ocfg.get_all_vars()) return sorted(list(set(vars)))
[docs] def get_web_interface_name(self, key: str) -> str: """ Get webinterface name for entry Note ---- Normally this is the key of the obsentry in :attr:`obs_config`, however, it might be specified explicitly via key `web_interface_name` in the corresponding value. Parameters ---------- key : str key of entry. Returns ------- str corresponding name """ entry = self._entries.get(key) return ( entry.web_interface_name if entry is not None and entry.web_interface_name is not None else key )
@property def web_interface_names(self) -> list: """ List of web interface names for each obs entry Returns ------- list """ return [self.get_web_interface_name(key) for key in self.keylist()] @property def all_vert_types(self): """List of unique vertical types specified in this collection""" return list({x.obs_vert_type for x in self._entries.values()})
[docs] class ModelCollection(BaseCollection): """ Object that represents a collection of model entries "Keys" are model names, values are instances of :class:`ModelEntry`. Values can also be assigned as dict and will automatically be converted into instances of :class:`ModelEntry`. Note ---- Entries must not necessarily be only models but may also be observations. Entries provided in this collection refer to the x-axis in the AeroVal heatmap display and must fulfill the protocol defined by :class:`ModelEntry`. """
[docs] def add_entry(self, key: str, entry: dict | ModelEntry): if isinstance(entry, dict): entry = ModelEntry(**entry) entry.model_name = key self._entries[key] = entry
[docs] def remove_entry(self, key: str): if key in self._entries: del self._entries[key]
[docs] def get_entry(self, key: str) -> ModelEntry: """ Get model entry configuration Parameters ---------- model_name : str name of model Returns ------- dict Dictionary that specifies the model setup ready for the analysis """ if key in self._entries: return self._entries[key] else: raise EntryNotAvailable(f"no such entry {key}")