Source code for pyaerocom.aeroval.experiment_processor

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import glob
import logging

from pyaerocom.aeroval._processing_base import HasColocator, ProcessingEngine
from pyaerocom.aeroval.coldatatojson_engine import ColdataToJsonEngine
from pyaerocom.aeroval.helpers import delete_dummy_model, make_dummy_model
from pyaerocom.aeroval.modelmaps_engine import ModelMapsEngine
from pyaerocom.aeroval.superobs_engine import SuperObsEngine
from pyaerocom.aeroval.bulkfraction_engine import BulkFractionEngine

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ExperimentProcessor(ProcessingEngine, HasColocator): """Processing engine for AeroVal experiment By default, this class processes one configuration file, represented by :class:`EvalSetup`. As such, an instance of :class:`EvalSetup` represents an AeroVal experiment, comprising a list of models, a list of observations (and variables). For each possible (or defined) model / obs / variable combination, the processing engine will perform spatial and temporal co-location and will store on co-located NetCDF file (e.g. if there are 2 models, 2 observation networks and 2 variables there will be 4 co-located NetCDF files). The co-location is done using :class:`pyaerocom.Colocator`. """ def _run_single_entry(self, model_name, obs_name, var_list): if model_name == obs_name: msg = f"Cannot run same dataset against each other ({model_name} vs. {obs_name})" return ocfg = self.cfg.get_obs_entry(obs_name) if ocfg.is_superobs: try: engine = SuperObsEngine(self.cfg) model_name=model_name, obs_name=obs_name, var_list=var_list, try_colocate_if_missing=True, ) except Exception: if self.raise_exceptions: raise logger.warning("failed to process superobs...") elif ocfg.only_superobs: f"Skipping json processing of {obs_name}, as this is " f"marked to be used only as part of a superobs " f"network" ) elif ocfg.only_json: if not ocfg.coldata_dir: raise Exception( "No coldata_dir provided for an obs network for which only_json=True. The assumption of setting only_json=True is that colocated files already exist, and so a directory for these files must be provided." ) else: preprocessed_coldata_dir = ocfg.coldata_dir mask = f"{preprocessed_coldata_dir}/{model_name}/*.nc" files_to_convert = glob.glob(mask) engine = ColdataToJsonEngine(self.cfg) elif ocfg.is_bulk: engine = BulkFractionEngine(self.cfg), model_name, obs_name) else: # If a var_list is given, only run on the obs networks which contain that variable if var_list: var_list_asked = var_list obs_vars = ocfg.obs_vars var_list = list(set(obs_vars) & set(var_list)) if not var_list: logger.warning( "var_list %s and obs_vars %s mismatch.", var_list_asked, obs_vars, ) return col = self.get_colocator(model_name, obs_name) if self.cfg.processing_opts.only_json: files_to_convert = col.get_available_coldata_files(var_list) else: files_to_convert = col.files_written if self.cfg.processing_opts.only_colocation: f"FLAG ACTIVE: only_colocation: Skipping " f"computation of json files for {obs_name} /" f"{model_name} combination." ) else: engine = ColdataToJsonEngine(self.cfg)
[docs] def run(self, model_name=None, obs_name=None, var_list=None, update_interface=True): """Create colocated data and json files for model / obs combination Parameters ---------- model_name : str or list, optional Name or pattern specifying model that is supposed to be analysed. Can also be a list of names or patterns to specify multiple models. If None (default), then all models are run that are part of this experiment. obs_name : :obj:`str`, or :obj:`list`, optional Like :attr:`model_name`, but for specification(s) of observations that are supposed to be used. If None (default) all observations are used. var_list : list, optional list variables supposed to be analysed. If None, then all variables available are used. Defaults to None. Can also be `str` type. Must match at least some of the variables provided by a observation network. update_interface : bool if true, relevant json files that determine what is displayed online are updated after the run, including the the menu.json file and also, the model info table (minfo.json) file is created and saved in :attr:`exp_dir`. Returns ------- list list containing all colocated data objects that have been converted to json files. """ if isinstance(var_list, str): var_list = [var_list] self.cfg._check_time_config() obs_list = self.cfg.obs_cfg.keylist(obs_name) model_list = self.cfg.model_cfg.keylist(model_name) if not model_list:"No model found, will make dummy model data") self.cfg.webdisp_opts.hide_charts = ("scatterplot",) self.cfg.webdisp_opts.pages = ("evaluation", "infos") model_id = make_dummy_model(obs_list, self.cfg) model_list.append("dummy") # Adds the dummy model to model list after adding it to cfg self.cfg.processing_opts.obs_only = True use_dummy_model = True else: model_id = None use_dummy_model = False"Start processing") # compute model maps (completely independent of obs-eval processing below) if self.cfg.webdisp_opts.add_model_maps: engine = ModelMapsEngine(self.cfg) if isinstance( self.cfg.modelmaps_opts.plot_types, dict ): # There may be additional obs networks to compute "model" maps for model_list = list(set(model_list) and set(self.cfg.modelmaps_opts.plot_types)), var_list=var_list) if not self.cfg.processing_opts.only_model_maps: for obs_name in obs_list: for model_name in model_list: self._run_single_entry(model_name, obs_name, var_list) if update_interface: self.update_interface() if use_dummy_model: delete_dummy_model(model_id)"Finished processing.")
[docs] def update_interface(self): """Update aeroval interface Things done here: - Update menu file - Make aeroval info table json (tab informations in interface) - update and order heatmap file """ self.exp_output.update_interface()