import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom.aeroval.modelentry import ModelEntry
from pyaerocom.griddeddata import GriddedData
from pyaerocom.helpers import (
from pyaerocom.variable import Variable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _check_statistics_periods(periods: list) -> list:
Check input list of period strings is valid
periods : list
list containing period strings to be checked.
if input is not a list or any of the provided periods in that list is
not a string or invalid.
list of periods
checked = []
if not isinstance(periods, list):
raise ValueError("statistics_periods needs to be a list")
for per in periods:
if not isinstance(per, str):
raise ValueError("All periods need to be strings")
spl = [x.strip() for x in per.split("-")]
# periods can be also dates or date ranges since cams2_83
if len(spl) == 2:
if len(spl[0]) != len(spl[1]):
raise ValueError(f"{spl[0]} not on the same format as {spl[1]}")
if len(spl) > 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for period ({per}), can be either single "
f"years/dates or range of years/dates (e.g. 2000-2010)."
years = True if len(spl[0]) == 4 else False
if years:
_per = "-".join([str(int(val)) for val in spl])
# slash in the period string here is required by the aeroval web server logic
_per = "-".join([to_pandas_timestamp(val).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") for val in spl])
return checked
def _period_str_to_timeslice(period: str) -> slice:
Convert input period to a time slice
period : str
period, e.g. "2000-2010"
if input period is invalid
slice containing start and end strings.
spl = period.split("-")
if len(spl) == 1:
return slice(spl[0], spl[0])
elif len(spl) == 2:
return slice(*spl)
raise ValueError(period)
def _get_min_max_year_periods(statistics_periods):
"""Get lowest and highest available year from all periods
statistics_periods : list
list of periods for experiment
start year
stop year (may be the same as start year, e.g. if periods suggest
single year analysis).
startyr, stopyr = start_stop("2100", "1900")
for per in statistics_periods:
sl = _period_str_to_timeslice(per)
perstart, perstop = start_stop(sl.start, sl.stop)
if perstart < startyr:
startyr = perstart
if perstop > stopyr:
stopyr = perstop
return startyr, stopyr
def check_if_year(periods: list[str]) -> bool:
Checks if the periods in the periods list are years or dates
years = []
for per in periods:
spl = [x.strip() for x in per.split("-")]
if len(spl) == 2:
if len(spl[0]) != len(spl[1]):
raise ValueError(f"{spl[0]} not on the same format as {spl[1]}")
if len(spl) > 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for period ({per}), can be either single "
f"years/dates or range of years/dates (e.g. 2000-2010)."
years.append(True if len(spl[0]) == 4 else False)
if len(set(years)) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Found mix of years and dates in {periods}")
return list(set(years))[0]
def make_dummy_model(obs_list: list, cfg) -> str:
# Sets up variable for the model register
tmpdir = const.LOCAL_TMP_DIR
model_id = "dummy_model"
outdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{model_id}/renamed")
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
# Finds dates and freq to use, so that all observations are covered
(start, stop) = get_max_period_range(cfg.time_cfg.periods)
freq = get_highest_resolution(*cfg.time_cfg.freqs)
tmp_var_obj = Variable()
# Loops over variables in obs
for obs in obs_list:
for var in cfg.obs_cfg.get_entry(obs).obs_vars:
# Create dummy cube
dummy_cube = make_dummy_cube(var, start_yr=start, stop_yr=stop, freq=freq)
# Converts cube to GriddedData
dummy_grid = GriddedData(dummy_cube)
# Set the value to be the mean of acceptable values to prevent incorrect outlier removal
# This needs some care though because the defaults are (currently) -inf and inf, which leads to erroneous removal
if not (
dummy_grid.var_info.minimum == tmp_var_obj.VMIN_DEFAULT
or dummy_grid.var_info.maximum == tmp_var_obj.VMAX_DEFAULT
): *= (dummy_grid.var_info.minimum + dummy_grid.var_info.maximum) / 2
# Loop over each year
yr_gen = dummy_grid.split_years()
for dummy_grid_yr in yr_gen:
# Add to netcdf
yr = dummy_grid_yr.years_avail()[0]
vert_code = cfg.obs_cfg.get_entry(obs).obs_vert_type
save_name = dummy_grid_yr.aerocom_savename(model_id, var, vert_code, yr, freq)
dummy_grid_yr.to_netcdf(outdir, savename=save_name)
# Add dummy model to cfg
cfg.model_cfg.add_entry("dummy", ModelEntry(model_id="dummy_model"))
return model_id
def delete_dummy_model(model_id: str) -> None:
tmpdir = const.LOCAL_TMP_DIR
renamed = Path(tmpdir) / f"{model_id}/renamed"
for path in renamed.glob("*.nc"):
print(f"Deleting dummy model {path}")
class BoundingBox(BaseModel):
west: float
east: float
south: float
north: float