Source code for pyaerocom.combine_vardata_ungridded

import numpy as np

from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import invalid_input_err_str
from pyaerocom.colocation import _colocate_site_data_helper
from pyaerocom.geodesy import find_coord_indices_within_distance
from pyaerocom.helpers import sort_ts_types
from pyaerocom.obs_io import ObsVarCombi
from pyaerocom.stationdata import StationData

def _check_input_data_ids_and_vars(data_ids_and_vars):
    if not isinstance(data_ids_and_vars, (list, tuple)):
        raise ValueError("Input data_ids_and_vars must be tuple or list")
    elif len(data_ids_and_vars) != 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Currently, only (and exactly) 2 datasets can be combined...")
    for item in data_ids_and_vars:
        if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValueError("Each entry in data_ids_and_vars must be tuple or list")
        elif len(item) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Each entry in data_ids_and_vars needs to contain exactly 3 items.")
        if not isinstance(item[1], str) or not isinstance(item[2], str):
            raise ValueError("2nd and 3rd entries (data_id, var_name) in item need to be str")

def _map_same_stations(stats_short, stats_long, match_stats_how, match_stats_tol_km):
    long_coords = list(zip(stats_long["latitude"], stats_long["longitude"]))

    # index matches and corresponding station name matches
    _index_short = []
    _index_long = []
    _statnames_short = []
    _statnames_long = []

    long_sitenames = np.asarray(stats_long["station_name"])

    for i, stat in enumerate(stats_short["stats"]):
        statname = stat.station_name
        lat0, lon0 = stats_short["latitude"][i], stats_short["longitude"][i]

        if match_stats_how == "station_name":
            # np.where returns tuple, first index contains array with index
            # matches
            index_matches = np.where(long_sitenames == statname)[0]
            index_matches = find_coord_indices_within_distance(
                latref=lat0, lonref=lon0, latlons=long_coords, radius=match_stats_tol_km

        # init which default index to use
        use_index = 0
        if len(index_matches) == 0:
        elif len(index_matches) > 1:
            if match_stats_how == "station_name":
                raise Exception(
                    "Unexpected error: each station_name should "
                    "only occur once... (perhaps due to unforeseen "
                    "API change sometime in the future)"
                # more than one site was found in the surroundings of the
                # current coordinate. Check and prefer same site name if
                # possible, else, use closest
                for j, idx_match in enumerate(index_matches):
                    if statname == stats_long["station_name"][idx_match]:
                        use_index = j

        idx_long = index_matches[use_index]

        # make sure to colocate each site only once
        if idx_long in _index_long:
            statname_long = stats_long["station_name"][idx_long]
            if statname == statname_long:
                # rare case: the index match in long has already been assigned
                # to another site in short which does not occur in long
                # (e.g. AAOT site and Venise site in AERONET). In this case
                # we want to use the one that matches the site name, so we
                # have to remove the already registered index from the record
                rm_idx = _statnames_long.index(statname_long)


    return (_index_short, _index_long, _statnames_short, _statnames_long)

def _combine_2_sites(
    """Combine two StationData objects for a given merge strategy

    Private for now...  details should follow. Until then see
    :func:`combine_vardata_ungridded` for details on input args

        merged StationData instance
    # unit of first variable
    var_unit_in = stat.get_unit(var)

    # check if output unit is defined explicitly and if not, use unit of
    # variable 1
    if var_unit_out is None:
        var_unit_out = var_unit_in
    # make sure both input data objects are in the correct unit (which is
    # var_unit_out)
    elif not var_unit_in == var_unit_out:
        stat.convert_unit(var, var_unit_out)

    if not stat_other.get_unit(var_other) == var_unit_out:
        stat_other.convert_unit(var_other, var_unit_out)

    new = StationData()
    # add default metadata to new data object
    meta_first = stat.get_meta(
        force_single_value=False, quality_check=False, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys

        check_coords=False,  # has already been done

    tstype = stat.get_var_ts_type(var)
    tstype_other = stat_other.get_var_ts_type(var_other)

    to_ts_type = sort_ts_types([tstype, tstype_other])[-1]

    df = _colocate_site_data_helper(

    # remove timestamps where both observations are NaN
    df.dropna(axis=0, how="all", inplace=True)

    # NOTE: the dataframe returned by _colocate_site_data_helper has ref as first
    # column and the first input data as 2nd!
    obsvar_id = str(ObsVarCombi(stat.data_id, var))
    obsvar_id_other = str(ObsVarCombi(stat_other.data_id, var_other))

    stat_order = [stat_other, stat]
    col_order = [obsvar_id_other, obsvar_id]
    col_vars = [var_other, var]
    col_names = list(df.columns.values)

    # In case input variables are different, keep both of them in the
    # output colocated StationData, in addition to potentially computed
    # additional variables below. This is equivalent with using
    # merge_how='combine' and var1 != var2
    if var != var_other:
        for j, colname in enumerate(col_names):
            _var = col_vars[j]
            _stat = stat_order[j]
            ts = df[colname]
            new[_var] = ts
            vi = _stat["var_info"][_var]
            vi["ts_type"] = to_ts_type
            new["var_info"][_var] = vi

    add_ts = None
    # Merge timeseries if variables are the same and are supposed to be
    # combined
    if merge_how == "combine" and var == var_other:
        prefer_col = col_names[col_order.index(prefer)]
        dont_prefer = col_names[int(not (col_names.index(prefer_col)))]
        add_ts = df[prefer_col].combine_first(df[dont_prefer])

        if var_name_out is None:
            var_name_out = var

    elif merge_how == "mean":
        if var != var_other:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Averaging of site data is only supported if input variables are the same..."
        # if it made it until here, then both sites have same variables and
        # units
        if var_name_out is None:
            var_name_out = var

        add_ts = df.mean(axis=1)

    elif merge_how == "eval":
        func = merge_eval_fun.replace(col_order[0], col_names[0])
        func = func.replace(col_order[1], col_names[1])
        if "=" in merge_eval_fun:
            # make sure variable name is not in merge_eval_fun anymore, otherwise
            # the eval method will return a DataFrame instead of a Series
            func = func.split("=")[-1].strip()
        add_ts = df.eval(func)

        if var_name_out is None:
            var_name_out = merge_eval_fun
            var_name_out = var_name_out.replace(f"{stat.data_id};", "")
            var_name_out = var_name_out.replace(f"{stat_other.data_id};", "")

    if add_ts is not None:
        var_info = {"ts_type": to_ts_type, "units": var_unit_out}


        new["var_info"][var_name_out] = var_info
        new[var_name_out] = add_ts

    if isinstance(data_id_out, str):
        new["data_id"] = data_id_out

    return new

[docs] def combine_vardata_ungridded( data_ids_and_vars, match_stats_how="closest", match_stats_tol_km=1, merge_how="combine", merge_eval_fun=None, var_name_out=None, data_id_out=None, var_unit_out=None, resample_how=None, min_num_obs=None, add_meta_keys=None, ): """ Combine and colocate different variables from UngriddedData This method allows to combine different variable timeseries from different ungridded observation records in multiple ways. The source data may be all included in a single instance of `UngriddedData` or in multiple, for details see first input parameter :param:`data_ids_and_vars`. Merging can be done in flexible ways, e.g. by combining measurements of the same variable from 2 different datasets or by computing new variables based on 2 measured variables (e.g. concox=concno2+conco3). Doing this requires colocation of site locations and timestamps of both input observation records, which is done in this method. It comprises 2 major steps: 1. Compute list of :class:`StationData` objects for both input \ data combinations (data_id1 & var1; data_id2 & var2) and based \ on these, find the coincident locations. Finding coincident \ sites can either be done based on site location name or based on their lat/lon locations. The method to use can be specified via input arg :param:`match_stats_how`. 2. For all coincident locations, a new instance of :class:`StationData` \ is computed that has merged the 2 timeseries in the way that can be specified through input args :param:`merge_how` and :param:`merge_eval_fun`. If the 2 original timeseries from both sites come in different temporal resolutions, they will be resampled to the lower of both resolutions. Resampling constraints that are supposed to be applied in that case can be provided via the respective input args for temporal resampling. Default is pyaerocom default, which corresponds to ~25% coverage constraint (as of 22.10.2020) for major resolution steps, such as daily->monthly. Note ---- Currently, only 2 variables can be combined to a new one (e.g. concox=conco3+concno2). Note ---- Be aware of unit conversion issues that may arise if your input data is not in AeroCom default units. For details see below. Parameters ---------- data_ids_and_vars : list list of 3 element tuples, each containing, in the following order 1. instance of :class:`UngriddedData`; 2. dataset ID (remember that UngriddedData can contain more than one dataset); and 3. variable name. Note that currently only 2 of such tuples can be combined. match_stats_how : str, optional String specifying how site locations are supposed to be matched. The default is 'closest'. Supported are 'closest' and 'station_name'. match_stats_tol_km : float, optional radius tolerance in km for matching site locations when using 'closest' for site location matching. The default is 1. merge_how : str, optional String specifying how to merge variable data at site locations. The default is 'combine'. If both input variables are the same and `combine` is used, then the first input variable will be preferred over the other. Supported are 'combine', 'mean' and 'eval', for the latter, `merge_eval_fun` needs to be specified explicitly. merge_eval_fun : str, optional String specifying how `var1` and `var2` data should be evaluated (only relevant if `merge_how='eval'` is used) . The default is None. E.g. if one wants to retrieve the column aerosol fine mode fraction at 550nm (fmf550aer) through AERONET, this could be done through the SDA product by prodiding data_id1 and var1 are 'AeronetSDA' and 'od550aer' and second input data_id2 and var2 are 'AeronetSDA' and 'od550lt1aer' and merge_eval_fun could then be 'fmf550aer=(AeronetSDA;od550lt1aer/AeronetSDA;od550aer)*100'. Note that the input variables will be converted to their AeroCom default units, so the specification of `merge_eval_fun` should take that into account in case the originally read obsdata is not in default units. var_name_out : str, optional Name of output variable. Default is None, in which case it is attempted to be inferred. data_id_out : str, optional `data_id` set in output `StationData` objects. Default is None, in which case it is inferred from input data_ids (e.g. in above example of merge_eval_fun, the output data_id would be 'AeronetSDA' since both input IDs are the same. var_unit_out : str unit of output variable. resample_how : str, optional String specifying how temporal resampling should be done. The default is 'mean'. min_num_obs : int or dict, optional Minimum number of observations for temporal resampling. The default is None in which case pyaerocom default is used, which is available via pyaerocom.const.OBS_MIN_NUM_RESAMPLE. add_meta_keys : list, optional additional metadata keys to be added to output `StationData` objects from input data. If None, then only the pyaerocom default keys are added (see `StationData.STANDARD_META_KEYS`). Raises ------ ValueError If input for `merge_how` or `match_stats_how` is invalid. NotImplementedError If one of the input UngriddedData objects contains more than one dataset. Returns ------- merged_stats : list list of `StationData` objects containing the colocated and combined variable data. """ if add_meta_keys is None: add_meta_keys = [] _check_input_data_ids_and_vars(data_ids_and_vars) data1, data_id1, var1 = data_ids_and_vars[0] data2, data_id2, var2 = data_ids_and_vars[1] if data2 is data1 and var2 == var1 and data_id1 == data_id2: raise ValueError("nothing to combine...") if not data_id1 in data1.contains_datasets: raise ValueError(f"No such data ID {data_id1} in {data1}") elif len(data1.contains_datasets) > 1: data1 = data1.extract_dataset(data_id1) if not data_id2 in data2.contains_datasets: raise ValueError(f"No such data ID {data_id2} in {data2}") elif len(data2.contains_datasets) > 1: data2 = data2.extract_dataset(data_id2) id1 = str(ObsVarCombi(data_id1, var1)) id2 = str(ObsVarCombi(data_id2, var2)) data1_stats = data1.to_station_data_all(var1, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys) data1_stats["var_name"] = var1 data1_stats["id"] = id1 data2_stats = data2.to_station_data_all(var2, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys) data2_stats["var_name"] = var2 data2_stats["id"] = id2 if len(data1_stats["latitude"]) <= len(data2_stats["latitude"]): # short = data1_stats long = data2_stats else: short = data2_stats long = data1_stats match_stats_opts = ["station_name", "closest"] if not match_stats_how in match_stats_opts: raise ValueError( f"Invalid input for match_stats_how {match_stats_how}, choose from {match_stats_opts}" ) merge_how_opts = ["combine", "mean", "eval"] # if e.g. merge_how is combine and var==var2, then the preferred # dataset & variable can be provided via this instance prefer = id1 if not merge_how in merge_how_opts: raise ValueError(invalid_input_err_str("merge_how", merge_how, merge_how_opts)) elif merge_how == "eval": if merge_eval_fun is None: raise ValueError("Please specify evaluation function for mode eval") elif not all([x in merge_eval_fun for x in [id1, id2]]): raise ValueError( f"merge_eval_fun needs to include both input " f"datasets;variables (e.g. {id1} + {id2}" ) if "=" in merge_eval_fun: spl = merge_eval_fun.split("=") if len(spl) > 2: raise ValueError("merge_eval_fun contains more than 1 equality symbol...") var_name_out = spl[0].strip() merge_eval_fun = spl[1].strip() elif var_name_out is None: var_name_out = merge_eval_fun var_name_out = var_name_out.replace(f"{data_id1};", "") var_name_out = var_name_out.replace(f"{data_id2};", "") merge_info_vars = {"merge_how": merge_how} if merge_how == "combine" and var1 == var2: merge_info_vars["prefer"] = prefer elif merge_how == "eval": merge_info_vars["merge_eval_fun"] = merge_eval_fun (_index_short, _index_long, _statnames_short, _statnames_long) = _map_same_stations( short, long, match_stats_how, match_stats_tol_km ) merged_stats = [] var_short, var_long = short["var_name"], long["var_name"] for idx_short, idx_long in zip(_index_short, _index_long): stat_short = short["stats"][idx_short] stat_short.check_var_unit_aerocom(var_short) stat_long = long["stats"][idx_long] stat_long.check_var_unit_aerocom(var_long) # prepare output StationData object (will contain colocated timeseries # of both input variables as well as, additionally retrieved variable, # if applicable) new = _combine_2_sites( stat_short, var_short, stat_long, var_long, merge_how, merge_eval_fun, match_stats_tol_km, var_name_out, data_id_out, var_unit_out, resample_how, min_num_obs, prefer, merge_info_vars, add_meta_keys, ) merged_stats.append(new) return merged_stats