Source code for

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom.aux_var_helpers import calc_od550aer, calc_od550gt1aer, calc_od550lt1aer
from import ReadAeronetBase
from pyaerocom.stationdata import StationData

[docs] class ReadAeronetSdaV3(ReadAeronetBase): """Interface for reading Aeronet Sun SDA V3 Level 1.5 and 2.0 data .. seealso:: Base classes :class:`ReadAeronetBase` and :class:`ReadUngriddedBase` """ #: Mask for identifying datafiles _FILEMASK = "*.lev30" #: version log of this class (for caching) __version__ = "0.08_" + ReadAeronetBase.__baseversion__ #: Name of dataset (OBS_ID) DATA_ID = const.AERONET_SUN_V3L2_SDA_DAILY_NAME #: List of all datasets supported by this interface SUPPORTED_DATASETS = [ const.AERONET_SUN_V3L15_SDA_DAILY_NAME, const.AERONET_SUN_V3L2_SDA_DAILY_NAME, ] #: dictionary assigning temporal resolution flags for supported datasets #: that are provided in a defined temporal resolution TS_TYPES = { const.AERONET_SUN_V3L15_SDA_DAILY_NAME: "daily", const.AERONET_SUN_V3L2_SDA_DAILY_NAME: "daily", } #: default variables for read method DEFAULT_VARS = ["od550aer", "od550gt1aer", "od550lt1aer", "od550dust"] #: value corresponding to invalid measurement NAN_VAL = -999.0 #: dictionary specifying the file column names (values) for each Aerocom #: variable (keys) VAR_NAMES_FILE = {} VAR_NAMES_FILE["od500gt1aer"] = "Coarse_Mode_AOD_500nm[tau_c]" VAR_NAMES_FILE["od500lt1aer"] = "Fine_Mode_AOD_500nm[tau_f]" VAR_NAMES_FILE["od500aer"] = "Total_AOD_500nm[tau_a]" VAR_NAMES_FILE["ang4487aer"] = "Angstrom_Exponent(AE)-Total_500nm[alpha]" VAR_NAMES_FILE["od500dust"] = "Coarse_Mode_AOD_500nm[tau_c]" #: dictionary specifying the file column names (values) for each #: metadata key (cf. attributes of :class:`StationData`, e.g. #: 'station_name', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'altitude') META_NAMES_FILE = {} META_NAMES_FILE["data_quality_level"] = "Data_Quality_Level" META_NAMES_FILE["instrument_number"] = "AERONET_Instrument_Number" META_NAMES_FILE["station_name"] = "AERONET_Site" META_NAMES_FILE["latitude"] = "Site_Latitude(Degrees)" META_NAMES_FILE["longitude"] = "Site_Longitude(Degrees)" META_NAMES_FILE["altitude"] = "Site_Elevation(m)" META_NAMES_FILE["date"] = "Date_(dd:mm:yyyy)" META_NAMES_FILE["time"] = "Time_(hh:mm:ss)" META_NAMES_FILE["day_of_year"] = "Day_of_Year" #: dictionary containing information about additionally required variables #: for each auxiliary variable (i.e. each variable that is not provided #: by the original data but computed on import) AUX_REQUIRES = { "od550aer": ["od500aer", "ang4487aer"], "od550gt1aer": ["od500gt1aer", "ang4487aer"], "od550dust": ["od500gt1aer", "ang4487aer"], "od550lt1aer": ["od500lt1aer", "ang4487aer"], } #: Functions that are used to compute additional variables (i.e. one #: for each variable defined in AUX_REQUIRES) AUX_FUNS = { "od550aer": calc_od550aer, "od550gt1aer": calc_od550gt1aer, "od550dust": calc_od550gt1aer, "od550lt1aer": calc_od550lt1aer, } #: List of variables that are provided by this dataset (will be extended #: by auxiliary variables on class init, for details see __init__ method of #: base class ReadUngriddedBase) PROVIDES_VARIABLES = list(VAR_NAMES_FILE)
[docs] def read_file(self, filename, vars_to_retrieve=None, vars_as_series=False): """Read Aeronet SDA V3 file and return it in a dictionary Parameters ---------- filename : str absolute path to filename to read vars_to_retrieve : :obj:`list`, optional list of str with variable names to read. If None, use :attr:`DEFAULT_VARS` vars_as_series : bool if True, the data columns of all variables in the result dictionary are converted into pandas Series objects Returns ------- StationData dict-like object containing results """ if vars_to_retrieve is None: vars_to_retrieve = self.DEFAULT_VARS # implemented in base class vars_to_read, vars_to_compute = self.check_vars_to_retrieve(vars_to_retrieve) # create empty data object (is dictionary with extended functionality) data_out = StationData() data_out.data_id = self.data_id # create empty arrays for meta information for item in self.META_NAMES_FILE: data_out[item] = [] # create empty arrays for all variables that are supposed to be read # from file for var in vars_to_read: data_out[var] = [] # Iterate over the lines of the file"Reading file {filename}") with open(filename) as in_file: # skip first 4 lines in_file.readline() in_file.readline() in_file.readline() in_file.readline() # PI line dummy_arr = in_file.readline().strip().split(";") data_out["PI"] = dummy_arr[0].split("=")[1] data_out["PI_email"] = dummy_arr[1].split("=")[1] data_out["ts_type"] = self.TS_TYPE # skip this line in_file.readline() # put together a dict with the header string as key and the index number as value so that we can access # the index number via the header string col_index_str = in_file.readline() if col_index_str != self._last_col_index_str:"Header has changed, reloading col_index map") self._update_col_index(col_index_str) col_index = self.col_index # dependent on the station, some of the required input variables # may not be provided in the data file. These will be ignored # in the following list that iterates over all data rows and will # be filled below, with vectors containing NaNs after the file # reading loop vars_available = {} for var in vars_to_read: if var in col_index: vars_available[var] = col_index[var] else: self.logger.warning( f"Variable {var} not available in file {os.path.basename(filename)}" ) for line in in_file: # process line dummy_arr = line.split(self.COL_DELIM) # copy the meta data (array of type string) for var in self.META_NAMES_FILE: val = dummy_arr[col_index[var]] try: # e.g. lon, lat, altitude val = float(val) except Exception: pass data_out[var].append(val) # This uses the numpy datestring64 functions that e.g. also support Months as a time step for timedelta # Build a proper ISO 8601 UTC date string day, month, year = dummy_arr[col_index["date"]].split(":") datestring = "-".join([year, month, day]) datestring = "T".join([datestring, dummy_arr[col_index["time"]]]) # NOTE JGLISS: parsing timezone offset was removed on 22/2/19 # since it is deprecated in recent numpy versions, for details # see # datestring = '+'.join([datestring, '00:00']) data_out["dtime"].append(np.datetime64(datestring)) # copy the data fields for var, idx in vars_available.items(): val = np.float_(dummy_arr[idx]) if val == self.NAN_VAL: val = np.nan data_out[var].append(val) # convert all lists to numpy arrays data_out["dtime"] = np.asarray(data_out["dtime"]) for item in self.META_NAMES_FILE: data_out[item] = np.asarray(data_out[item]) for var in vars_to_read: if var in vars_available: array = np.asarray(data_out[var]) else: array = np.zeros(len(data_out["dtime"])) * np.nan data_out[var] = array # compute additional variables (if applicable) data_out = self.compute_additional_vars(data_out, vars_to_compute) # convert data vectors to pandas.Series (if applicable) if vars_as_series: for var in vars_to_read + vars_to_compute: if var in vars_to_retrieve: data_out[var] = pd.Series(data_out[var], index=data_out["dtime"]) else: del data_out[var] return data_out