Source code for pyaerocom.stationdata

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import BrowseDict, dict_to_str, list_to_shortstr, merge_dicts
from pyaerocom.exceptions import (
from pyaerocom.helpers import calc_climatology, isnumeric, isrange, to_datetime64
from pyaerocom.metastandards import STANDARD_META_KEYS, StationMetaData
from pyaerocom.time_resampler import TimeResampler
from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType
from pyaerocom.units_helpers import convert_unit, get_unit_conversion_fac

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class StationData(StationMetaData): """Dict-like base class for single station data ToDo: write more detailed introduction Note ---- Variable data (e.g. numpy array or pandas Series) can be directly assigned to the object. When assigning variable data it is recommended to add variable metadata (e.g. unit, ts_type) in :attr:`var_info`, where key is variable name and value is dict with metadata entries. Attributes ---------- dtime : list list / array containing time index values var_info : dict dictionary containing information about each variable data_err : dict dictionary that may be used to store uncertainty timeseries or data arrays associated with the different variable data. overlap : dict dictionary that may be filled to store overlapping timeseries data associated with one variable. This is, for instance, used in :func:`merge_vardata` to store overlapping data from another station. """ #: List of keys that specify standard metadata attribute names. This #: is used e.g. in :func:`get_meta` STANDARD_COORD_KEYS = const.STANDARD_COORD_NAMES #: maximum numerical distance between coordinates associated with this #: station # _COORD_MAX_VAR = 0.1 #km _COORD_MAX_VAR = 5.0 # km STANDARD_META_KEYS = STANDARD_META_KEYS VALID_TS_TYPES = const.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES #: Keys that are ignored when accessing metadata PROTECTED_KEYS = [ "dtime", "var_info", "station_coords", "data_err", "overlap", "numobs", "data_flagged", ] def __init__(self, **meta_info): self.dtime = [] self.var_info = BrowseDict() self.station_coords = dict.fromkeys(self.STANDARD_COORD_KEYS) self.data_err = BrowseDict() self.overlap = BrowseDict() self.numobs = BrowseDict() self.data_flagged = BrowseDict() super().__init__(**meta_info) @property def default_vert_grid(self): """AeroCom default grid for vertical regridding For details, see :attr:`DEFAULT_VERT_GRID_DEF` in :class:`Config` Returns ------- ndarray numpy array specifying default coordinates """ return const.make_default_vert_grid() @property def vars_available(self): """Number of variables available in this data object""" return list(self.var_info)
[docs] def has_var(self, var_name): """Checks if input variable is available in data object Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable Returns ------- bool True, if variable data is available, else False """ if not var_name in self: return False if not var_name in self.var_info: logger.warning( f"Variable {var_name} exists in data but has no " f"metadata assigned in :attr:`var_info`" ) return True
[docs] def get_unit(self, var_name): """Get unit of variable data Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable Returns ------- str unit of variable Raises ------ MetaDataError if unit cannot be accessed for variable """ if not var_name in self.var_info: raise MetaDataError(f"Could not access variable metadata dict for {var_name}.") try: return str(self.var_info[var_name]["units"]) except KeyError: add_str = "" if "unit" in self.var_info[var_name]: add_str = ( "Corresponding var_info dict contains " 'attr. "unit", which is deprecated, please ' "check corresponding reading routine. " ) raise MetaDataError( f"Failed to access units attribute for variable {var_name}. {add_str}" )
@property def units(self): """Dictionary containing units of all variables in this object""" ud = {} for var in self.var_info: ud[var] = self.get_unit(var) return ud
[docs] def check_var_unit_aerocom(self, var_name): """Check if unit of input variable is AeroCom default, if not, convert Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable Raises ------ MetaDataError if unit information is not accessible for input variable name UnitConversionError if current unit cannot be converted into specified unit (e.g. 1 vs m-1) DataUnitError if current unit is not equal to AeroCom default and cannot be converted. """ to_unit = const.VARS[var_name].units try: self.check_unit(var_name, to_unit) except Exception: self.convert_unit(var_name, to_unit)
[docs] def check_unit(self, var_name, unit=None): """Check if variable unit corresponds to a certain unit Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable name for which unit is to be checked unit : :obj:`str`, optional unit to be checked, if None, AeroCom default unit is used Raises ------ MetaDataError if unit information is not accessible for input variable name UnitConversionError if current unit cannot be converted into specified unit (e.g. 1 vs m-1) DataUnitError if current unit is not equal to input unit but can be converted (e.g. 1/Mm vs 1/m) """ if unit is None: unit = const.VARS[var_name].units u = self.get_unit(var_name) if not get_unit_conversion_fac(u, unit, var_name) == 1: raise DataUnitError(f"Invalid unit {u} (expected {unit})")
[docs] def convert_unit(self, var_name, to_unit): """Try to convert unit of data Requires that unit of input variable is available in :attr:`var_info` Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable to_unit : str new unit Raises ------ MetaDataError if variable unit cannot be accessed UnitConversionError if conversion failed """ unit = self.get_unit(var_name) data = self[var_name] try: tst = self.get_var_ts_type(var_name) except MetaDataError: tst = None data = convert_unit(data, from_unit=unit, to_unit=to_unit, var_name=var_name, ts_type=tst) self[var_name] = data self.var_info[var_name]["units"] = to_unit f"Successfully converted unit of variable {var_name} in {self.station_name} " f"from {unit} to {to_unit}" )
[docs] def dist_other(self, other): """Distance to other station in km Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object Returns ------- float distance between this and other station in km """ from pyaerocom.geodesy import calc_distance cthis = self.get_station_coords() cother = other.get_station_coords() return calc_distance( cthis["latitude"], cthis["longitude"], cother["latitude"], cother["longitude"], cthis["altitude"], cother["altitude"], )
[docs] def same_coords(self, other, tol_km=None): """Compare station coordinates of other station with this station Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object tol_km : float distance tolerance in km Returns ------- bool if True, then the two object are located within the specified tolerance range """ if tol_km is None: tol_km = self._COORD_MAX_VAR return True if self.dist_other(other) < tol_km else False
[docs] def get_station_coords(self, force_single_value=True): """Return coordinates as dictionary This method uses the standard coordinate names defined in :attr:`STANDARD_COORD_KEYS` (latitude, longitude and altitude) to get the station coordinates. For each of these parameters tt first looks in :attr:`station_coords` if the parameter is defined (i.e. it is not None) and if not it checks if this object has an attribute that has this name and uses that one. Parameters ---------- force_single_value : bool if True and coordinate values are lists or arrays, then they are collapsed to single value using mean Returns ------- dict dictionary containing the retrieved coordinates Raises ------ AttributeError if one of the coordinate values is invalid CoordinateError if local variation in either of the three spatial coordinates is found too large """ output = {} for key in self.STANDARD_COORD_KEYS: # prefer explicit if defined in station_coord dictionary (e.g. altitude # attribute in lidar data will be an array corresponding to profile # altitudes) val = self.station_coords[key] if val is not None: if not isnumeric(val): raise MetaDataError(f"Station coordinate {key} must be numeric. Got: {val}") output[key] = val else: val = self[key] if force_single_value and not isinstance(val, (float, np.floating)): if isinstance(val, (int, np.integer)): val = np.float64(val) elif isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray)): # ToDo: consider tolerance to be specified in input # args. maxdiff = np.max(val) - np.min(val) if key in ("latitude", "longitude"): tol = 0.05 # ca 5km at equator else: tol = 100 # m altitude tolerance if maxdiff > tol: raise StationCoordinateError( f"meas point coordinate arrays of {key} vary " f"too much to reduce them to a single " f"coordinate. Order of difference in {key} is " f"{maxdiff} and maximum allowed is {tol}." ) val = np.mean(val) else: raise AttributeError( f"Invalid value encountered for coord {key}, " f"need float, int, list or ndarray, got {type(val)}" ) output[key] = val return output
[docs] def get_meta( self, force_single_value=True, quality_check=True, add_none_vals=False, add_meta_keys=None ): """Return meta-data as dictionary By default, only default metadata keys are considered, use parameter `add_meta_keys` to add additional metadata. Parameters ---------- force_single_value : bool if True, then each meta value that is list or array,is converted to a single value. quality_check : bool if True, and coordinate values are lists or arrays, then the standarad deviation in the values is compared to the upper limits allowed in the local variation. The upper limits are specified in attr. ``COORD_MAX_VAR``. add_none_vals : bool Add metadata keys which have value set to None. add_meta_keys : str or list, optional Add none-standard metadata. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing the retrieved meta-data Raises ------ AttributeError if one of the meta entries is invalid MetaDataError in case of consistencies in meta data between individual time-stamps """ if isinstance(add_meta_keys, str): add_meta_keys = [add_meta_keys] elif not isinstance(add_meta_keys, list): add_meta_keys = [] meta = {} meta.update(self.get_station_coords(force_single_value)) keys = [k for k in self.STANDARD_META_KEYS] keys.extend(add_meta_keys) for key in keys: if not key in self: logger.warning(f"No such key in StationData: {key}") continue elif key in self.PROTECTED_KEYS: # this is not metadata... continue elif key in self.STANDARD_COORD_KEYS: # this has been handled above continue if self[key] is None and not add_none_vals: logger.debug(f"No metadata available for key {key}") continue val = self[key] if force_single_value and isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if quality_check and not all([x == val[0] for x in val]): raise MetaDataError(f"Inconsistencies in meta parameter {key}") val = val[0] meta[key] = val return meta
def _check_meta_item(self, key): """Check if metadata item is valid Valid value types are dictionaries, lists, strings, numerical values and datetetime objects. """ val = self[key] if val is None: return elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if val.ndim != 1: raise MetaDataError( f"Invalid metadata entry {val} for key {key}. " f"Only 1d numpy arrays are supported..." ) self[key] = list(val) elif not isinstance(val, (dict, list, str)) and not isnumeric(val): try: self[key] = to_datetime64(val) except Exception: raise MetaDataError( f"Invalid metadata entry {val} for key {key}. " f"Only dicts, lists, strings, numerical " f"values or datetime objects are supported." ) def _merge_meta_item(self, key, val): """Merge meta item into this object Parameters ---------- key key of metadata value val value to be added """ current_val = self[key] same_type = isinstance(current_val, type(val)) try: if isinstance(current_val, dict): if not same_type: raise ValueError(f"Cannot merge meta item {key} due to type mismatch") elif not current_val == val: self[key] = merge_dicts(current_val, val) elif isinstance(current_val, str): if not same_type: if isinstance(val, list): if not current_val in val: newval = val.insert(0, current_val) self[key] = newval else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot merge meta item {key} due to type mismatch") elif not current_val == val: # both are str that may be already merged with ";" -> only # add new entries vals_in = [x.strip() for x in val.split(";")] for item in vals_in: if not item in current_val: current_val += f";{item}" self[key] = current_val elif isinstance(current_val, list): if not same_type: val = [val] for item in val: if not item in current_val: current_val.append(item) self[key] = current_val elif isnumeric(current_val) and isnumeric(val): if np.isnan(current_val) and np.isnan(val): self[key] = val elif val != current_val: self[key] = [current_val, val] elif isinstance(val, list): if not current_val in val: self[key] = val.insert(0, current_val) elif current_val != val: self[key] = [current_val, val] else: # they shoul be the same assert current_val == val, (current_val, val) except Exception as e: raise MetaDataError( f"Failed to merge metadata entries for key {key}.\n" f"Value in current StationData: {current_val}\n" f"Value to be merged: {val}\n" f"Error: {repr(e)}" ) def _append_meta_item(self, key, val): """Add a metadata item""" if not key in self or self[key] is None: self[key] = val else: self._merge_meta_item(key, val)
[docs] def merge_meta_same_station( self, other, coord_tol_km=None, check_coords=True, inplace=True, add_meta_keys=None, raise_on_error=False, ): """Merge meta information from other object Note ---- Coordinate attributes (latitude, longitude and altitude) are not copied as they are required to be the same in both stations. The latter can be checked and ensured using input argument ``check_coords`` Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object coord_tol_km : float maximum distance in km between coordinates of input StationData object and self. Only relevant if :attr:`check_coords` is True. If None, then :attr:`_COORD_MAX_VAR` is used which is defined in the class header. check_coords : bool if True, the coordinates are compared and checked if they are lying within a certain distance to each other (cf. :attr:`coord_tol_km`). inplace : bool if True, the metadata from the other station is added to the metadata of this station, else, a new station is returned with the merged attributes. add_meta_keys : str or list, optional additional non-standard metadata keys that are supposed to be considered for merging. raise_on_error : bool if True, then an Exception will be raised in case one of the metadata items cannot be merged, which is most often due to unresolvable type differences of metadata values between the two objects """ if add_meta_keys is None: add_meta_keys = [] elif isinstance(add_meta_keys, str): add_meta_keys = [add_meta_keys] if not inplace: obj = self.copy() else: obj = self if check_coords: if coord_tol_km is None: coord_tol_km = self._COORD_MAX_VAR try: if not self.same_coords(other, coord_tol_km): raise CoordinateError( f"Station coordinates differ by more than {coord_tol_km} km." ) except MetaDataError: # pass keys = [k for k in self.STANDARD_META_KEYS] keys.extend(add_meta_keys) for key in keys: if key in self.STANDARD_COORD_KEYS: if self[key] is None and other[key] is not None: self[key] = other[key] elif key in self.PROTECTED_KEYS: continue elif key in other and other[key] is not None: try: self._check_meta_item(key) other._check_meta_item(key) obj._append_meta_item(key, other[key]) except MetaDataError as e: obj[key] = "N/A_FAILED_TO_MERGE" msg = f"Failed to merge meta item {key}. Reason:{repr(e)}" if raise_on_error: raise MetaDataError(msg) else: logger.warning(msg) return obj
[docs] def merge_varinfo(self, other, var_name): """Merge variable specific meta information from other object Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object var_name : str variable name for which info is to be merged (needs to be both available in this object and the provided other object) """ if not var_name in self.var_info or not var_name in other.var_info: raise MetaDataError(f"No variable meta information available for {var_name}") info_this = self.var_info[var_name] info_other = other.var_info[var_name] for key, val in info_other.items(): if not key in info_this or info_this[key] == None: info_this[key] = val else: if isinstance(info_this[key], str): if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError(f"Cannot merge meta item {key} due to type mismatch") vals = [x.strip() for x in info_this[key].split(";")] vals_in = [x.strip() for x in val.split(";")] for _val in vals_in: if not _val in vals: info_this[key] = info_this[key] + f";{_val}" else: if isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(val) == 0: continue elif type(info_this[key]) == type(val): if info_this[key] == val: continue info_this[key] = [info_this[key], val] raise ValueError( "Cannot append metadata value that is " "already a list or numpy array due to " "potential ambiguities" ) if isinstance(info_this[key], list): if not val in info_this[key]: info_this[key].append(val) else: if not info_this[key] == val: info_this[key] = [info_this[key], val] return self
[docs] def check_if_3d(self, var_name): """Checks if altitude data is available in this object""" if "altitude" in self: val = self["altitude"] if isnumeric(val): # is numerical value return False # unique altitude values uvals = np.unique(val) if len(uvals) == 1: # only one value in altitude array (NOT 3D) return False elif ( len(uvals[~np.isnan(uvals)]) == 1 ): # only 2 unique values in altitude array but one is NaN return False return True return False
def _check_ts_types_for_merge(self, other, var_name): ts_type = self.get_var_ts_type(var_name) ts_type1 = other.get_var_ts_type(var_name) if ts_type != ts_type1: # make sure each variable in the object has explicitely ts_type # assigned (rather than global specification) self._update_var_timeinfo() other._update_var_timeinfo() from pyaerocom.helpers import get_lowest_resolution ts_type = get_lowest_resolution(ts_type, ts_type1) return ts_type def _update_var_timeinfo(self): for var, info in self.var_info.items(): data = self[var] if not isinstance(data, pd.Series): try: self[var] = pd.Series(data, self.dtime) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Unexpected error: {repr(e)}.\nPlease debug...") if not "ts_type" in info or info["ts_type"] is None: if not self.ts_type in const.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Cannot identify ts_type for var {var} in {self}") info["ts_type"] = self.ts_type self.ts_type = None def _merge_vardata_2d(self, other, var_name, resample_how=None, min_num_obs=None): """Merge 2D variable data (for details see :func:`merge_vardata`)""" ts_type = self._check_ts_types_for_merge(other, var_name) s0 = self.resample_time( var_name, ts_type=ts_type, how=resample_how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs, inplace=True )[var_name].dropna() s1 = other.resample_time( var_name, ts_type=ts_type, how=resample_how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs, inplace=True )[var_name].dropna() info = other.var_info[var_name] removed = None if "overlap" in info and info["overlap"]: raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon...") if len(s1) > 0: # there is data overlap = s0.index.intersection(s1.index) try: if len(overlap) > 0: removed = s1[overlap] # NOTE JGLISS: updated on 8.5.2020, cf. issue #106 # s1 = s1.drop(index=overlap, inplace=True) s1.drop(index=overlap, inplace=True) # compute merged time series if len(s1) > 0: s0 = pd.concat([s0, s1], verify_integrity=True) # sort the concatenated series based on timestamps s0.sort_index(inplace=True) self.merge_varinfo(other, var_name) except KeyError: logger.warning( f"failed to merge {var_name} data from 2 StationData " f"objects for station {self.station_name}. Ignoring 2nd " f"data object." ) # assign merged time series (overwrites previous one) self[var_name] = s0 self.dtime = s0.index.values if removed is not None: if var_name in self.overlap: self.overlap[var_name] = pd.concat([self.overlap[var_name], removed]) self.overlap[var_name].sort_index(inplace=True) else: self.overlap[var_name] = removed return self
[docs] def merge_vardata(self, other, var_name, **kwargs): """Merge variable data from other object into this object Note ---- This merges also the information about this variable in the dict :attr:`var_info`. It is required, that variable meta-info is specified in both StationData objects. Note ---- This method removes NaN's from the existing time series in the data objects. In order to fill up the time-series with NaNs again after merging, call :func:`insert_nans_timeseries` Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object var_name : str variable name for which info is to be merged (needs to be both available in this object and the provided other object) kwargs keyword args passed on to :func:`_merge_vardata_2d` Returns ------- StationData this object merged with other object """ if not var_name in self: raise VarNotAvailableError( f"StationData object does not contain data for variable {var_name}" ) elif not var_name in other: raise VarNotAvailableError( "Input StationData object does not contain data for variable {var_name}" ) elif not var_name in self.var_info: raise MetaDataError( f"For merging of {var_name} data, variable specific meta " f"data needs to be available in var_info dict" ) elif not var_name in other.var_info: raise MetaDataError( f"For merging of {var_name} data, variable specific meta " f"data needs to be available in var_info dict" ) if self.get_unit(var_name) != other.get_unit(var_name): self.check_var_unit_aerocom(var_name) other.check_var_unit_aerocom(var_name) if self.check_if_3d(var_name): raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon...") # return self._merge_vardata_3d(other, var_name) else: return self._merge_vardata_2d(other, var_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def merge_other(self, other, var_name, add_meta_keys=None, **kwargs): """Merge other station data object Todo ---- Should be independent of variable, i.e. it should be able to merge all data that is in the other object into this, even if this object does not contain that variable yet. Parameters ---------- other : StationData other data object var_name : str variable name for which info is to be merged (needs to be both available in this object and the provided other object) add_meta_keys : str or list, optional additional non-standard metadata keys that are supposed to be considered for merging. kwargs keyword args passed on to :func:`merge_vardata` (e.g time resampling settings) Returns ------- StationData this object that has merged the other station """ self.merge_vardata(other, var_name, **kwargs) self.merge_meta_same_station(other, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys) return self
[docs] def check_dtime(self): """Checks if dtime attribute is array or list""" if not any([isinstance(self.dtime, x) for x in [list, np.ndarray]]): raise TypeError(f"dtime attribute is not iterable: {self.dtime}") elif not len(self.dtime) > 0: raise AttributeError("No timestamps available")
[docs] def get_var_ts_type(self, var_name, try_infer=True): """Get ts_type for a certain variable Note ---- Converts to ts_type string if assigned ts_type is in pandas format Parameters ---------- var_name : str data variable name for which the ts_type is supposed to be retrieved try_infer : bool if ts_type is not available, try inferring it from data Returns ------- str the corresponding data time resolution Raises ------ MetaDataError if no metadata is available for this variable (e.g. if ``var_name`` cannot be found in :attr:`var_info`) """ # make sure there exists a var_info dict for this variable if not var_name in self.var_info: self.var_info[var_name] = {} # use variable specific entry if available if "ts_type" in self.var_info[var_name]: return TsType(self.var_info[var_name]["ts_type"]).val elif isinstance(self.ts_type, str): # ensures validity and corrects for pandas strings ts_type = TsType(self.ts_type).val self.var_info[var_name]["ts_type"] = ts_type return ts_type if try_infer: logger.warning( f"Trying to infer ts_type in StationData {self.station_name} " f"for variable {var_name}" ) from pyaerocom.helpers import infer_time_resolution try: s = self._to_ts_helper(var_name) ts_type = infer_time_resolution(s.index) self.var_info[var_name]["ts_type"] = ts_type return ts_type except Exception: pass # Raise standard error raise MetaDataError(f"Could not access ts_type for {var_name}")
[docs] def remove_outliers(self, var_name, low=None, high=None, check_unit=True): """Remove outliers from one of the variable timeseries Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable name low : float lower end of valid range for input variable. If None, then the corresponding value from the default settings for this variable are used (cf. minimum attribute of `available variables <>`__) high : float upper end of valid range for input variable. If None, then the corresponding value from the default settings for this variable are used (cf. maximum attribute of `available variables <>`__) check_unit : bool if True, the unit of the data is checked against AeroCom default """ if any([x is None for x in (low, high)]): info = const.VARS[var_name] if check_unit: try: self.check_unit(var_name) except DataUnitError: self.convert_unit(var_name, to_unit=info.units) if low is None: low = info.minimum"Setting {var_name} outlier lower lim: {low:.2f}") if high is None: high = info.maximum"Setting {var_name} outlier upper lim: {high:.2f}") d = self[var_name] invalid_mask = np.logical_or(d < low, d > high) d[invalid_mask] = np.nan self[var_name] = d
[docs] def calc_climatology( self, var_name, start=None, stop=None, min_num_obs=None, clim_mincount=None, clim_freq=None, set_year=None, resample_how=None, ): """Calculate climatological timeseries for input variable Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of data variable start start time of data used to compute climatology stop start time of data used to compute climatology min_num_obs : dict or int, optional minimum number of observations required per period (when downsampling). For details see :func:`pyaerocom.time_resampler.TimeResampler.resample`) clim_micount : int, optional minimum number of of monthly values required per month of climatology set_year : int, optional if specified, the output data will be assigned the input year. Else the middle year of the climatological interval is used. resample_how : str how should the resampled data be averaged (e.g. mean, median) **kwargs Additional keyword args passed to :func:`pyaerocom.time_resampler.TimeResampler.resample` Returns ------- StationData new instance of StationData containing climatological data """ if clim_freq is None: clim_freq = const.CLIM_FREQ if resample_how is None: resample_how = const.CLIM_RESAMPLE_HOW ts_type = TsType(self.get_var_ts_type(var_name)) monthly = TsType("monthly") if ts_type < monthly: raise TemporalResolutionError( f"Cannot compute climatology, {var_name} data " f"needs to be in monthly resolution or higher (is: {ts_type})" ) if ts_type < TsType( clim_freq ): # current resolution is lower than input climatological freq supported = list(const.CLIM_MIN_COUNT) if str(ts_type) in supported: clim_freq = str(ts_type) else: # use monthly clim_freq = "monthly" data = self.resample_time( var_name, ts_type=clim_freq, how=resample_how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs, inplace=False ) ts = data.to_timeseries(var_name) if start is None: start = const.CLIM_START if stop is None: stop = const.CLIM_STOP if clim_mincount is None: clim_mincount = const.CLIM_MIN_COUNT[clim_freq] clim = calc_climatology( ts, start, stop, min_count=clim_mincount, set_year=set_year, resample_how=resample_how ) new = StationData() try: new.update(self.get_meta()) except MetaDataError: new.update(self.get_meta(force_single_value=False)) new[var_name] = clim["data"] vi = {} if var_name in self.var_info: vi.update(self.var_info[var_name]) new.var_info[var_name] = vi new.var_info[var_name]["ts_type"] = "monthly" new.var_info[var_name]["ts_type_src"] = ts_type.base new.var_info[var_name]["is_climatology"] = True new.var_info[var_name]["clim_start"] = start new.var_info[var_name]["clim_stop"] = stop new.var_info[var_name]["clim_freq"] = clim_freq new.var_info[var_name]["clim_how"] = resample_how new.var_info[var_name]["clim_mincount"] = clim_mincount new.data_err[var_name] = clim["std"] new.numobs[var_name] = clim["numobs"] return new
[docs] def resample_time( self, var_name, ts_type, how=None, min_num_obs=None, inplace=False, **kwargs ): """Resample one of the time-series in this object Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of data variable ts_type : str new frequency string (can be pyaerocom ts_type or valid pandas frequency string) how : str how should the resampled data be averaged (e.g. mean, median) min_num_obs : dict or int, optional minimum number of observations required per period (when downsampling). For details see :func:`pyaerocom.time_resampler.TimeResampler.resample`) inplace : bool if True, then the current data object stored in self, will be overwritten with the resampled time-series **kwargs Additional keyword args passed to :func:`pyaerocom.time_resampler.TimeResampler.resample` Returns ------- StationData with resampled variable timeseries """ if inplace: outdata = self else: outdata = self.copy() if not var_name in outdata: raise KeyError(f"Variable {var_name} does not exist") to_ts_type = TsType(ts_type) # make sure to use AeroCom ts_type try: from_ts_type = TsType(outdata.get_var_ts_type(var_name)) except (MetaDataError, TemporalResolutionError): from_ts_type = None logger.warning( f"Failed to access current temporal resolution of {var_name} data " f"in StationData {outdata.station_name}. " f"No resampling constraints will be applied" ) data = outdata[var_name] if not isinstance(data, (pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): data = outdata.to_timeseries(var_name) resampler = TimeResampler(data) new = resampler.resample( to_ts_type=to_ts_type, from_ts_type=from_ts_type, how=how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs, **kwargs, ) outdata[var_name] = new outdata.var_info[var_name]["ts_type"] = to_ts_type.val outdata.var_info[var_name].update(resampler.last_setup) # there is other variables that are not resampled if len(outdata.var_info) > 1 and outdata.ts_type is not None: _tt = outdata.ts_type outdata.ts_type = None outdata.dtime = None for var, info in outdata.var_info.items(): if not var == var_name: info["ts_type"] = _tt else: # no other variables, update global class attributes outdata.ts_type = to_ts_type.val outdata.dtime = new.index.values return outdata
[docs] def resample_timeseries(self, var_name, **kwargs): """Wrapper for :func:`resample_time` (for backwards compatibility) Note ---- For backwards compatibility, this method will return a pandas Series instead of the actual StationData object """ warnings.warn( "This method was renamed to resample_time as a means " "of harmonisation with GriddedData and ColocatedData", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.resample_time(var_name, **kwargs)[var_name]
[docs] def remove_variable(self, var_name): """Remove variable data Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable that is to be removed Returns ------- StationData current instance of this object, with data removed Raises ------ VarNotAvailableError if the input variable is not available in this object """ if not self.has_var(var_name): raise VarNotAvailableError(f"No such variable in StationData: {var_name}") self.pop(var_name) if var_name in self.var_info: self.var_info.pop(var_name) return self
[docs] def insert_nans_timeseries(self, var_name): """Fill up missing values with NaNs in an existing time series Note ---- This method does a resample of the data onto a regular grid. Thus, if the input ``ts_type`` is different from the actual current ``ts_type`` of the data, this method will not only insert NaNs but at the same. Parameters --------- var_name : str variable name inplace : bool if True, the actual data in this object will be overwritten with the new data that contains NaNs Returns ------- StationData the modified station data object """ ts_type = self.get_var_ts_type(var_name) self.resample_time(var_name, ts_type, inplace=True) return self
def _to_ts_helper(self, var_name): """Convert data internally to pandas.Series if it is not stored as such Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable name of data Returns ------- pandas.Series data as timeseries """ data = self[var_name] if isinstance(data, pd.Series): return data elif not data.ndim == 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Multi-dimensional data columns cannot be converted to time-series" ) self.check_dtime() if not len(data) == len(self.dtime): raise ValueError( f"Mismatch between length of data array " f"for variable {var_name} (length: {len(data)}) " f"and time array (length: {len(self.dtime)})." ) self[var_name] = s = pd.Series(data, index=self.dtime) return s
[docs] def select_altitude(self, var_name, altitudes): """Extract variable data within certain altitude range Note ---- Beta version Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable for which metadata is supposed to be extracted altitudes : list altitude range in m, e.g. [0, 1000] Returns ------- pandas. Series or xarray.DataArray data object within input altitude range """ data = self[var_name] if not isrange(altitudes): raise NotImplementedError( "So far only a range (low, high) is supported for altitude extraction." ) if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): if not sorted(data.dims) == ["altitude", "time"]: raise NotImplementedError( "Can only handle dataarrays that contain 2 dimensions altitude and time" ) if isrange(altitudes): if not isinstance(altitudes, slice): altitudes = slice(altitudes[0], altitudes[1]) result = data.sel(altitude=altitudes) if len(result.altitude) == 0: raise ValueError(f"no data in specified altitude range") return result raise DataExtractionError("Cannot intepret input for altitude...") elif isinstance(data, pd.Series) or len(self.dtime) == len(data): if not "altitude" in self: raise ValueError("Missing altitude information") if not isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = pd.Series(data, self.dtime) alt = self.altitude if not isinstance(alt, (list, np.ndarray)): raise AttributeError("need 1D altitude array") elif not len(alt) == len(data): raise DataDimensionError( f"Altitude data and {var_name} data have different lengths" ) mask = np.logical_and(alt >= altitudes[0], alt <= altitudes[1]) if mask.sum() == 0: raise ValueError(f"no data in specified altitude range") return data[mask] raise DataExtractionError( f"Cannot extract altitudes: type of {var_name} ({type(data)}) is not supported" )
[docs] def to_timeseries(self, var_name, **kwargs): """Get pandas.Series object for one of the data columns Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable (e.g. "od550aer") Returns ------- Series time series object Raises ------ KeyError if variable key does not exist in this dictionary ValueError if length of data array does not equal the length of the time array """ if not var_name in self: raise KeyError(f"Variable {var_name} does not exist") data = self[var_name] if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): if not all([x in data.dims for x in ("time", "altitude")]): raise NotImplementedError( "Can only handle dataarrays that " "contain 2 dimensions of time " "and altitude" ) if not "altitude" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "please specify altitude range via input " "arg: altitude, e.g. altitude=(100,110)" ) alt_info = kwargs.pop("altitude") data = self.select_altitude(var_name, alt_info) data = data.mean("altitude") data = data.to_series() if not isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = self._to_ts_helper(var_name) return data
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self, var_name, add_overlaps=False, legend=True, tit=None, **kwargs): """ Plot timeseries for variable Note ---- If you set input arg ``add_overlaps = True`` the overlapping timeseries data - if it exists - will be plotted on top of the actual timeseries using red colour and dashed line. As the overlapping data may be identical with the actual data, you might want to increase the line width of the actual timeseries using an additional input argument ``lw=4``, or similar. Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable (e.g. "od550aer") add_overlaps : bool if True and if overlapping data exists for this variable, it will be added to the plot. tit : :obj:`str`, optional title of plot, if None, default title is used **kwargs additional keyword args passed to matplotlib ``plot`` method Returns ------- axes matplotlib.axes instance of plot Raises ------ KeyError if variable key does not exist in this dictionary ValueError if length of data array does not equal the length of the time array """ if "label" in kwargs: lbl = kwargs.pop("label") else: lbl = var_name try: ts_type = self.get_var_ts_type(var_name) lbl += f" ({ts_type})" except Exception: pass if not "ax" in kwargs: if "figsize" in kwargs: fs = kwargs.pop("figsize") else: fs = (16, 8) _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs) else: ax = kwargs.pop("ax") # keep existing title if it exists _tit = ax.get_title() if not _tit == "": tit = _tit if tit is None: try: tit = self.get_meta(force_single_value=True, quality_check=False)["station_name"] except Exception: tit = "Failed to retrieve station_name" s = self.to_timeseries(var_name) ax.plot(s, label=lbl, **kwargs) if add_overlaps and var_name in self.overlap: so = self.overlap[var_name] ax.plot(so, "--", lw=1, c="r", label=f"{var_name} (overlap)") ylabel = var_name try: if "units" in self.var_info[var_name]: u = self.var_info[var_name]["units"] if u is not None and not u in [1, "1"]: ylabel += f" [{u}]" except Exception: logger.warning(f"Failed to access unit information for variable {var_name}") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(tit) if legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def copy(self): new = StationData() for key, val in self.items(): cpv = deepcopy(val) new[key] = cpv return new
def __str__(self): """String representation""" head = f"Pyaerocom {type(self).__name__}" s = f"\n{head}\n{len(head) * '-'}" arrays = "" series = "" for k, v in self.items(): if k[0] == "_": continue if isinstance(v, dict): s += f"\n{k} ({type(v).__name__}):" if v: s += dict_to_str(v, indent=2) else: s += " <empty_dict>" elif isinstance(v, list): s += f"{k} : {list_to_shortstr(v)}" elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if v.ndim == 1: arrays += f"{k} : {list_to_shortstr(v)}" else: arrays += f"\n{k} (ndarray, shape {v.shape})" arrays += f"\n{v}" elif isinstance(v, pd.Series): series += f"\n{k} (Series, {len(v)} items)" else: if isinstance(v, str) and v == "": v = "<empty_str>" s += f"\n{k}: {v}" if arrays: s += "\n\nData arrays\n................." s += arrays if series: s += "\nPandas Series\n................." s += series return s