Colocation of model data with observations

This notebook gives an introduction into collocation of gridded data with observations. Here, the 550 nm AODs of the ECMWF CAMS reanalysis model are compared with global daily AeroNet Sun V2 (Level 2) data for the year 2010. The collocated data will be analysed and visualised in monthly resolution. The analysis results will be plotted in the form of the well known Aerocom loglog scatter plots as can be found in the online interface (see e.g. here).

Import setup and imports

import pyaerocom as pya

YEAR = 2010
VAR = "od550aer"
TS_TYPE = "daily"
OBS_ID = 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily'
Initating pyaerocom configuration
Checking database access...
Checking access to: /lustre/storeA
Access to lustre database: True
Init data paths for lustre
Expired time: 0.017 s

Import of model data

Create reader instance for model data and print overview of what is in there.

model_reader =

Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data directory: /lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom-users-database/ECMWF/ECMWF_CAMS_REAN/renamed
Available experiments: ['', 'REAN']
Available years: [2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 9999]
Available frequencies ['daily' 'monthly']
Available variables: ['ang4487aer', 'bscatc532aerboa', 'bscatc532aertoa', 'ec532aer', 'ec532dryaer', 'od440aer', 'od550aer', 'od550bc', 'od550dust', 'od550oa', 'od550so4', 'od550ss', 'od865aer', 'sconcbc', 'sconcdust', 'sconcoa', 'sconcpm10', 'sconcpm25', 'sconcso4', 'sconcss', 'time', 'z']

Since we are only interested in a single year we can use the method

model_data = model_reader.read_var(VAR, start=YEAR)
#model_data = read_result[VAR][YEAR]
pyaerocom.GriddedData: ECMWF_CAMS_REAN
Grid data: Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm / (1) (time: 365; latitude: 161; longitude: 320)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                             x              -               -
          latitude                         -              x               -
          longitude                        -              -               x
          Conventions: CF-1.6
          NCO: "4.5.4"
          computed: False
          concatenated: False
          data_id: ECMWF_CAMS_REAN
          from_files: ['/lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom-users-database/ECMWF/ECMWF_CA...
          history: Sat May 26 21:08:48 2018: ncecat -O -u time -n 365,3,1
          nco_openmp_thread_number: 1
          outliers_removed: False
          reader: None
          region: None
          regridded: False
          ts_type: daily
          var_name_read: n/d
     Cell methods:
          mean: step
          mean: time
fig = model_data.quickplot_map(time_idx=0)

Import of AeroNet Sun V3 data (Level 2)

Import Aeronet data and apply filter that selects only stations that are located at altitudes between 0 and 1000 m.

obs_reader =, [VAR, 'ang4487aer'])
obs_data =[0, 1000])

Pyaerocom UngriddedData
Contains networks: ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily']
Contains variables: ['od550aer', 'ang4487aer']
Contains instruments: ['sun_photometer']
Total no. of meta-blocks: 2068
Filters that were applied:
 Filter time log: 20191002122003
        Created od550aer single var object from multivar UngriddedData instance
 Filter time log: 20191002122002
        Created ang4487aer single var object from multivar UngriddedData instance
 Filter time log: 20191003180122
        altitude: [0, 1000]

Plot station coordinates

First, plot all stations that are available at all times (as red dots), then (on top of that in green), plot all stations that provide AODs in 2010.

ax = obs_data.plot_station_coordinates(color='r', markersize=20,
                                       label='All stations')
ax = obs_data.plot_station_coordinates(var_name='od550aer', start=2010,
                                       color='lime', markersize=8, legend=True,
                                       title='Aeronet V3 stations',
                                       ax=ax) #just pass the GeoAxes instance that was created in the first call
Input filters {'longitude': [-180, 180], 'latitude': [-90, 90], 'altitude': [-1000000.0, 1000.0]} result in unchanged data object

Perform colocation and plot corresponding scatter plots with statistical values

2010 monthly World no mountains

Colocate 2010 data in monthly resolution using (cf. green dots in station plot above).

UngriddedData <networks: ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily']; vars: ['od550aer', 'ang4487aer']; instruments: ['sun_photometer'];No. of stations: 2068
data_coloc = pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_ungridded(model_data, obs_data, ts_type='monthly',
Input filters {'longitude': [-180, 180], 'latitude': [-90, 90], 'altitude': [-1000000.0, 1000.0]} result in unchanged data object
Setting od550aer outlier lower lim: -1.00
Setting od550aer outlier upper lim: 10.00
Interpolating data of shape (12, 161, 320). This may take a while.
Successfully interpolated cube
<xarray.DataArray 'od550aer' (data_source: 2, time: 12, station_name: 252)>
array([[[     nan, 0.117588, ...,      nan, 0.222138],
        [     nan, 0.132128, ...,      nan, 0.429762],
        [0.132236, 0.195057, ...,      nan, 0.261765],
        [     nan,      nan, ...,      nan, 0.37905 ]],

       [[0.189948, 0.140062, ..., 0.016372, 0.204337],
        [0.150408, 0.190089, ..., 0.035838, 0.257806],
        [0.159844, 0.178564, ..., 0.022606, 0.239393],
        [0.147172, 0.138039, ..., 0.015231, 0.19986 ]]])
  * data_source   (data_source) <U22 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily' 'ECMWF_CAMS_REAN'
    var_name      (data_source) <U8 'od550aer' 'od550aer'
    var_units     (data_source) <U1 '1' '1'
    ts_type_src   (data_source) <U5 'daily' 'daily'
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 2010-01-01 2010-02-01 ... 2010-12-01
  * station_name  (station_name) <U19 'ARM_Darwin' ... 'Zinder_Airport'
    latitude      (station_name) float64 -12.43 37.97 15.35 ... 62.45 13.78
    longitude     (station_name) float64 130.9 23.72 -1.479 ... -114.4 8.99
    altitude      (station_name) float64 29.9 130.0 305.0 ... 300.0 220.8 456.0
    data_source:        ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily', 'ECMWF_CAMS_REAN']
    var_name:           ['od550aer', 'od550aer']
    ts_type:            monthly
    filter_name:        WORLD-noMOUNTAINS
    ts_type_src:        ['daily', 'daily']
    start_str:          20100101
    stop_str:           20101231
    var_units:          ['1', '1']
    vert_scheme:        None
    data_level:         3
    revision_ref:       20190920
    from_files:         ['']
    from_files_ref:     None
    stations_ignored:   None
    colocate_time:      False
    apply_constraints:  True
    min_num_obs:        {'yearly': {'monthly': 3}, 'monthly': {'daily': 7}, '...
    region:             WORLD
    lon_range:          [-180, 180]
    lat_range:          [-90, 90]
    alt_range:          [-1000000.0, 1000.0]
data_coloc.plot_scatter(marker='o', mec='none', color='b', alpha=0.05);

Time colocation

The above colocation was performed based on monthly means, both from model and obs, at each station. However, if you look closely in the output you can see that both datasets are provided in daily resolution. You may colocate on a daily basis using the input argument colocate_time, in which case the model monthly means correspond to the mean value from the days where there were observations. This can (and most likely will) give you different results, since the observations may miss some days in the month, which is disregarded in the above monthly colocation routine:

data_coloc_alt = pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_ungridded(model_data, obs_data, ts_type='monthly',
Input filters {'longitude': [-180, 180], 'latitude': [-90, 90], 'altitude': [-1000000.0, 1000.0]} result in unchanged data object
Setting od550aer outlier lower lim: -1.00
Setting od550aer outlier upper lim: 10.00
Interpolating data of shape (365, 161, 320). This may take a while.
Successfully interpolated cube
data_coloc_alt.plot_scatter(marker='o', mec='none', color='b', alpha=0.05);

The result shows, that time colocation yields better results, with lower biases (NMB and MNMB) and higher correlation, etc.

However, in reality and in particular in large model intercomparison studies (involving many variables and model outputs) the model diagnostics output files are submitted in monthly resolution, which does not allow to perform these time colocation on a daily basis.

Note also, that the model data used here is the CAMS reanalysis dataset which assimilates AERONET AODs. It is therefore not surprising, that the results look so shiny.

2010 daily Europe no mountains

Now perform colocation only over Europe. Starting with a station plot.

obs_data.plot_station_coordinates(var_name='od550aer', start=2010,
                                  color='lime', markersize=20, legend=True,
                                  title='Aeronet V3 stations');
data_coloc_eur = pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_ungridded(model_data, obs_data, ts_type='daily',
Setting od550aer outlier lower lim: -1.00
Setting od550aer outlier upper lim: 10.00
Interpolating data of shape (365, 161, 320). This may take a while.
Successfully interpolated cube
<xarray.DataArray 'od550aer' (data_source: 2, time: 365, station_name: 83)>
array([[[     nan,      nan, ...,      nan,      nan],
        [0.078648,      nan, ...,      nan,      nan],
        [     nan,      nan, ...,      nan,      nan],
        [     nan,      nan, ...,      nan,      nan]],

       [[0.086522, 0.015151, ..., 0.075447, 0.03005 ],
        [0.067198, 0.043074, ..., 0.103671, 0.042999],
        [0.242585, 0.186407, ..., 0.053797, 0.011344],
        [0.079498, 0.122098, ..., 0.027066, 0.019639]]])
  * data_source   (data_source) <U22 'AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily' 'ECMWF_CAMS_REAN'
    var_name      (data_source) <U8 'od550aer' 'od550aer'
    var_units     (data_source) <U1 '1' '1'
    ts_type_src   (data_source) <U5 'daily' 'daily'
  * time          (time) datetime64[ns] 2010-01-01 2010-01-02 ... 2010-12-31
  * station_name  (station_name) <U19 'ATHENS-NOA' 'Andenes' ... 'Yekaterinburg'
    latitude      (station_name) float64 37.97 69.28 44.66 ... 51.77 41.15 57.04
    longitude     (station_name) float64 23.72 16.01 -1.163 ... 24.92 59.54
    altitude      (station_name) float64 130.0 379.0 11.0 ... 160.0 54.0 300.0
    data_source:        ['AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily', 'ECMWF_CAMS_REAN']
    var_name:           ['od550aer', 'od550aer']
    ts_type:            daily
    filter_name:        EUROPE-noMOUNTAINS
    ts_type_src:        ['daily', 'daily']
    start_str:          20100101
    stop_str:           20101231
    var_units:          ['1', '1']
    vert_scheme:        None
    data_level:         3
    revision_ref:       20190920
    from_files:         ['']
    from_files_ref:     None
    stations_ignored:   None
    colocate_time:      False
    apply_constraints:  False
    min_num_obs:        None
    region:             EUROPE
    lon_range:          [-20, 70]
    lat_range:          [30, 80]
    alt_range:          [-1000000.0, 1000.0]
data_coloc_eur.plot_scatter(marker='o', mec='none', color='b', alpha=0.05);

Satellite colocation

Below, the same is done for satellite colocation using AODs from the MODIS instrument onboard the Aqua satellite (Collection 6).


Pyaerocom ReadGridded
Data ID: MODIS6.aqua
Data directory: /lustre/storeA/project/aerocom/aerocom-users-database/SATELLITE-DATA/MODIS6.aqua/renamed
Available experiments: ['MODIS6.aqua']
Available years: [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014]
Available frequencies ['daily']
Available variables: ['od550aer']
modis_aods ='MODIS6.aqua').read_var('od550aer', start=2010)
Overwriting unit unknown in cube od550aer with value "1"
Grid data: <iris 'Cube' of Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.55 microns for both Ocean (best) and Land (corrected): Mean / (1) (time: 365; latitude: 180; longitude: 360)>

Now the satellite data comes gridded, like the model data. Thus, we use the gridded / gridded colocation routine rather than the gridded / ungridded that we used above when using AERONET station data.

No (daily) time colocation

coldata_modis =  pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_gridded(model_data,
Interpolating data of shape (365, 180, 360). This may take a while.
Successfully interpolated cube
Setting od550aer outlier lower lim: -1.00
Setting od550aer outlier upper lim: 10.00
coldata_modis.plot_scatter(marker='o', mec='none', color='b', alpha=0.01);

With (daily) time colocation

coldata_modis_alt =  pya.colocation.colocate_gridded_gridded(model_data,
Interpolating data of shape (365, 180, 360). This may take a while.
Successfully interpolated cube
Setting od550aer outlier lower lim: -1.00
Setting od550aer outlier upper lim: 10.00
coldata_modis_alt.plot_scatter(marker='o', mec='none', color='b', alpha=0.01);