Source code for pyaerocom.griddeddata

import logging
import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import iris
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from cf_units import Unit
from iris.analysis import MEAN
from iris.analysis.cartography import area_weights

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._warnings import ignore_warnings
from pyaerocom.exceptions import (
from pyaerocom.helpers import (
from pyaerocom.helpers_landsea_masks import load_region_mask_iris
from pyaerocom.mathutils import estimate_value_range, exponent
from pyaerocom.region import Region
from pyaerocom.stationdata import StationData
from pyaerocom.time_config import IRIS_AGGREGATORS, TS_TYPE_TO_NUMPY_FREQ
from pyaerocom.time_resampler import TimeResampler
from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType
from pyaerocom.units_helpers import UALIASES, get_unit_conversion_fac
from pyaerocom.variable import Variable
from pyaerocom.vert_coords import AltitudeAccess

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GriddedData: """pyaerocom object representing gridded data (e.g. model diagnostics) Gridded data refers to data that can be represented on a regular, multidimensional grid. In :mod:`pyaerocom` this comprises both model output and diagnostics as well as gridded level 3 satellite data, typically with dimensions `latitude, longitude, time` (for surface or columnar data) and an additional dimension `lev` (or similar) for vertically resolved data. Under the hood, this data object is based on (but not inherited from) the :class:`iris.cube.Cube` object, and makes large use of the therein implemented functionality (many methods implemented here in :class:`GriddedData` are simply wrappers for `Cube` methods. Note ---- Note that the implemented functionality in this class is mostly limited to what is needed in the pyaerocom API (e.g. for :mod:`pyaerocom.colocation` routines or data import) and is not aimed at replacing or competing with similar data classes such as :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`xarray.DataArray`. Rather, dependent on the use case, one or another of such gridded data objects is needed for optimal processing, which is why :class:`GriddedData` provides methods and / or attributes to convert to or from other such data classes (e.g. :attr:`GriddedData.cube` is an instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` and method :func:`GriddedData.to_xarray` can be used to convert to :class:`xarray.DataArray`). Thus, :class:`GriddedData` can be considered rather high-level as compared to the other mentioned data classes from iris or xarray. Note ---- Since :class:`GriddedData` object is based on the :class:`iris.cube.Cube` object it is optimised for netCDF files that follow the CF conventions and may not work out of the box for files that do not follow this standard. Parameters ---------- input : :obj:`str:` or :obj:`Cube` data input. Can be a single .nc file or a preloaded iris Cube. var_name : :obj:`str`, optional variable name that is extracted if `input` is a file path. Irrelevant if `input` is preloaded Cube check_unit : bool if True, the assigned unit is checked and if it is an alias to another unit the unit string will be updated. It will print a warning if the unit is invalid or not equal the associated AeroCom unit for the input variable. Set `convert_unit_on_init` to True, if you want an automatic conversion to AeroCom units. Defaults to True. convert_unit_on_init : bool if True and if unit check indicates non-conformity with AeroCom unit it will be converted automatically, and warning will be printed if that conversion fails. Defaults to True. """ _grid = None _GRID_IO = const.GRID_IO #: Req. order of dimension coordinates for time-series computation COORDS_ORDER_TSERIES = ["time", "latitude", "longitude"] _MAX_SIZE_GB = 64 # maximum file size for in-memory operations SUPPORTED_VERT_SCHEMES = ["mean", "max", "min", "surface", "altitude", "profile"] _META_ADD = dict( from_files=[], data_id="undefined", var_name_read="undefined", ts_type="undefined", vert_code=None, regridded=False, outliers_removed=False, computed=False, concatenated=False, region=None, reader=None, ) def __init__( self, input=None, var_name=None, check_unit=True, convert_unit_on_init=True, **meta ): if input is None: input = iris.cube.Cube([]) self._grid = None self._reader = None # attribute used to store area weights (if applicable, see method # area_weights) self._area_weights = None self._altitude_access = None # list of coordinate names as returned by name() method of iris coordinate # will be filled upon access of coord_names self._coord_names = None # list of containing var_name attributes of all coordinates self._coord_var_names = None self._coord_standard_names = None self._coord_long_names = None if input: self.load_input(input, var_name) self.update_meta(**meta) if self.has_data and self.var_name is not None and check_unit: self.check_unit(convert_unit_on_init) @property def var_name(self): """Name of variable""" return self.grid.var_name @var_name.setter def var_name(self, val): """Name of variable""" if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input for var_name, need str, got {val}") self.grid.var_name = val if "var_name" in self.metadata: self.metadata["var_name"] = val @property def var_name_aerocom(self): """AeroCom variable name""" try: return const.VARS[self.var_name].var_name_aerocom except VariableDefinitionError: return None @property def var_info(self): """Print information about variable""" if self.var_name in const.VARS: return const.VARS[self.var_name] var_name = self.var_name_aerocom if var_name in const.VARS: return const.VARS[var_name] else: raise VariableDefinitionError( f"No default access available for variable {self.var_name}" ) @property def ts_type(self): """ Temporal resolution of data """ if self.metadata["ts_type"] == "undefined": logger.warning("ts_type is not set in GriddedData, trying to infer.") self.infer_ts_type() return self.metadata["ts_type"] @ts_type.setter def ts_type(self, val): TsType(val) # this will raise an error if input is invalid self.metadata["ts_type"] = val @property def vert_code(self): """ Vertical code of data (e.g. Column, Surface, ModelLevel) """ return self.metadata["vert_code"] @property def standard_name(self): """ Standard name of variable """ return self.grid.standard_name @property def long_name(self): """Long name of variable""" return self.grid.long_name @long_name.setter def long_name(self, val): self.grid.long_name = val @property def unit_ok(self): """Boolean specifying if variable unit is AeroCom default""" return self.check_unit() @property def suppl_info(self): warnings.warn( "Outdated attribute suppl_info. Please use metadata instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.metadata @property def metadata(self): return self.cube.attributes @property def data_revision(self): """Revision string from file Revision.txt in the main data directory""" if self.from_files: data_dir = os.path.dirname(self.from_files[0]) revision_file = os.path.join(data_dir, const.REVISION_FILE) if os.path.isfile(revision_file): with open(revision_file) as in_file: revision = in_file.readline().strip() in_file.close() return revision return "n/a" @property def reader(self): """Instance of reader class from which this object was created Note ---- Currently only supports instances of :class:`ReadGridded`. """ from import ReadGridded if not isinstance(self._reader, ReadGridded): self._reader = ReadGridded(self.data_id) return self._reader @reader.setter def reader(self, val): from import ReadGridded if not isinstance(val, ReadGridded): raise ValueError( "cannot set reader in GriddedData: need instance of class ReadGridded" ) self._reader = val @property def concatenated(self): return self.metadata["concatenated"] @property def computed(self): return self.metadata["computed"] @property def units(self): """Unit of data""" return self.grid.units @units.setter def units(self, val): self.grid.units = val @property def data(self): """Data array (n-dimensional numpy array) Note ---- This is a pointer to the data object of the underlying iris.Cube instance and will load the data into memory. Thus, in case of large datasets, this may lead to a memory error """ return @data.setter def data(self, array): if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Cannot set data array: need numpy.ndarray") elif not array.shape == raise DataDimensionError( f"Cannot assign dataarray: shape mismatch. " f"Got: {array.shape}, Need: {self.grid.shape}" ) = array @property def altitude_access(self): if not isinstance(self._altitude_access, AltitudeAccess): self._altitude_access = AltitudeAccess(self) return self._altitude_access @property def delta_t(self): """Array containing timedelta values for each time stamp""" ts = self.time_stamps() if len(ts) < 2: raise AttributeError( "Need at least 2 timestamps in GriddedData in order to compute delta-t" ) return ts[1:] - ts[0:-1]
[docs] def check_frequency(self): """Check if all datapoints are sampled at the same time frequency""" dt = np.unique(self.delta_t) if len(dt) > 1: raise AttributeError("Irregular time-frequency") freq = TS_TYPE_TO_NUMPY_FREQ[self.ts_type] if not int(dt.astype(f"timedelta64[{freq}]")) == 1: raise AttributeError( "Mismatch between sampling freq and " "actual frequency of values in time dimension " )
@property def TS_TYPES(self): """List with valid filename encryptions specifying temporal resolution""" return self.io_opts.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES @property def from_files(self): """List of file paths from which this data object was created""" return self.metadata["from_files"] @property def is_masked(self): """Flag specifying whether data is masked or not Note ---- This method only works if the data is loaded. """ if self.grid.has_lazy_data(): raise AttributeError( "Information cannot be accessed. Data is not available in memory (lazy loading)" ) return isinstance(, @property def base_year(self): """Base year of time dimension Note ---- Changing this attribute will update the time-dimension. """ if not self.has_time_dim: raise DataDimensionError("Could not access base year: data has no time dimension") try: return self.time.units.utime().origin.year except Exception as e: raise DataDimensionError(f"Could access base-year. Unexpected error: {repr(e)}") @base_year.setter def base_year(self, val): self.change_base_year(val) @property def start(self): """Start time of dataset as datetime64 object""" if not self.has_time_dim: raise ValueError("GriddedData has no time dimension") t = cftime_to_datetime64(self.time[0])[0] # try: # ToDo: check if this is needed np_freq = TsType(self.ts_type).to_numpy_freq() # TS_TYPE_TO_NUMPY_FREQ[self.ts_type] dtype_appr = f"datetime64[{np_freq}]" t = t.astype(dtype_appr) return t.astype("datetime64[us]") @property def stop(self): """Start time of dataset as datetime64 object""" if not self.has_time_dim: raise ValueError("GriddedData has no time dimension") t = cftime_to_datetime64(self.time[-1])[0] np_freq = TsType(self.ts_type).to_numpy_freq() # TS_TYPE_TO_NUMPY_FREQ[self.ts_type] dtype_appr = f"datetime64[{np_freq}]" t = t.astype(dtype_appr) + np.timedelta64(1, np_freq) t = t.astype("datetime64[us]") - np.timedelta64(1, "us") return t @property def cube(self): """Instance of underlying cube object""" return self.grid @cube.setter def cube(self, val): """Instance of underlying cube object""" self.grid = val @property def grid(self): """Underlying grid data object""" return self._grid @grid.setter def grid(self, value): if not isinstance(value, iris.cube.Cube): raise TypeError(f"Grid data format {type(value)} is not supported, need Cube") for key, val in self._META_ADD.items(): if not key in value.attributes: value.attributes[key] = val self._grid = value @property def plot_settings(self): """:class:`Variable` instance that contains plot settings The settings can be specified in the variables.ini file based on the unique var_name, see e.g. `here < config_files.html#variables>`__ If no default settings can be found for this variable, all parameters will be initiated with ``None``, in which case the Aerocom plot method uses """ return const.VARS[self.var_name] @property def name(self): """ID of model to which data belongs""" warnings.warn( "Deprecated attribute name, please use data_id instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.metadata["data_id"] @property def data_id(self): """ID of data object (e.g. model run ID, obsnetwork ID) Note ---- This attribute was formerly named ``name`` which is alse the corresponding attribute name in :attr:`metadata` """ try: return self.metadata["data_id"] except KeyError: return "undefined" @property def is_climatology(self): ff = self.from_files if len(ff) == 1 and "9999" in os.path.basename(ff[0]): return True return False @property def has_data(self): """True if sum of shape of underlying Cube instance is > 0, else False""" return True if bool(sum(self._grid.shape)) else False @property def shape(self): return self._grid.shape @property def lon_res(self): if not "longitude" in self: raise AttributeError("Data does not contain longitude information") vals = np.diff(self.longitude.points) val = vals.mean() if vals.std() / val > 0.0001: raise ValueError("Check longitudes") return val @property def lat_res(self): if not "latitude" in self: raise AttributeError("Data does not contain longitude information") vals = np.diff(self.latitude.points) val = vals.mean() if vals.std() / val > 0.0001: raise ValueError("Check latitudes") return val @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions""" if not self.has_data: raise NotImplementedError("No data available...") return self.grid.ndim @property def coords_order(self): """Array containing the order of coordinates""" return self.coord_names @property def coord_names(self): """List containing coordinate names""" if not self.has_data: return [] elif self._coord_names is None: self._update_coord_info() return self._coord_names @property def dimcoord_names(self): """List containing coordinate names""" if not self.has_data: return [] return [ for c in self.grid.dim_coords] @property def area_weights(self): """Area weights of lat / lon grid""" if self._area_weights is None: self.calc_area_weights() return self._area_weights @area_weights.setter def area_weights(self, val): raise AttributeError("Area weights cannot be set manually yet...") @property def has_latlon_dims(self): """Boolean specifying whether data has latitude and longitude dimensions""" return all([dim in self.dimcoord_names for dim in ["latitude", "longitude"]]) @property def has_time_dim(self): """Boolean specifying whether data has latitude and longitude dimensions""" return "time" in self.dimcoord_names
[docs] def infer_ts_type(self): """Try to infer sampling frequency from time dimension data Returns ------- str ts_type that was inferred (is assigned to metadata too) Raises ------ DataDimensionError if data object does not contain a time dimension """ if not self.has_time_dim: raise DataDimensionError("Cannot infer frequency. Data has no time dimension") dt = np.unique(self.delta_t) if len(dt) > 1: raise ValueError("Could not identify unique frequency") dt = dt[0] for ts_type, freq in TS_TYPE_TO_NUMPY_FREQ.items(): val = dt.astype(f"timedelta64[{freq}]").astype(int) if val == 1: self.metadata["ts_type"] = ts_type return ts_type raise AttributeError("Failed to infer ts_type from data")
[docs] def change_base_year(self, new_year, inplace=True): """ Changes base year of time dimension Relevant, e.g. for climatological analyses. ToDo ---- Account for leap years. Note ---- This method does not account for offsets arising from leap years ( affecting daily or higher resolution data). It is thus recommended to use this method with care. E.g. if you use this method on a 2016 daily data object, containing a calendar that supports leap years, you'll end up with 366 time stamps also in the new data object. Parameters ----------- new_year : int new base year (can also be other than integer if it is convertible) inplace : bool if True, modify this object, else, use a copy Returns ------- GriddedData modified data object """ if inplace: data = self else: data = self.copy() from import correct_time_coord data.cube = correct_time_coord(data.cube, data.ts_type, new_year) return data
def _read_netcdf(self, input, var_name, perform_fmt_checks): from import load_cube_custom self.grid = load_cube_custom(input, var_name, perform_fmt_checks=perform_fmt_checks) if not "from_files" in self.metadata: self.metadata["from_files"] = [] elif not isinstance(self.metadata["from_files"], list): self.metadata["from_files"] = [self.metadata["from_files"]] self.metadata["from_files"].append(input) try: from import get_metadata_from_filename self.update_meta(**get_metadata_from_filename(input)) except Exception: logger.warning("Failed to access metadata from filename")
[docs] def register_var_glob(self, delete_existing=True): vmin, vmax = self.estimate_value_range_from_data() vardef = Variable( var_name=self.var_name, standard_name=self.standard_name, long_name=self.long_name, units=self.units, minimum=vmin, maximum=vmax, ) if delete_existing: varcol = const.VARS if self.var_name in varcol: varcol.delete_variable(self.var_name) const.VARS.add_var(vardef) logger.warning( f"Adding variable {self.var_name} in pyaerocom.const.VARS. " f"since such a " f"variable is not defined in pyaerocom. Minimum and maximum " f"values are added automatically based on value range in " f"associated GriddedData object to: minimum={vmin}, maximum=" f"{vmax}. Since this will add the variable only temporarily " f"during this run, this might interrupt the processing " f"workflow unexpectedly when rerunning parts of the code without " f"explictly calling GriddedData.register_var_glob. It may be best " f"to add this variable to pyaerocom/data/variables.ini." ) return vardef
[docs] @ignore_warnings(UserWarning, "Ignoring netCDF variable '.*' invalid units '.*'") def load_input(self, input, var_name=None, perform_fmt_checks=None): """Import input as cube Parameters ---------- input : :obj:`str:` or :obj:`Cube` data input. Can be a single .nc file or a preloaded iris Cube. var_name : :obj:`str`, optional variable name that is extracted if `input` is a file path . Irrelevant if `input` is preloaded Cube perform_fmt_checks : bool, optional perform formatting checks based on information in filenames. Only relevant if input is a file """ if isinstance(input, iris.cube.Cube): self.grid = input # instance of Cube elif isinstance(input, Path) and input.exists(): self._read_netcdf(str(input), var_name, perform_fmt_checks) elif isinstance(input, str) and os.path.exists(input): self._read_netcdf(input, var_name, perform_fmt_checks) else: raise OSError(f"Failed to load input: {input}") if var_name is not None and self.var_name != var_name: try: self.var_name = var_name except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Could not update var_name, invalid input {var_name} (need str)")
def _check_invalid_unit_alias(self): """Check for units that have been invalidated by iris iris lib relies on CF conventions and if the unit in the NetCDF file is invalid, it will set the variable unit to UNKNOWN and put the actually provided unit into the attributes. pyaerocom can handle some of these invalid units, which is checked here and updated accordingly Parameters ---------- cube : iris.cube.Cube loaded instance of data Cube Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube input cube that has been checked for supported units and updated if applicable """ cube = self.grid if "invalid_units" in cube.attributes and cube.attributes["invalid_units"] in UALIASES: from_unit = cube.attributes["invalid_units"] to_unit = UALIASES[from_unit]"Updating invalid unit in {repr(cube)} from {from_unit} to {to_unit}") del cube.attributes["invalid_units"] cube.units = to_unit return cube
[docs] def check_unit(self, try_convert_if_wrong=False): """Check if unit is correct""" from pyaerocom.exceptions import VariableDefinitionError self._check_invalid_unit_alias() unit_ok = False to_unit = None try: var = const.VARS[self.cube.var_name] to_unit = var.units current_unit = self.units if to_unit == current_unit: # string match e.g. both are m-1 unit_ok = True elif Unit(to_unit).convert(1, current_unit) == 1: self.units = to_unit f"Updating unit string from {current_unit} to {to_unit} in GriddedData." ) unit_ok = True except (VariableDefinitionError, ValueError): pass if not unit_ok and try_convert_if_wrong and isinstance(to_unit, str): logger.warning( f"Unit {self.units} in GriddedData {self.short_str()} is not " f"AeroCom conform ({to_unit}). Trying to convert ... " ) if self.var_info.units == "1" and self.units.is_unknown(): self.units = "1" unit_ok = True else: try: self.convert_unit(to_unit) unit_ok = True except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to convert unit from {self.units} to {to_unit}. Reason: {e}" ) return unit_ok
def _try_convert_custom_unit(self, new_unit): """ Try convert data to input unit using custom conversion Helpers for custom conversion are defined in :mod:`pyaerocom.units_helpers`. Parameters ---------- new_unit : str output unit Raises ------ UnitConversionError if conversion failed Returns ------- None """ current = self.units mulfac = get_unit_conversion_fac( from_unit=current, to_unit=new_unit, var_name=self.var_name, ts_type=self.ts_type ) f"Succesfully converted unit from {current} to {new_unit} in {self.short_str()}" ) self._apply_unit_mulfac(new_unit, mulfac) def _apply_unit_mulfac(self, new_unit, mulfac): if mulfac != 1: new_cube = self._grid * mulfac new_cube.attributes.update(self._grid.attributes) new_cube.var_name = self.var_name self._grid = new_cube self.units = new_unit return self
[docs] def convert_unit(self, new_unit, inplace=True): """Convert unit of data to new unit Parameters ---------- new_unit : str or cf_units.Unit new unit of data inplace : bool convert in this instance or create a new one """ data_out = self if inplace else self.copy() try: # uses cf_units functionality (standard stuff, e.g. ug to mg) data_out.grid.convert_units(new_unit) except ValueError: # try pyaerocom custom code data_out._try_convert_custom_unit(new_unit) return data_out
[docs] def time_stamps(self): """Convert time stamps into list of numpy datetime64 objects The conversion is done using method :func:`cfunit_to_datetime64` Returns ------- list list containing all time stamps as datetime64 objects """ if self.has_time_dim: return cftime_to_datetime64(self.time)
[docs] def years_avail(self): """ Generate list of years that are available in this dataset Returns ------- list """ toyear = lambda x: int(str(x.astype("datetime64[Y]"))) return [x for x in set(map(toyear, self.time_stamps()))]
[docs] def split_years(self, years=None): """ Generator to split data object into individual years Note ---- This is a generator method and thus should be looped over Parameters ---------- years : list, optional List of years that should be excluded. If None, it uses output from :func:`years_avail`. Yields ------ GriddedData single year data object """ from pyaerocom.helpers import start_stop_from_year if years is None: years = self.years_avail() if len(years) == 1:"Nothing to split... GriddedData contains only {years[0]}") yield self for year in years: start, stop = start_stop_from_year(year) yield self.crop(time_range=(start, stop))
[docs] def check_dimcoords_tseries(self) -> None: """Check order of dimension coordinates for time series retrieval For computation of time series at certain lon / lat coordinates, the data dimensions have to be in a certain order specified by :attr:`COORDS_ORDER_TSERIES`. This method checks the current order (and dimensionality) of data and raises appropriate errors. Raises ------ DataDimensionError if dimension of data is not supported (currently, 3D or 4D data is supported) NotImplementedError if one of the required coordinates is associated with more than one dimension. DimensionOrderError if dimensions are not in the right order (in which case :func:`reorder_dimensions_tseries` may be used to catch the Exception) """ if not self.ndim in (3, 4): raise DataDimensionError("Time series extraction requires at least 3 dimensions") # list of coordinates needed for timeseries extraction. needed = self.COORDS_ORDER_TSERIES for i, coord in enumerate(needed): dims = self.cube.coord_dims(coord) if len(dims) == 0: raise DataDimensionError( f"Coord {coord} is not associated with a data dimension in cube" ) elif len(dims) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Coord {coord} is associated with " f"multiple dimensions. This cannot " f"yet be handled..." ) if not dims[0] == i: raise DimensionOrderError("Invalid order of grid dimensions")
[docs] def reorder_dimensions_tseries(self) -> None: """Transpose dimensions of data such that :func:`to_time_series` works Raises ------ DataDimensionError if not all needed coordinates are available NotImplementedError if one of the required coordinates is associated with more than one dimension. """ # list of coordinates needed for timeseries extraction. needed = self.COORDS_ORDER_TSERIES new_order = [] # coord_names = [ for c in self.grid.dim_coords] for coord in needed: dims = self.cube.coord_dims(coord) if len(dims) == 0: raise DataDimensionError( f"Coord {coord} is not associated with a data dimension in cube" ) elif len(dims) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Coord {coord} is associated with " "multiple dimensions. This cannot " "yet be handled..." ) new_order.append(dims[0]) if not len(new_order) == self.ndim: for i in range(self.ndim): if not i in new_order: new_order.append(i) self.transpose(new_order) self.check_dimcoords_tseries()
[docs] def transpose(self, new_order): """Re-order data dimensions in object Wrapper for :func:`iris.cube.Cube.transpose` Note ---- Changes THIS object (i.e. no new instance of :class:`GriddedData` will be created) Parameters ---------- order : list new index order """ self.grid.transpose(new_order)
[docs] def mean_at_coords(self, latitude=None, longitude=None, time_resample_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Compute mean value at all input locations Parameters ---------- latitude : 1D list or similar list of latitude coordinates of coordinate locations. If None, please provided coords in iris style as list of (lat, lon) tuples via `coords` (handled via arg kwargs) longitude : 1D list or similar list of longitude coordinates of coordinate locations. If None, please provided coords in iris style as list of (lat, lon) tuples via `coords` (handled via arg kwargs) time_resample_kwargs : dict, optional time resampling arguments passed to :func:`StationData.resample_time` **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`to_time_series` Returns ------- float mean value at coordinates over all times available in this object """ ts = self.to_time_series(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, **kwargs) mean = [] for stat in ts: if isinstance(time_resample_kwargs, dict): stat.resample_time(self.var_name, inplace=True, **time_resample_kwargs) data = stat[self.var_name].values if len(data) > 0: data = np.nanmean(data) mean.append(data) return np.nanmean(mean)
def _coords_to_iris_sample_points(self, **coords): sample_points = [] num = None for cname, vals in coords.items(): if isnumeric(vals): vals = [vals] if num is None: num = len(vals) elif num != len(vals): raise ValueError("All coord arrays need to have same length") sample_points.append((cname, vals)) return sample_points def _iris_sample_points_to_coords(self, sample_points): lats, lons = None, None for name, vals in sample_points: if isnumeric(vals): vals = [vals] if name in ("lat", "latitude"): lats = vals elif name in ("lon", "longitude"): lons = vals if not lats or not lons or not len(lats) == len(lons): raise ValueError( "Could not extract latitude or longitude info " "from sampling_points or both input arrays " "do not have the same lenght" ) return dict(lat=lats, lon=lons)
[docs] def to_time_series( self, sample_points=None, scheme="nearest", vert_scheme=None, add_meta=None, use_iris=False, **coords, ): """Extract time-series for provided input coordinates (lon, lat) Extract time series for each lon / lat coordinate in this cube or at predefined sample points (e.g. station data). If sample points are provided, the cube is interpolated first onto the sample points. Todo ---- Check Memory error handle Parameters ---------- sample_points : list coordinates (e.g. lon / lat) at which time series is supposed to be retrieved scheme : str or iris interpolator object interpolation scheme (for details, see :func:`interpolate`) vert_scheme : str string specifying how to treat vertical coordinates. This is only relevant for data that contains vertical levels. It will be ignored otherwise. Note that if the input coordinate specifications contain altitude information, this parameter will be set automatically to 'altitude'. Allowed inputs are all data collapse schemes that are supported by :func:`pyaerocom.helpers.str_to_iris` (e.g. `mean, median, sum`). Further valid schemes are `altitude, surface, profile`. If not other specified and if `altitude` coordinates are provided via sample_points (or **coords parameters) then, vert_scheme will be set to `altitude`. Else, `profile` is used. add_meta : dict, optional dictionary specifying additional metadata for individual input coordinates. Keys are meta attribute names (e.g. station_name) and corresponding values are lists (with length of input coords) or single entries that are supposed to be assigned to each station. E.g. `add_meta=dict(station_name=[<list_of_station_names>])`). **coords additional keyword args that may be used to provide the interpolation coordinates (for details, see :func:`interpolate`) Returns ------- list list of result dictionaries for each coordinate. Dictionary keys are: ``longitude, latitude, var_name`` """ if "collapse_scalar" in coords: # for backwards compatibility collapse_scalar = coords.pop("collapse_scalar") else: collapse_scalar = True try: self.check_dimcoords_tseries() except DimensionOrderError: self.reorder_dimensions_tseries() pinfo = False if > 5913000: # (shape of 2x2 deg, daily data) pinfo = True from time import time t0 = time() f"Extracting timeseries data from large array (shape: {self.shape}). " f"This may take a while..." ) # if the method makes it to this point, it is 3 or 4 dimensional # and the first 3 dimensions are time, latitude, longitude. if self.ndim == 3: # data does not contain vertical dimension if use_iris: if sample_points is None: sample_points = self._coords_to_iris_sample_points(**coords) result = self._to_timeseries_2D( sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar=collapse_scalar, add_meta=add_meta ) else: if not coords: coords = self._iris_sample_points_to_coords(sample_points) result = self._to_time_series_xarray(scheme=scheme, add_meta=add_meta, **coords) if pinfo: f"Time series extraction successful. Elapsed time: {time() - t0:.0f} s" ) return result if sample_points is None: sample_points = self._coords_to_iris_sample_points(**coords) return self._to_timeseries_3D( sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar=collapse_scalar, vert_scheme=vert_scheme, add_meta=add_meta, )
def _to_time_series_xarray(self, scheme="nearest", add_meta=None, ts_type=None, **coords): try: self.check_dimcoords_tseries() except DimensionOrderError: self.reorder_dimensions_tseries() arr = self.to_xarray() if not len(coords) == 2: raise NotImplementedError( "Please provide only latitude / longitude sampling points as input" ) for coord, vals in coords.items(): if coord in ("lat", "latitude"): if isinstance(vals, str) or isnumeric(vals): vals = [vals] lat = vals elif coord in ("lon", "longitude"): if isinstance(vals, str) or isnumeric(vals): vals = [vals] lon = vals if lat is None or lon is None: raise ValueError("Please provide latitude and longitude coords") subset = extract_latlon_dataarray(arr, lat, lon, method=scheme, new_index_name="latlon") lat_id = subset.attrs["lat_dimname"] lon_id = subset.attrs["lon_dimname"] var = self.var_name times = self.time_stamps() meta_iter = {} meta_glob = {} if add_meta is not None: for meta_key, meta_val in add_meta.items(): try: if not len(meta_val) == len(lon): raise ValueError meta_iter[meta_key] = meta_val except Exception: meta_glob[meta_key] = meta_val result = [] subset = subset.compute() data_np = lats = subset[lat_id].data lons = subset[lon_id].data for sidx in range(subset.shape[-1]): data = StationData( latitude=lats[sidx], longitude=lons[sidx], data_id=self.data_id, ts_type=self.ts_type, ) data.var_info[var] = {"units": self.units} vals = data_np[:, sidx] data[var] = pd.Series(vals, index=times) for meta_key, meta_val in meta_iter.items(): data[meta_key] = meta_val[sidx] for meta_key, meta_val in meta_glob.items(): data[meta_key] = meta_val if ts_type is not None: data.resample_time(var, ts_type, how="mean", inplace=True) result.append(data) return result def _to_timeseries_2D( self, sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar, add_meta=None, ts_type=None ): """Extract time-series for provided input coordinates (lon, lat) Todo ---- Check Memory error handle Parameters ---------- sample_points : list coordinates (e.g. lon / lat) at which time series is supposed to be retrieved scheme : str or iris interpolator object interpolation scheme (for details, see :func:`interpolate`) collapse_scalar : bool see :func:`interpolate` Returns ------- list list of result dictionaries for each coordinate. Dictionary keys are: ``longitude, latitude, var_name`` """ if self.ndim != 3: raise Exception("Developers: Debug! Users: please contact developers :)") data = self.interpolate(sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar) var = self.var_name times = data.time_stamps() # lats, lons = tuple_list_to_lists(sample_points) lats = [x[1] for x in sample_points if x[0] == "latitude"][0] lons = [x[1] for x in sample_points if x[0] == "longitude"][0] arr = grid_lons = data.longitude.points result = [] meta_iter = {} meta_glob = {} if add_meta is not None: for meta_key, meta_val in add_meta.items(): try: if not len(meta_val) == len(lons): raise ValueError meta_iter[meta_key] = meta_val except Exception: meta_glob[meta_key] = meta_val for i, lat in enumerate(lats): lon = lons[i] j = np.where(grid_lons == lon)[0][0] data = StationData( latitude=lat, longitude=lon,, ts_type=self.ts_type ) data.var_info[var] = {"units": self.units} vals = arr[:, i, j] data[var] = pd.Series(vals, index=times) for meta_key, meta_val in meta_iter.items(): data[meta_key] = meta_val[i] for meta_key, meta_val in meta_glob.items(): data[meta_key] = meta_val if ts_type is not None: data.resample_time(var, ts_type, how="mean", inplace=True) result.append(data) return result def _to_timeseries_3D( self, sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar, vert_scheme, add_meta=None ): # Data contains vertical dimension data = self._apply_vert_scheme(sample_points, vert_scheme) # ToDo: check if _to_timeseries_2D can be called here return data.to_time_series( sample_points=sample_points, scheme=scheme, collapse_scalar=collapse_scalar, add_meta=add_meta, ) def _apply_vert_scheme(self, sample_points, vert_scheme): """Helper method that checks and infers vertical scheme for time series computation from 3D data (used in :func:`_to_timeseries_3D`)""" try: self.check_dimcoords_tseries() except DimensionOrderError: self.reorder_dimensions_tseries() cname = self.dimcoord_names[-1] if not vert_scheme in self.SUPPORTED_VERT_SCHEMES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid input for vert_scheme: {vert_scheme}. Supported " f"schemes are: {self.SUPPORTED_VERT_SCHEMES}" ) if vert_scheme == "surface": vert_index = self._infer_index_surface_level() return self[:, :, :, vert_index] elif vert_scheme == "altitude": if not "altitude" in [sp[0] for sp in sample_points]: raise ValueError( "Require altitude specification in sample points for vert_scheme altitude" ) if not self.check_altitude_access(): raise DataDimensionError("Cannot access altitude information") raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot yet retrieve timeseries at altitude levels. Coming soon..." ) elif vert_scheme == "profile": return self else: try: # check if vertical scheme can be converted into valid iris # aggregator (in which case vertical dimension is collapsed) aggr = str_to_iris(vert_scheme) except KeyError: pass else: return self.collapsed(cname, aggr) raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot yet retrieve timeseries from 4D data for vert_scheme {vert_scheme}." )
[docs] def check_altitude_access(self): """Checks if altitude levels can be accessed Returns ------- bool True, if altitude access is provided, else False """ return self.altitude_access.check_altitude_access()
[docs] def get_altitude(self, **coords): """Extract (or try to compute) altitude values at input coordinates""" if not isinstance(self._altitude_access, AltitudeAccess): self.check_altitude_access() self._altitude_access.get_altitude(**coords) raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon...")
[docs] def extract_surface_level(self): """Extract surface level from 4D field""" if not self.ndim == 4: raise DataDimensionError("Can only extract surface level for 4D gridded data object") idx = self._infer_index_surface_level() return self[:, :, :, idx]
def _infer_index_surface_level(self): if not self.ndim == 4: raise DataDimensionError("Can only infer surface level for 4D gridded data object") try: self.check_dimcoords_tseries() except DimensionOrderError: self.reorder_dimensions_tseries() cname = self.dimcoord_names[-1] coord = self[cname] from pyaerocom import vert_coords as vc if "positive" in coord.attributes: if coord.attributes["positive"] == "up": return np.argmin(self.grid.dim_coords[3].points) elif coord.attributes["positive"] == "down": return np.argmax(self.grid.dim_coords[3].points) try: coord = vc.VerticalCoordinate(cname) if coord.lev_increases_with_alt: # vertical coordinate values increase with altitude -> find lowest value (e.g. altitude) return np.argmin(self.grid.dim_coords[3].points) else: # vertical coordinate values decrease with altitude -> find highest value (e.g. pressure) return np.argmax(self.grid.dim_coords[3].points) except Exception: if not const.GRID_IO.INFER_SURFACE_LEVEL: raise DataExtractionError( "Cannot infer surface level since " "global option INFER_SURFACE_LEVEL in" "pyaerocom.const.GRID_IO is deactivated" ) f"Inferring surface level in GriddedData based on mean value of " f"{self.var_name} data in first and last level since CF coordinate info is " f"missing... The level with the largest mean value will be " f"assumed to be the surface. If mean values in both levels" ) last_lev_idx = self.shape[-1] - 1 mean_first_idx = np.nanmean(self[0, :, :, 0].data) mean_last_idx = np.nanmean(self[0, :, :, last_lev_idx].data) if exponent(mean_first_idx) == exponent(mean_last_idx): raise DataExtractionError( f"Could not infer surface level. " f"{self.var_name} data in first and last level is of similar magnitude..." ) elif mean_first_idx > mean_last_idx: return 0 return last_lev_idx def _closest_time_idx(self, t): """Find closest index to input in time dimension""" t = self.time.units.date2num(to_pandas_timestamp(t)) return self.time.nearest_neighbour_index(t)
[docs] def find_closest_index(self, **dimcoord_vals): """Find the closest indices for dimension coordinate values""" idx = {} for dim, val in dimcoord_vals.items(): if not dim in self.coord_names: raise DataDimensionError(f"No such dimension {dim}") elif dim == "time": idx[dim] = self._closest_time_idx(val) else: idx[dim] = self[dim].nearest_neighbour_index(val) return idx
[docs] def isel(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "Please use method sel for data selection based on dimension values" )
[docs] def sel(self, use_neirest=True, **dimcoord_vals): """Select subset by dimension names Note ---- This is a BETA version, please use with care Parameters ---------- **dimcoord_vals key / value pairs specifying coordinate values to be extracted Returns ------- GriddedData subset data object """ constraints = [] rng_funs = { "time": get_time_rng_constraint, "longitude": get_lon_rng_constraint, "latitude": get_lat_rng_constraint, } coord_vals = {} for dim, val in dimcoord_vals.items(): is_rng = isrange(val) if is_rng: c = rng_funs[dim](*val) constraints.append(c) else: if dim == "time": if isnumeric(val) and val in self["time"].points: _tval = val else: _idx = self._closest_time_idx(val) _tval = self.time[_idx].points[0] _cval = self["time"].units.num2date(_tval) if not use_neirest and _cval != val: raise DataExtractionError( f"No such value {val} in dim {dim}. " f"Use option use_neirest to disregard and extract neirest neighbour" ) else: _idx = self[dim].nearest_neighbour_index(val) _cval = self[dim][_idx].points[0] if not use_neirest and _cval != val: raise DataExtractionError( f"No such value {val} in dim {dim}" f"Use option use_neirest to disregard and extract neirest neighbour" ) coord_vals[dim] = _cval if coord_vals: constraints.append(iris.Constraint(coord_values=coord_vals)) if len(constraints) > 0: c = constraints[0] for cadd in constraints[1:]: c = c & cadd subset = self.extract(c) if subset is None: raise DataExtractionError( f"Failed to extract subset for input coordinates {dimcoord_vals}" ) return subset
# TODO: Test, confirm and remove beta flag in docstring
[docs] def remove_outliers(self, low=None, high=None, inplace=True): """Remove outliers from data Parameters ---------- low : float lower end of valid range for input variable. If None, then the corresponding value from the default settings for this variable are used (cf. minimum attribute of `available variables <>`__) high : float upper end of valid range for input variable. If None, then the corresponding value from the default settings for this variable are used (cf. maximum attribute of `available variables <>`__) inplace : bool if True, this object is modified, else outliers are removed in a copy of this object Returns ------- GriddedData modified data object """ if low is None: low = self.var_info.minimum"Setting {self.var_name} outlier lower lim: {low:.2f}") if high is None: high = self.var_info.maximum"Setting {self.var_name} outlier upper lim: {high:.2f}") obj = self if inplace else self.copy() obj._ensure_is_masked_array() data = mask = np.logical_or(data < low, data > high)[mask] = obj.metadata["outliers_removed"] = True return obj
def _ensure_is_masked_array(self): """Make sure underlying data is masked array Required, e.g. for removal of outliers Note ---- Will trigger "realisation" of data (i.e. loading of numpy array) in case data is lazily loaded. """ if not = def _resample_time_iris(self, to_ts_type): """Resample time dimension using iris funcitonality This does not allow to specify further constraints but just aggregates to input resolution Parameters ---------- to_ts_type : str either of the supported temporal resolutions (cf. :attr:`IRIS_AGGREGATORS` in :mod:`helpers`, e.g. "monthly") Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing downscaled data Raises ------ TemporalResolutionError if input resolution is not provided, or if it is higher temporal resolution than this object """ # from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType to = TsType(to_ts_type) current = TsType(self.ts_type) if current == to:"Data is already in {to_ts_type} resolution") return self if not to_ts_type in IRIS_AGGREGATORS: raise TemporalResolutionError(f"Resolution {to_ts_type} cannot converted") elif current < to: # current resolution is smaller than desired raise TemporalResolutionError( f"Cannot increase temporal resolution from {self.ts_type} to {to_ts_type}" ) cube = self.grid # Create aggregators aggrs = ["yearly"] if not to_ts_type in aggrs: aggrs.append(to_ts_type) for aggr in aggrs: if not aggr in [ for c in cube.aux_coords]: # this adds the corresponding aggregator to the cube IRIS_AGGREGATORS[aggr](cube, "time", name=aggr) # IRIS_AGGREGATORS[to_ts_type](cube, 'time', name=to_ts_type) # not downscale aggregated = cube.aggregated_by(aggrs, MEAN) data = GriddedData(aggregated, **self.metadata) data.metadata["ts_type"] = to_ts_type data.check_dimcoords_tseries() return data def _resample_time_xarray(self, to_ts_type, how, min_num_obs): arr = xr.DataArray.from_iris(self.cube) from_ts_type = self.ts_type try: rs = TimeResampler(arr) arr_out = rs.resample( to_ts_type, from_ts_type=from_ts_type, how=how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs ) except ( ValueError ): # likely non-standard datetime objects in array (cf arr["time"] = self.time_stamps() rs = TimeResampler(arr) arr_out = rs.resample( to_ts_type, from_ts_type=from_ts_type, how=how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs ) data = GriddedData( arr_out.to_iris(), check_unit=False, convert_unit_on_init=False, **self.metadata ) data.metadata["ts_type"] = to_ts_type data.metadata.update(rs.last_setup) # in case of these aggregators, the data unit can be kept # ToDo: this is a quick fix and needs revision, should also check # if this can be handled automatically by iris, since iris knows # about cf Units and will perhaps change a unit automatically when # e.g. a cumulative sum is applied to the time dimension (for instance) # if precip data in mm hr-1 is converted from hourly -> daily using # cumulative sum. if rs.last_units_preserved: data.units = self.units else: f"Cannot infer unit when aggregating using {how}. Please set " f"unit in returned data object!" ) try: data.check_dimcoords_tseries() except: data.reorder_dimensions_tseries() return data
[docs] def resample_time(self, to_ts_type, how=None, min_num_obs=None, use_iris=False): """Resample time to input resolution Parameters ---------- to_ts_type : str either of the supported temporal resolutions (cf. :attr:`IRIS_AGGREGATORS` in :mod:`helpers`, e.g. "monthly") how : str string specifying how the data is to be aggregated, default is mean min_num_obs : dict or int, optional integer or nested dictionary specifying minimum number of observations required to resample from higher to lower frequency. For instance, if `input_data` is hourly and `to_ts_type` is monthly, you may specify something like:: min_num_obs = {'monthly' : {'daily' : 7}, 'daily' : {'hourly' : 6}} to require at least 6 hours per day and 7 days per month. use_iris : bool option to use resampling scheme from iris library rather than xarray. Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing downscaled data Raises ------ TemporalResolutionError if input resolution is not provided, or if it is higher temporal resolution than this object """ if how is None: how = "mean" if not self.has_time_dim: raise DataDimensionError(f"Require time dimension in GriddedData: {self.short_str()}") if not use_iris: try: data = self._resample_time_xarray(to_ts_type, how, min_num_obs) except NotImplementedError as e: raise ResamplingError( f"Resampling of time in GriddedData failed using xarray. " f"Reason: {repr(e)}. Please try again with input arg use_iris=True" ) else: if min_num_obs is not None or how != "mean": raise ValueError( "min_num_obs needs to be None and how needs " "to be mean for the iris resampling routine" ) data = self._resample_time_iris(to_ts_type) return data
[docs] def calc_area_weights(self): """Calculate area weights for grid""" if not self.has_latlon_dims: raise DataDimensionError( "Data does not have latitude and longitude " "dimensions. This is required for " "computation of area weights." ) self._check_lonlat_bounds() self._area_weights = area_weights(self.grid) return self.area_weights
[docs] def filter_altitude(self, alt_range=None): """Currently dummy method that makes life easier in :class:`Filter` Returns ------- GriddedData current instance """"Altitude filtering is not applied in GriddedData and will be skipped") return self
[docs] def filter_region(self, region_id, inplace=False, **kwargs): """Filter region based on ID This works both for rectangular regions and mask regions Parameters ----------- region_id : str name of region inplace : bool if True, the current data object is modified, else a new object is returned **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`apply_region_mask` if input region is a mask. Returns ------- GriddedData filtered data object """ if region_id in const.HTAP_REGIONS: return self.apply_region_mask(region_id, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) return self.crop(region=region_id)
[docs] def apply_region_mask(self, region_id, thresh_coast=0.5, inplace=False): """Apply a masked region filter""" if not region_id in const.HTAP_REGIONS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid input for region_id: {region_id}, choose from: {const.HTAP_REGIONS}" ) # get Iris mask mask_iris = load_region_mask_iris(region_id) # Reads mask to griddedata mask = GriddedData(mask_iris, check_unit=False, convert_unit_on_init=False) mask = mask.regrid(self.cube) # mask.quickplot_map(vmin=0, vmax=1) npm = if isinstance(npm, npm = npm.filled(np.nan) thresh_mask = npm > thresh_coast npm[thresh_mask] = 0 npm[~thresh_mask] = 1 # griddeddata = self.copy() try: if inplace: griddeddata = self else: griddeddata = self.copy() # UPDATE MASK WITH REGIONAL MASK.[:, npm.astype(bool)] = np.nan griddeddata.metadata["region"] = region_id except MemoryError: raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon... ") return griddeddata
[docs] def crop(self, lon_range=None, lat_range=None, time_range=None, region=None): """High level function that applies cropping along multiple axes Note ---- 1. For cropping of longitudes and latitudes, the method :func:`iris.cube.Cube.intersection` is used since it automatically accepts and understands longitude input based on definition 0 <= lon <= 360 as well as for -180 <= lon <= 180 2. Time extraction may be provided directly as index or in form of :class:`pandas.Timestamp` objects. Parameters ---------- lon_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing longitude range for cropping. If None, the longitude axis remains unchanged. Example input to crop around meridian: `lon_range=(-30, 30)` lat_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing latitude range for cropping. If None, the latitude axis remains unchanged time_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing time range for cropping. Allowed data types for specifying the times are 1. a combination of 2 :class:`pandas.Timestamp` instances or 2. a combination of two strings that can be directly converted\ into :class:`pandas.Timestamp` instances (e.g.\ `time_range=("2010-1-1", "2012-1-1")`) or 3. directly a combination of indices (:obj:`int`). If None, the time axis remains unchanged. region : :obj:`str` or :obj:`Region`, optional string ID of pyaerocom default region or directly an instance of the :class:`Region` object. May be used instead of ``lon_range`` and ``lat_range``, if these are unspecified. Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing cropped grid """ suppl = {} suppl.update(self.metadata) if region is not None: if isinstance(region, str): try: region = Region(region) except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to access longitude / latitude range using region ID {region}. " f"Error msg: {repr(e)}" ) if not isinstance(region, Region): raise ValueError("Invalid input for region") suppl["region"] = lon_range, lat_range = region.lon_range, region.lat_range if lon_range is not None and lat_range is not None: data = self.grid.intersection(longitude=lon_range, latitude=lat_range) elif lon_range is not None and lat_range is None: data = self.grid.intersection(longitude=lon_range) elif lon_range is None and lat_range is not None: data = self.grid.intersection(latitude=lat_range) else: data = self.grid if not data: raise DataExtractionError("Failed to apply spatial cropping...") if time_range is None: return GriddedData(data, **suppl) else: assert len(time_range) == 2 if all(isinstance(x, (str, np.datetime64)) for x in time_range): time_range = (pd.Timestamp(time_range[0]), pd.Timestamp(time_range[1])) if all(isinstance(x, pd.Timestamp) for x in time_range):"Cropping along time axis based on Timestamps") time_constraint = get_time_rng_constraint(*time_range) try: self.cube.coord("time").bounds = None except Exception: pass data = data.extract(time_constraint) elif all(isinstance(x, int) for x in time_range):"Cropping along time axis based on indices") data = data[time_range[0] : time_range[1]] else: raise DataExtractionError("Failed to apply temporal cropping") return GriddedData(data, check_unit=False, convert_unit_on_init=False, **suppl)
[docs] def get_area_weighted_timeseries(self, region=None): """Helper method to extract area weighted mean timeseries Parameters ---------- region optional, name of AeroCom default region for which the mean is to be calculated (e.g. EUROPE) Returns ------- StationData station data containing area weighted mean """ try: self.check_dimcoords_tseries() except DimensionOrderError: self.reorder_dimensions_tseries() if self.ndim != 3: raise NotImplementedError( "Area weighted mean can only computed " "for data containing latitude and " "longitude data" ) stat = StationData() stat.station_name = self.data_id if region is not None: d = self.crop(region=region) stat["region"] = region else: d = self vals = d.area_weighted_mean() stat[self.var_name] = pd.Series(vals, d.time_stamps()) return stat
# redefined methods from iris.Cube class. This includes all Cube # processing methods that exist in the Cube class and that work on the # Cube and return a Cube instance. These may be expanded (e.g. for # instance what they accept as input
[docs] def aerocom_filename(self, at_stations=False): # pragma: no cover """Filename of data following Aerocom 3 conventions Parameters ---------- at_stations : str if True, then AtStations string will be included in filename Returns ------- str generated file name based on what is in this object """ warnings.warn( "This method is deprecated. Please use aerocom_savename instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) from import FileConventionRead f = self.from_files[0] fconv = FileConventionRead().from_file(f) base_info = fconv.get_info_from_file(f) vert_code = base_info["vert_code"] if vert_code is None: vert_code = "UNDEFINED" if at_stations: vert_code += "AtStations" name = [,, self.var_name, vert_code, str(pd.Timestamp(self.start).year), self.ts_type, ] return f"{fconv.file_sep}".join(name) + ".nc"
[docs] def aerocom_savename( self, data_id=None, var_name=None, vert_code=None, year=None, ts_type=None ): """Get filename for saving following AeroCom conventions Parameters ---------- data_id : str, optional data ID used in output filename. Defaults to None, in which case :attr:`data_id` is used. var_name : str, optional variable name used in output filename. Defaults to None, in which case :attr:`var_name` is used. vert_code : str, optional vertical code used in output filename (e.g. Surface, Column, ModelLevel). Defaults to None, in which case assigned value in :attr:`metadata` is used. year : str, optional year to be used in filename. If None, then it is attempted to be inferred from values in time dimension. ts_type : str, optional frequency string to be used in filename. If None, then :attr:`ts_type` is used. Raises ------ ValueError if vertical code is not provided and cannot be inferred or if year is not provided and data is not single year. Note that if year is provided, then no sanity checking is done against time dimension. Returns ------- str output filename following AeroCom Phase 3 conventions. """ from import aerocom_savename if vert_code is None and self.metadata["vert_code"] is not None: vert_code = self.metadata["vert_code"] if vert_code in (None, ""): raise ValueError("Please provide vert_code") if data_id is None: data_id = self.data_id if var_name is None: var_name = self.var_name if year is None: start = pd.Timestamp(self.start).year stop = pd.Timestamp(self.stop).year if stop > start: raise ValueError( "Cannot create AeroCom savename for multiyear data... please split first" ) year = str(start) else: year = str(year) if ts_type is None: ts_type = self.ts_type return aerocom_savename(data_id, var_name, vert_code, year, ts_type)
[docs] def to_xarray(self): """ Convert this object to an xarray.DataArray Returns ------- DataArray """ arr = xr.DataArray.from_iris(self.cube) return arr
def _check_meta_netcdf(self): """Get rid of empty entries and convert bools to int in meta""" meta_out = {} for k, v in self.metadata.items(): if type(v) == bool: meta_out[k] = int(v) elif v != None: meta_out[k] = v self.cube.attributes = meta_out def _to_netcdf_aerocom(self, out_dir, **kwargs): years = self.years_avail() outpaths = [] for subset in self.split_years(years): subset._check_meta_netcdf() savename = subset.aerocom_savename(**kwargs) fp = os.path.join(out_dir, savename), fp) outpaths.append(fp) return outpaths
[docs] def to_netcdf(self, out_dir, savename=None, **kwargs): """Save as NetCDF file Parameters ----------- out_dir : str output direcory (must exist) savename : str, optional name of file. If None, :func:`aerocom_savename` is used which is generated automatically and may be modified via `**kwargs` **kwargs keywords for name Returns ------- list list of output files created """ if savename is None: # use AeroCom convention return self._to_netcdf_aerocom(out_dir, **kwargs) self._check_meta_netcdf() fp = os.path.join(out_dir, savename), fp) return [fp]
[docs] def interpolate(self, sample_points=None, scheme="nearest", collapse_scalar=True, **coords): """Interpolate cube at certain discrete points Reimplementation of method :func:`iris.cube.Cube.interpolate`, for details `see here < cube.html#iris.cube.Cube.interpolate>`__ Note ---- The input coordinates may also be provided using the input arg `**coords` which provides a more intuitive option (e.g. input ``(sample_points=[("longitude", [10, 20]), ("latitude", [1, 2])])`` is the same as input ``(longitude=[10, 20], latitude=[1,2])`` Parameters ---------- sample_points : list sequence of coordinate pairs over which to interpolate scheme : str or iris interpolator object interpolation scheme, pyaerocom default is nearest. If input is string, it is converted into the corresponding iris Interpolator object, see :func:`str_to_iris` for valid strings collapse_scalar : bool Whether to collapse the dimension of scalar sample points in the resulting cube. Default is True. **coords additional keyword args that may be used to provide the interpolation coordinates in an easier way than using the ``Cube`` argument `sample_points`. May also be a combination of both. Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing interpolated data Examples -------- >>> from pyaerocom import GriddedData >>> data = GriddedData() >>> data._init_testdata_default() >>> itp = data.interpolate([("longitude", (10)), ... ("latitude" , (35))]) >>> print(itp.shape) (365, 1, 1) """ if isinstance(scheme, str): scheme = str_to_iris(scheme) if not sample_points: sample_points = [] sample_points.extend(list(coords.items()))"Interpolating data of shape {self.shape}. This may take a while.") try: itp_cube = self.grid.interpolate(sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("Interpolation failed since grid of interpolated Cube is too large")"Successfully interpolated cube") return GriddedData(itp_cube, **self.metadata)
[docs] def regrid( self, other=None, lat_res_deg=None, lon_res_deg=None, scheme="areaweighted", **kwargs ): """Regrid this grid to grid resolution of other grid Parameters ---------- other : GriddedData or Cube, optional other data object to regrid to. If None, then input args `lat_res` and `lon_res` are used to regrid. lat_res_deg : float or int, optional latitude resolution in degrees (is only used if input arg `other` is None) lon_res_deg : float or int, optional longitude resolution in degrees (is only used if input arg `other` is None) scheme : str regridding scheme (e.g. linear, neirest, areaweighted) Returns ------- GriddedData regridded data object (new instance, this object remains unchanged) """ if isinstance(other, iris.cube.Cube): other = GriddedData(other, check_unit=False, convert_unit_on_init=False) if isinstance(scheme, str): scheme = str_to_iris(scheme, **kwargs) self._check_lonlat_bounds() self.check_lon_circular() if other is None: if any(x is None for x in (lat_res_deg, lon_res_deg)): raise ValueError( "Missing input for regridding. Need either " "other data object or both lat_res_deg and " "lon_res_deg specified" ) lons = self.longitude.contiguous_bounds() lats = self.latitude.contiguous_bounds() lat_range = [np.min(lats), np.max(lats)] lon_range = [np.min(lons), np.max(lons)] dummy = make_dummy_cube_latlon( lat_res_deg=lat_res_deg, lon_res_deg=lon_res_deg, lat_range=lat_range, lon_range=lon_range, ) other = GriddedData(dummy, check_unit=False, convert_unit_on_init=False) if not (self.has_latlon_dims * other.has_latlon_dims): raise DataDimensionError( "Can only regrid data objects with latitude and longitude dimensions" ) other._check_lonlat_bounds() other.check_lon_circular() data_rg = self.grid.regrid(other.grid, scheme) suppl = dict(**self.metadata) suppl["regridded"] = True data_out = GriddedData(data_rg, **suppl) return data_out
[docs] def check_lon_circular(self): """Check if latitude and longitude coordinates are circular""" if not self.has_latlon_dims: raise DataDimensionError("No lat lon dimensions available...") if not self.longitude.circular: self.longitude.circular = check_coord_circular(self.longitude.points, 360) return self.longitude.circular
[docs] def collapsed(self, coords, aggregator, **kwargs): """Collapse cube Reimplementation of method :func:`iris.cube.Cube.collapsed`, for details `see here < cube.html#iris.cube.Cube.collapsed>`__ Parameters ---------- coords : str or list string IDs of coordinate(s) that are to be collapsed (e.g. ``["longitude", "latitude"]``) aggregator : str or Aggregator or WeightedAggretor the aggregator used. If input is string, it is converted into the corresponding iris Aggregator object, see :func:`str_to_iris` for valid strings **kwargs additional keyword args (e.g. ``weights``) Returns ------- GriddedData collapsed data object """ if isinstance(aggregator, str): aggregator = str_to_iris(aggregator) collapsed = self.grid.collapsed(coords, aggregator, **kwargs) return GriddedData(collapsed, **self.cube.attributes)
[docs] def extract(self, constraint, inplace=False): """Extract subset Parameters ---------- constraint : iris.Constraint constraint that is to be applied Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing cropped data """ data_crop = self.grid.extract(constraint) if not data_crop: raise DataExtractionError("Failed to extract subset") if inplace: self.cube = data_crop else: return GriddedData(data_crop, **self.metadata)
[docs] def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): """Ectract subset using :func:`iris.cube.Cube.intersection` See `here for details < iris/iris/cube.html#iris.cube.Cube.intersection>`__ related to method and input parameters. Note ---- Only works if underlying grid data type is :class:`iris.cube.Cube` Parameters ---------- *args non-keyword args **kwargs keyword args Returns ------- GriddedData new data object containing cropped data """ data_crop = self.grid.intersection(*args, **kwargs) return GriddedData(data_crop, **self.metadata)
[docs] def quickplot_map( self, time_idx=0, xlim=(-180, 180), ylim=(-90, 90), add_mean=True, **kwargs ): # pragma: no cover """Make a quick plot onto a map Parameters ---------- time_idx : int index in time to be plotted xlim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted longitude range ylim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted latitude range add_mean : bool if True, the mean value over the region and period is inserted **kwargs additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`pyaerocom.quickplot.plot_map` Returns ------- fig matplotlib figure instance containing plot """ if not "latitude" in self.dimcoord_names: raise DataDimensionError("Missing latitude dimension...") elif not "longitude" in self.dimcoord_names: raise DataDimensionError("Missing longitude dimension...") tstr = "" if "time" in self.dimcoord_names: if not self.ndim == 3: raise DataDimensionError(f"Invalid number of dimensions: {self.ndim}. Expected 3.") if not isinstance(time_idx, int): try: t = to_pandas_timestamp(time_idx).to_datetime64() time_idx = np.argmin(abs(self.time_stamps() - t)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Failed to interpret input time stamp") data = self[time_idx] try: t = cftime_to_datetime64(self.time[time_idx])[0] tstr = datetime2str(t, self.ts_type) except Exception: try: tstr = datetime2str(self.time_stamps()[time_idx], self.ts_type) except Exception: logger.warning(f"Failed to retrieve ts_type in GriddedData {repr(self)}") else: if not self.ndim == 2: raise DataDimensionError(f"Invalid number of dimensions: {self.ndim}. Expected 2.") data = self from pyaerocom.plot.mapping import plot_griddeddata_on_map lons = self.longitude.contiguous_bounds() lats = self.latitude.contiguous_bounds() fig = plot_griddeddata_on_map( data=data, lons=lons, lats=lats, var_name=self.var_name, unit=self.units, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, **kwargs, ) fig.axes[0].set_title(f"{self.data_id} ({self.var_name}, {tstr})") if add_mean: from pyaerocom.plot.config import COLOR_THEME ax = fig.axes[0] try: from pyaerocom.mathutils import exponent mean = data.mean() vstr = f"{mean:.{abs(exponent(mean)) + 1}f}" mustr = f"Mean={vstr}" u = str(self.units) if not u == "1": mustr += f" [{u}]" ax.text( 0.02, 0.02, mustr, color=COLOR_THEME.color_map_text, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=22, bbox=dict(facecolor="#ffffff", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.65), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to compute / add area weighted mean. Reason: {repr(e)}") return fig
[docs] def min(self): """Minimum value Returns ------- float """ # make sure data is in memory data = if self.is_masked: return[~data.mask].min() return data.min()
[docs] def max(self): """Maximum value Returns ------- float """ # make sure data is in memory data = if self.is_masked: return[~data.mask].max() return data.max()
[docs] def nanmin(self): """Minimum value excluding NaNs Returns ------- float """ return np.nanmin(
[docs] def nanmax(self): """Maximum value excluding NaNs Returns ------- float """ return np.nanmax(
[docs] def estimate_value_range_from_data(self, extend_percent=5): """ Estimate lower and upper end of value range for these data Parameters ---------- extend_percent : int percentage specifying to which extend min and max values are to be extended to estimate the value range. Defaults to 5. Returns ------- float lower end of estimated value range float upper end of estimated value range """ min, max = self.nanmin(), self.nanmax() return estimate_value_range(vmin=min, vmax=max, extend_percent=extend_percent)
[docs] def area_weighted_mean(self): """Get area weighted mean""" ws = self.area_weights collapsed = self.collapsed(coords=["longitude", "latitude"], aggregator=MEAN, weights=ws) return
[docs] def mean(self, areaweighted=True): """Mean value of data array Note ---- Corresponds to numerical mean of underlying N-dimensional numpy array. Does not consider area-weights or any other advanced averaging. """ # make sure data is in memory if areaweighted: avg = self.area_weighted_mean().mean() return avg data = if self.is_masked: return[~data.mask].mean() return data.mean()
[docs] def std(self): """Standard deviation of values""" # make sure data is in memory data = if self.is_masked: return[~data.mask].std() return data.std()
def _check_lonlat_bounds(self): """Check if longitude and latitude bounds are set and if not, guess""" if not self.longitude.has_bounds(): # guess_bounds needs at least 2 values to work try: self.longitude.guess_bounds() except ValueError: pass if not self.latitude.has_bounds(): # guess_bounds needs at least 2 values to work try: self.latitude.guess_bounds() except ValueError: pass def __getattr__(self, attr): return self[attr] def _check_coordinate_access(self, val): if self._coord_standard_names is None: self._update_coord_info() if val in self._coord_standard_names: return {"standard_name": val} elif val in self._coord_var_names: return {"var_name": val} elif val in self._coord_long_names: return {"long_name": val} raise CoordinateError( f"Could not associate one of the coordinates with input string {val}" )
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy this data object""" return GriddedData(self.cube.copy())
[docs] def delete_aux_vars(self): """Delete auxiliary variables and iris AuxFactories""" c = self.cube for aux_fac in c.aux_factories: c.remove_aux_factory(aux_fac) for coord in c.coords(): if isinstance(coord, iris.coords.AuxCoord): c.remove_coord(
[docs] def search_other(self, var_name): """Searches data for another variable The search is constrained to the time period spanned by this object and it is attempted to load the same frequency. Uses :attr:`reader` (instance of :class:`ReadGridded` to search for the other variable data). Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable to be searched Raises ------ VariableNotFoundError if data for input variable cannot be found. Returns ------- GriddedData input variable data """ if var_name in self.reader.vars_provided: data = self.reader.read_var( var_name, start=self.start, stop=self.stop, ts_type=self.ts_type, flex_ts_type=True ) return data raise VariableNotFoundError(f"Could not find variable {var_name}")
[docs] def update_meta(self, **kwargs): """Update metadata dictionary Parameters ---------- **kwargs metadata to be added to :attr:`metadata`. """ for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == "var_name" and not isinstance(val, str): logger.warning( f"Skipping assignment of var_name from metadata in GriddedData, " f"since attr. needs to be str and is {val}" ) continue self._grid.attributes[key] = val
[docs] def delete_all_coords(self, inplace=True): """Deletes all coordinates (dimension + auxiliary) in this object""" if inplace: obj = self else: obj = self.copy() delete_all_coords_cube(obj.cube, inplace=True) return obj
[docs] def copy_coords(self, other, inplace=True): """Copy all coordinates from other data object Requires the underlying data to be the same shape. Warning -------- This operation will delete all existing coordinates and auxiliary coordinates and will then copy the ones from the input data object. No checks of any kind will be performed Parameters ---------- other : GriddedData or Cube other data object (needs to be same shape as this object) inplace : bool if True, then this object will be modified and returned, else a copy. Raises ------ Returns ------- GriddedData data object containing coordinates from other object """ if inplace: obj = self else: obj = self.copy() if isinstance(other, iris.cube.Cube): other = GriddedData(other) if not other.shape == obj.shape: raise DataDimensionError("Cannot copy coordinates: shape mismatch") copy_coords_cube(to_cube=obj.cube, from_cube=other.cube, inplace=True) return obj
def _update_coord_info(self): n, vn, sn, ln = [], [], [], [] for c in self.grid.coords(): n.append( vn.append(c.var_name) sn.append(c.standard_name) ln.append(c.long_name) self._coord_names = n self._coord_var_names = vn self._coord_standard_names = sn self._coord_long_names = ln def __getitem__(self, indices_or_attr): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" if isinstance(indices_or_attr, str): if indices_or_attr in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[indices_or_attr] try: which = self._check_coordinate_access(indices_or_attr) return self.grid.coord(**which) except Exception: raise AttributeError(f"GriddedData object has no attribute {indices_or_attr}") sub = self.grid.__getitem__(indices_or_attr) return GriddedData(sub, **self.metadata) def __contains__(self, val): """Check if variable or coordinate matchs input string""" return val is self.data_id or val in self.coord_names def __dir__(self): return self.coord_names + super().__dir__() def __str__(self): """For now, use string representation of underlying data""" st = f"pyaerocom.GriddedData: ({self.var_name}, {self.data_id})\n{self._grid.__str__()}" return st def __repr__(self): """For now, use representation of underlying data""" return ( f"pyaerocom.GriddedData: ({self.var_name}, {self.data_id})\n" f"{self._grid.__repr__()}" ) def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon")
[docs] def short_str(self): """Short string representation""" return f"{self.var_name} ({self.data_id}, freq={self.ts_type}, unit={self.units})"
### Deprecated (but still supported) stuff @property def unit(self): """Unit of data""" warnings.warn( "Attr. unit is deprecated, please use units instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.grid.units @unit.setter def unit(self, val): warnings.warn( "Attr. unit is deprecated, please use units instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.grid.units = val