Source code for pyaerocom.mathutils

Mathematical low level utility methods of pyaerocom

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, pearsonr, spearmanr

from pyaerocom._warnings import ignore_warnings

in_range = lambda x, low, high: low <= x <= high


[docs] def is_strictly_monotonic(iter1d) -> bool: """ Check if 1D iterble is strictly monotonic Parameters ---------- iter1d 1D iterable object to be tested Returns ------- bool """ return True if np.all(np.diff(iter1d) > 0) else False
[docs] def make_binlist(vmin: float, vmax: float, num: int = None) -> list: """""" if num is None: num = 8 return list(np.linspace(vmin, vmax, num + 1))
[docs] def weighted_sum(data, weights): """Compute weighted sum using numpy dot product Parameters ---------- data : ndarray data array that is supposed to be summed up weights : ndarray array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float weighted sum of values in input array """ return, weights)
[docs] def sum(data, weights=None): """Summing operation with option to perform weighted sum Parameters ---------- data : ndarray data array that is supposed to be summed up weights : ndarray, optional array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float or int sum of values in input array """ if weights is None: return np.sum(data) return weighted_sum(data, weights)
[docs] def weighted_mean(data, weights): """Compute weighted mean Parameters ---------- data : ndarray data array that is supposed to be averaged weights : ndarray array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float or int weighted mean of data array """ return np.sum(data * weights) / np.sum(weights)
[docs] def weighted_cov(ref_data, data, weights): """Compute weighted covariance Parameters ---------- data_ref : ndarray x data data : ndarray y data weights : ndarray array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float covariance """ avgx = weighted_mean(ref_data, weights) avgy = weighted_mean(data, weights) return np.sum(weights * (ref_data - avgx) * (data - avgy)) / np.sum(weights)
[docs] def weighted_corr(ref_data, data, weights): """Compute weighted correlation Parameters ---------- data_ref : ndarray x data data : ndarray y data weights : ndarray array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float weighted correlation coefficient """ wcovxy = weighted_cov(ref_data, data, weights) wcovxx = weighted_cov(ref_data, ref_data, weights) wcovyy = weighted_cov(data, data, weights) wsigmaxy = np.sqrt(wcovxx * wcovyy) return wcovxy / wsigmaxy
[docs] @ignore_warnings( RuntimeWarning, "invalid value encountered in double_scalars", "An input array is constant" ) def corr(ref_data, data, weights=None): """Compute correlation coefficient Parameters ---------- data_ref : ndarray x data data : ndarray y data weights : ndarray, optional array containing weights for each point in `data` Returns ------- float correlation coefficient """ if weights is None: return pearsonr(ref_data, data)[0] return weighted_corr(ref_data, data, weights)
def _nanmean_and_std(data): """ Calculate mean and std for input data (may contain NaN's') Parameters ---------- data : list or numpy.ndarray input data Returns ------- float mean value of input data. float standard deviation of input data. """ if np.all(np.isnan(data)): return (np.nan, np.nan) return (np.nanmean(data), np.nanstd(data))
[docs] @ignore_warnings( RuntimeWarning, "An input array is constant", "invalid value encountered in .*divide" ) def calc_statistics( data, ref_data, lowlim=None, highlim=None, min_num_valid=1, weights=None, drop_stats=None ): """Calc statistical properties from two data arrays Calculates the following statistical properties based on the two provided 1-dimensional data arrays and returns them in a dictionary (keys are provided after the arrows): - Mean value of both arrays -> refdata_mean, data_mean - Standard deviation of both arrays -> refdata_std, data_std - RMS (Root mean square) -> rms - NMB (Normalised mean bias) -> nmb - MNMB (Modified normalised mean bias) -> mnmb - MB (Mean Bias) -> mb - MAB (Mean Absolute Bias) -> mab - FGE (Fractional gross error) -> fge - R (Pearson correlation coefficient) -> R - R_spearman (Spearman corr. coeff) -> R_spearman Note ---- Nans are removed from the input arrays, information about no. of removed points can be inferred from keys `totnum` and `num_valid` in return dict. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray array containing data, that is supposed to be compared with reference data ref_data : ndarray array containing data, that is used to compare `data` array with lowlim : float lower end of considered value range (e.g. if set 0, then all datapoints where either ``data`` or ``ref_data`` is smaller than 0 are removed) highlim : float upper end of considered value range min_num_valid : int minimum number of valid measurements required to compute statistical parameters. weights: ndarray array containing weights if computing weighted statistics drop_stats: tuple tuple which drops the provided statistics from computed json files. For example, setting drop_stats = ("mb", "mab"), results in json files in hm/ts with entries which do not contain the mean bias and mean absolute bias, but the other statistics are preserved. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing computed statistics Raises ------ ValueError if either of the input arrays has dimension other than 1 """ data = np.asarray(data) ref_data = np.asarray(ref_data) if not data.ndim == 1 or not ref_data.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("Invalid input. Data arrays must be one dimensional") result = {} mask = ~np.isnan(ref_data) * ~np.isnan(data) num_points = mask.sum() data, ref_data = data[mask], ref_data[mask] weighted = False if weights is None else True result["totnum"] = float(len(mask)) result["num_valid"] = float(num_points) ref_mean, ref_std = _nanmean_and_std(ref_data) data_mean, data_std = _nanmean_and_std(data) result["refdata_mean"] = ref_mean result["refdata_std"] = ref_std result["data_mean"] = data_mean result["data_std"] = data_std result["weighted"] = weighted if not num_points >= min_num_valid: if lowlim is not None: valid = np.logical_and(data > lowlim, ref_data > lowlim) data = data[valid] ref_data = ref_data[valid] if highlim is not None: valid = np.logical_and(data < highlim, ref_data < highlim) data = data[valid] ref_data = ref_data[valid] result["rms"] = np.nan result["nmb"] = np.nan result["mnmb"] = np.nan result["fge"] = np.nan result["R"] = np.nan result["R_spearman"] = np.nan return result if lowlim is not None: valid = np.logical_and(data > lowlim, ref_data > lowlim) data = data[valid] ref_data = ref_data[valid] if highlim is not None: valid = np.logical_and(data < highlim, ref_data < highlim) data = data[valid] ref_data = ref_data[valid] difference = data - ref_data diffsquare = difference**2 if weights is not None: weights = weights[mask] weights = weights / weights.max() result[ "NOTE" ] = "Weights were not applied to FGE and kendall and spearman corr (not implemented)" result["rms"] = np.sqrt(np.average(diffsquare, weights=weights)) # NO implementation to apply weights yet ... if num_points > 1: result["R"] = corr(data, ref_data, weights) result["R_spearman"] = spearmanr(data, ref_data)[0] result["R_kendall"] = kendalltau(data, ref_data)[0] else: result["R"] = np.nan result["R_spearman"] = np.nan result["R_kendall"] = np.nan sum_diff = sum(difference, weights=weights) sum_refdata = sum(ref_data, weights=weights) if sum_refdata == 0: if sum_diff == 0: nmb = 0 mb = 0 else: nmb = np.nan mb = np.nan else: nmb = sum_diff / sum_refdata mb = sum_diff sum_data_refdata = data + ref_data # for MNMB, and FGE: don't divide by 0 ... mask = ~np.isnan(sum_data_refdata) num_points = mask.sum() if num_points == 0: mnmb = np.nan fge = np.nan mb = np.nan mab = np.nan else: tmp = difference[mask] / sum_data_refdata[mask] if weights is not None: weights = weights[mask] mnmb = 2.0 / num_points * sum(tmp, weights=weights) fge = 2.0 / num_points * sum(np.abs(tmp), weights=weights) mb = sum(difference[mask]) / num_points mab = sum(np.abs(difference[mask])) / num_points result["nmb"] = nmb result["mnmb"] = mnmb result["fge"] = fge result["mb"] = mb result["mab"] = mab if drop_stats: for istat in drop_stats: result.pop(istat, None) return result
[docs] def closest_index(num_array, value): """Returns index in number array that is closest to input value""" return np.argmin(np.abs(np.asarray(num_array) - value))
[docs] def numbers_in_str(input_string): """This method finds all numbers in a string Note ---- - Beta version, please use with care - Detects only integer numbers, dots are ignored Parameters ---------- input_string : str string containing numbers Returns ------- list list of strings specifying all numbers detected in string Example ------- >>> numbers_in_str('Bla42Blub100') [42, 100] """ numbers = [] IN_NUM = False c_num = None for char in input_string: try: int(char) if not IN_NUM: IN_NUM = True c_num = char elif IN_NUM: c_num += char except Exception: if IN_NUM: numbers.append(c_num) IN_NUM = False if IN_NUM: numbers.append(c_num) return numbers
[docs] def exponent(num): """Get exponent of input number Parameters ---------- num : :obj:`float` or iterable input number Returns ------- :obj:`int` or :obj:`ndarray` containing ints exponent of input number(s) Example ------- >>> from pyaerocom.mathutils import exponent >>> exponent(2340) 3 """ return np.floor(np.log10(abs(np.asarray(num)))).astype(int)
[docs] def range_magnitude(low, high): """Returns magnitude of value range Parameters ---------- low : float lower end of range high : float upper end of range Returns ------- int magnitudes spanned by input numbers Example ------- >>> range_magnitude(0.1, 100) 3 >>> range_magnitude(100, 0.1) -3 >>> range_magnitude(1e-3, 1e6) 9 """ return exponent(high) - exponent(low)
[docs] def estimate_value_range(vmin, vmax, extend_percent=0): """ Round and extend input range to estimate lower and upper bounds of range Parameters ---------- vmin : float lower value of range vmax : float upper value of range extend_percent : int percentage specifying to which extent the input range is supposed to be extended. Returns ------- float estimated lower end of range float estimated upper end of range """ if not vmax > vmin: raise ValueError("vmax needs to exceed vmin") # extent value range by +/- 5% offs = (vmax - vmin) * extend_percent * 0.01 vmin, vmax = vmin - offs, vmax + offs if vmin != 0: exp = float(exponent(vmin)) else: exp = float(exponent(vmax)) # round values vmin = np.floor(vmin * 10 ** (-exp)) * 10.0 ** (exp) vmax = np.ceil(vmax * 10 ** (-exp)) * 10.0 ** (exp) return vmin, vmax
def _init_stats_dummy(drop_stats=None): # dummy for statistics dictionary for locations without data stats_dummy = {} for k in calc_statistics([1], [1], drop_stats=drop_stats): stats_dummy[k] = np.nan # Test to make sure these variables are defined even when yearly and season != all stats_dummy["R_spatial_mean"] = np.nan stats_dummy["R_spatial_median"] = np.nan stats_dummy["R_temporal_mean"] = np.nan stats_dummy["R_temporal_median"] = np.nan return stats_dummy