Source code for pyaerocom.plot.plotscatter

This module contains scatter plot routines for Aerocom data.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._warnings import ignore_warnings
from pyaerocom.helpers import start_stop_str
from pyaerocom.mathutils import calc_statistics, exponent

[docs] def plot_scatter(x_vals, y_vals, **kwargs): """Scatter plot Currently a wrapper for high-level method plot_scatter_aerocom (same module, see there for details) """ return plot_scatter_aerocom(x_vals, y_vals, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_scatter_aerocom( x_vals, y_vals, var_name=None, var_name_ref=None, x_name=None, y_name=None, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, unit=None, stations_ok=None, filter_name=None, lowlim_stats=None, highlim_stats=None, loglog=None, ax=None, figsize=None, fontsize_base=11, fontsize_annot=None, marker=None, color=None, alpha=0.5, **kwargs, ): """Method that performs a scatter plot of data in AEROCOM format Parameters ---------- y_vals : ndarray 1D array (or list) of model data points (y-axis) x_vals : ndarray 1D array (or list) of observation data points (x-axis) var_name : :obj:`str`, optional name of variable that is plotted var_name_ref : :obj:`str`, optional name of variable of reference data x_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of observation network y_name : :obj:`str`, optional Name / ID of model start : :obj:`str` or :obj`datetime` or similar start time of data stop : :obj:`str` or :obj`datetime` or similar stop time of data ts_type : str frequency of data unit : str, optional unit of data stations_ok : int, optional number of stations from which data were generated filter_name : str, optional name of filter lowlim_stats : float, optional lower value considered for statistical parameters highlim_stats : float, optional upper value considered for statistical parameters loglog : bool, optional plot log log scale, if None, pyaerocom default is used ax : Axes axes into which the data are to be plotted figsize : tuple size of figure (if new figure is created, ie ax is None) fontsize_base : int basic fontsize, defaults to 11 fontsize_annot : int, optional fontsize used for annotations marker : str, optional marker used for data, if None, '+' is used color : str, optional color of markers, default to 'k' alpha : float, optional transparency of markers (does not apply to all marker types), defaults to 0.5. **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`ax.plot` Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes plot axes """ if marker is None: marker = "+" if color is None: color = "k" if isinstance(y_vals, list): y_vals = np.asarray(y_vals) if isinstance(x_vals, list): x_vals = np.asarray(x_vals) try: var = const.VARS[var_name] except Exception: var = const.VARS["DEFAULT"] try: var_ref = const.VARS[var_name_ref] except Exception: var_ref = const.VARS["DEFAULT"] if loglog is None: loglog = var_ref.scat_loglog xlim = var["scat_xlim"] ylim = var_ref["scat_ylim"] if xlim is None or ylim is None: low = np.min([np.nanmin(x_vals), np.nanmin(y_vals)]) high = np.max([np.nanmax(x_vals), np.nanmax(y_vals)]) xlim = [low, high] ylim = [low, high] if ax is None: if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 8) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if var_name is None: var_name = "n/d" statistics = calc_statistics(y_vals, x_vals, lowlim=lowlim_stats, highlim=highlim_stats) if loglog: ax.loglog(x_vals, y_vals, ls="none", color=color, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, ls="none", color=color, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) try: title = start_stop_str(start, stop, ts_type) if ts_type is not None: title += f" ({ts_type})" except Exception: title = "" if not loglog: xlim[0] = 0 ylim[0] = 0 elif any(x[0] < 0 for x in [xlim, ylim]): low = np.nanmin(y_vals) if low != 0: low = 10 ** (float(exponent(abs(low)) - 1)) xlim[0] = low ylim[0] = low with ignore_warnings( UserWarning, "Attempted to set non-positive left xlim on a log-scaled axis", "Attempt to set non-positive xlim on a log-scaled axis will be ignored.", ): ax.set_xlim(xlim) with ignore_warnings( UserWarning, "Attempted to set non-positive bottom ylim on a log-scaled axis", "Attempt to set non-positive ylim on a log-scaled axis will be ignored.", ): ax.set_ylim(ylim) xlbl = f"{x_name}" if var_name_ref is not None: xlbl += f" ({var_name_ref})" ax.set_xlabel(xlbl, fontsize=fontsize_base + 4) ax.set_ylabel(f"{y_name}", fontsize=fontsize_base + 4) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize_base + 4) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize_base) ax.plot(xlim, ylim, "--", color="#cccccc") xypos = { "var_info": (0.01, 0.95), "refdata_mean": (0.01, 0.90), "data_mean": (0.01, 0.86), "nmb": (0.01, 0.82), "mnmb": (0.35, 0.82), "R": (0.01, 0.78), "rms": (0.35, 0.78), "R_kendall": (0.01, 0.74), "fge": (0.35, 0.74), "ts_type": (0.8, 0.1), "filter_name": (0.8, 0.06), } var_str = var_name _ndig = abs(exponent(statistics["refdata_mean"]) - 2) if unit is None: unit = "N/D" if not str(unit) in ["1", "no_unit"]: var_str += f" [{unit}]" if fontsize_annot is None: fontsize_annot = fontsize_base ax.annotate( f"{var_str} #: {statistics['num_valid']} # st: {stations_ok}", xy=xypos["var_info"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot + 4, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"Mean (x-data): {statistics['refdata_mean']:.{_ndig}f}; " f"Rng: [{np.nanmin(x_vals):.{_ndig}f}, {np.nanmax(x_vals):.{_ndig}f}]", xy=xypos["refdata_mean"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"Mean (y-data): {statistics['data_mean']:.{_ndig}f}; " f"Rng: [{np.nanmin(y_vals):.{_ndig}f}, {np.nanmax(y_vals):.{_ndig}f}]", xy=xypos["data_mean"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"NMB: {statistics['nmb']*100:.1f}%", xy=xypos["nmb"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"MNMB: {statistics['mnmb']*100:.1f}%", xy=xypos["mnmb"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"R (Pearson): {statistics['R']:.3f}", xy=xypos["R"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"RMS: {statistics['rms']:.3f}", xy=xypos["rms"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"R (Kendall): {statistics['R_kendall']:.3f}", xy=xypos["R_kendall"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) ax.annotate( f"FGE: {statistics['fge']:.1f}", xy=xypos["fge"], xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="red", ) # right lower part ax.annotate( f"{ts_type}", xy=xypos["ts_type"], xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="black", ) ax.annotate( f"{filter_name}", xy=xypos["filter_name"], xycoords="axes fraction", ha="center", fontsize=fontsize_annot, color="black", ) ax.set_aspect("equal") return ax