Source code for pyaerocom.geodesy

Module for geographical calculations

This module contains low-level methods to perform geographical calculations,
(e.g. distance between two coordinates)
import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy

import geonum
import numpy as np
from geocoder_reverse_natural_earth import Geocoder_Reverse_Exception, Geocoder_Reverse_NE

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom.helpers import isnumeric

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def calc_latlon_dists(latref, lonref, latlons): """ Calculate distances of (lat, lon) coords to input lat, lon coordinate Parameters ---------- latref : float latitude of reference coordinate lonref : float longitude of reference coordinate latlons : list list of (lat, lon) tuples for which distances to (latref, lonref) are computed Returns ------- list list of computed geographic distances to input reference coordinate for all (lat, lon) coords in `latlons` """ return [haversine(latref, lonref, c[0], c[1]) for c in latlons]
[docs] def find_coord_indices_within_distance(latref, lonref, latlons, radius=1): """ Find indices of coordinates that match input coordinate Parameters ---------- latref : float latitude of reference coordinate lonref : float longitude of reference coordinate latlons : list list of (lat, lon) tuples for which distances to (latref, lonref) are computed radius : float or int, optional Maximum allowed distance to input coordinate. The default is 1. Returns ------- ndarray Indices of latlon coordinates in :param:`latlons` that are within the specified radius around (`latref`, `lonref`). The indices are sorted by distance to the input coordinate, starting with the closest """ dists = np.asarray(calc_latlon_dists(latref, lonref, latlons)) within_tol = np.where(dists < radius)[0] # the following statement sorts all indices in dists that are within # the tolerance radius, so the first entry in the returned aaray is the # index of the closest coordinate within the radius and the last is the # furthest return within_tol[np.argsort(dists[within_tol])]
[docs] def get_country_info_coords(coords): """ Get country information for input lat/lon coordinates Parameters ---------- coords : list or tuple list of coord tuples (lat, lon) or single coord tuple Raises ------ ValueError if input format is incorrect Returns ------- list list of dictionaries containing country information for each input coordinate """ if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray): coords = list(coords) if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("Invalid input for coords, need list or tuple or array") geo = Geocoder_Reverse_NE() ret_list = [] # that's what reverse_geocoder used to return # (more a list of this) ret_proto = {"city": "", "country_code": "", "code": ""} if isnumeric(coords[0]) and len(coords) == 2: # only one coordinate lat, lon = coords try: dummy = geo.lookup(lat, lon) except Geocoder_Reverse_Exception: dummy = geo.lookup_nearest(lat, lon) if dummy is None: return [ret_proto] # return [rg.get(coords)] ret_dummy = deepcopy(ret_proto) ret_dummy["country"] = dummy["NAME"] ret_dummy["country_code"] = dummy["ISO_A2_EH"] return [ret_dummy] else: for coord in coords: ret_dummy = deepcopy(ret_proto) lat, lon = coord try: dummy = geo.lookup(lat, lon) except Geocoder_Reverse_Exception: dummy = geo.lookup_nearest(lat, lon) if dummy is not None: ret_dummy["country"] = dummy["NAME"] ret_dummy["country_code"] = dummy["ISO_A2_EH"] ret_list.append(ret_dummy) return ret_list
# return
[docs] def get_topo_data( lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None, topo_dataset="srtm", topodata_loc=None, try_etopo1=False ): """Retrieve topographic altitude for a certain location Supports topography datasets supported by geonum. These are currently (20 Feb. 19) srtm (SRTM dataset, default, automatic access if online) and etopo1 (ETOPO1 dataset, lower resolution, must be available on local machine or server). Parameters ---------- lat0 : float start longitude for data extraction lon0 : float start latitude for data extraction lat1 : float stop longitude for data extraction (default: None). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. lon1 : float stop latitude for data extraction (default: None). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted topo_dataset : str name of topography dataset topodata_loc : str filepath or directory containing supported topographic datasets try_etopo1 : bool if True and if access fails via input arg `topo_dataset`, then try to access altitude using ETOPO1 dataset. Returns ------- geonum.TopoData data object containing topography data in specified range Raises ------ ValueError if altitude data cannot be accessed """ if topodata_loc is None: if topo_dataset in const.SUPPLDIRS and os.path.exists(const.SUPPLDIRS[topo_dataset]): topodata_loc = const.SUPPLDIRS[topo_dataset]"Found default location for {topo_dataset} topodata at\n{topodata_loc}") try: access = geonum.TopoDataAccess(topo_dataset, local_path=topodata_loc) topodata = access.get_data(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) return topodata except Exception as e: if try_etopo1 and not topo_dataset == "etopo1": logger.warning( f"Failed to access topography data for {topo_dataset}. " f"Trying ETOPO1.\nError: {repr(e)}" ) return get_topo_data( lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, topo_dataset="etopo1", topodata_loc=topodata_loc, try_etopo1=False, ) raise
[docs] def get_topo_altitude(lat, lon, topo_dataset="srtm", topodata_loc=None, try_etopo1=True): """Retrieve topographic altitude for a certain location Supports topography datasets supported by geonum. These are currently (20 Feb. 19) srtm (SRTM dataset, default, automatic access if online) and etopo1 (ETOPO1 dataset, lower resolution, must be available on local machine or server). Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of coordinate lon : float longitude of coordinate topo_dataset : str name of topography dataset topodata_loc : str filepath or directory containing supported topographic datasets try_etopo1 : bool if True and if access fails via input arg `topo_dataset`, then try to access altitude using ETOPO1 dataset. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing input latitude, longitude, altitude and topographic dataset name used to retrieve the altitude. Raises ------ ValueError if altitude data cannot be accessed """ return get_topo_data( lat, lon, topo_dataset=topo_dataset, topodata_loc=topodata_loc, try_etopo1=try_etopo1 )(lat, lon)
[docs] def calc_distance(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, alt0=None, alt1=None, auto_altitude_srtm=False): """Calculate distance between two coordinates Parameters ---------- lat0 : float latitude of first point in decimal degrees lon0 : float longitude of first point in decimal degrees lat1 : float latitude of secondpoint in decimal degrees lon1 : float longitude of second point in decimal degrees alt0 : :obj:`float`, optional altitude of first point in m alt1 : :obj:`float`, optional altitude of second point in m auto_altitude_srtm : bool if True, then all altitudes that are unspecified are set to the corresponding topographic altitude of that coordinate, using SRTM (only works for coordinates where SRTM topographic data is accessible). Returns ------- float distance between points in km """ p0 = geonum.GeoPoint(lat0, lon0, alt0, auto_topo_access=auto_altitude_srtm) p1 = geonum.GeoPoint(lat1, lon1, alt1, auto_topo_access=auto_altitude_srtm) if auto_altitude_srtm and p0.altitude_err == p0._ALTERR_DEFAULT: raise ValueError( f"Failed to access topographic height for coord {p0} using SRTM topographic database" ) if auto_altitude_srtm and p1.altitude_err == p1._ALTERR_DEFAULT: raise ValueError( f"Failed to access topographic height for coord {p1} using SRTM topographic database" ) return (p0 - p1).magnitude
[docs] def is_within_radius_km(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, maxdist_km, alt0=0, alt1=0, **kwargs): """Checks if two lon/lat coordinates are within a certain distance to each other Parameters ---------- lat0 : float latitude of first point in decimal degrees lon0 : float longitude of first point in decimal degrees lat1 : float latitude of second point in decimal degrees lon1 : float longitude of second point in decimal degrees maxdist_km : float maximum distance between two points in km alt0 : float altitude of first point in m alt1 : float altitude of second point in m Returns ------- bool True, if coordinates are within specified distance to each other, else False """ dist = calc_distance(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, alt0=alt0, alt1=alt1) if dist <= maxdist_km: return True return False
[docs] def haversine(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, earth_radius=6371.0): """Haversine formula Approximate horizontal distance between 2 points assuming a spherical earth using haversine formula. Note ---- This code was copied from geonum library (date 12/11/2018, J. Gliss) Parameters ---------- lat0 : float latitude of first point in decimal degrees lon0 : float longitude of first point in decimal degrees lat1 : float latitude of second point in decimal degrees lon1 : float longitude of second point in decimal degrees earth_radius : float average earth radius in km, defaults to 6371.0 Returns -------- float horizontal distance between input coordinates in km """ hav = lambda d_theta: np.sin(d_theta / 2.0) ** 2 d_lon = np.radians(lon1 - lon0) d_lat = np.radians(lat1 - lat0) lat0 = np.radians(lat0) lat1 = np.radians(lat1) a = hav(d_lat) + np.cos(lat0) * np.cos(lat1) * hav(d_lon) c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a)) return earth_radius * c