Source code for pyaerocom.grid_io

from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import dict_to_str
from pyaerocom.time_config import TS_TYPES

[docs] class GridIO: """Global I/O settings for gridded data This class includes options related to the import of gridded data. This includes both options related to file search as well as preprocessing options. Attributes ---------- FILE_TYPE : str file type of data files. Defaults to .nc TS_TYPES : list list of strings specifying temporal resolution options encrypted in file names. PERFORM_FMT_CHECKS : bool perform formatting checks when reading netcdf data, using metadata encoded in filenames (requires that NetCDF file follows a registered naming convention) DEL_TIME_BOUNDS : bool if True, preexisting bounds on time are deleted when grid data is loaded. Else, nothing is done. Aerocom default is True SHIFT_LONS : bool if True, longitudes are shifted to -180 <= lon <= 180 when data is loaded (in case they are defined 0 <= lon <= 360. Aerocom default is True. CHECK_TIME_FILENAME : bool the times stored in NetCDF files may be wrong or not stored according to the CF conventions. If True, the times are checked and if :attr:`CORRECT_TIME_FILENAME`, corrected for on data import based what is encrypted in the file name. In case of Aerocom models, it is ensured that the filename contains both the year and the temporal resolution in the filenames (for details see :class:``). Aerocom default is True CORRECT_TIME_FILENAME : bool if True and time dimension in data is found to be different from filename, it is attempted to be corrected EQUALISE_METADATA : bool if True (and if metadata varies between different NetCDF files that are supposed to be merged in time), the metadata in all loaded objects is unified based on the metadata of the first grid (otherwise, concatenating them in time might not work using the Iris interface). This might need to be reviewed and should be used with care if specific metadata aspects of individual files need to be accessed. Aerocom default is True USE_FILECONVENTION : bool if True, file names are strictly required to follow one of the file naming conventions that can be specified in the file `file_conventions.ini < pyaerocom/data>`__. Aerocom default is True. INCLUDE_SUBDIRS : bool if True, search for files is expanded to all subdirecories included in data directory. Aerocom default is False. INFER_SURFACE_LEVEL : bool if True then surface level for 4D gridded data is inferred automatically when necessary (e.g. when extracting surface time series from 4D gridded data object that does not contain sufficient information about vertical dimension) """ UNITS_ALIASES = {"/m": "m-1"} _AEROCOM = { "FILE_TYPE": ".nc", "PERFORM_FMT_CHECKS": True, "DEL_TIME_BOUNDS": True, "SHIFT_LONS": True, "CHECK_TIME_FILENAME": True, "CORRECT_TIME_FILENAME": True, "CHECK_DIM_COORDS": True, "EQUALISE_METADATA": True, "INCLUDE_SUBDIRS": False, } _DEFAULT = { "FILE_TYPE": ".nc", "PERFORM_FMT_CHECKS": True, "DEL_TIME_BOUNDS": True, "SHIFT_LONS": True, "CHECK_TIME_FILENAME": True, "CORRECT_TIME_FILENAME": True, "CHECK_DIM_COORDS": True, "EQUALISE_METADATA": True, "INCLUDE_SUBDIRS": False, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.FILE_TYPE = ".nc" # it is important to keep them in the order from highest to lowest # resolution self.TS_TYPES = TS_TYPES self.PERFORM_FMT_CHECKS = True # delete time bounds if they exist in netCDF files self.DEL_TIME_BOUNDS = True # shift longitudes to -180 -> 180 repr (if applicable) self.SHIFT_LONS = True self.CHECK_TIME_FILENAME = True self.CORRECT_TIME_FILENAME = True self.CHECK_DIM_COORDS = False # check and update metadata dictionary on Cube load since # iris concatenate of Cubes only works if metadata is equal self.EQUALISE_METADATA = True self.INCLUDE_SUBDIRS = False self.INFER_SURFACE_LEVEL = True self.load_default()
[docs] def load_aerocom_default(self): self.from_dict(self._AEROCOM)
[docs] def load_default(self): self.from_dict(self._DEFAULT)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert object to dictionary Returns ------- dict settings dictionary """ return self.__dict__
[docs] def from_dict(self, dictionary=None, **settings): """Import settings from dictionary""" if not dictionary: dictionary = {} dictionary.update(settings) for key, val in dictionary.items(): self[key] = val
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set item GridIO["<key>"] = value <=> GridIO.<key> = value <=> GridIO.__setitem__(<key>, value) Raises ------ IOError if key is not a valid setting """ if not key in self.__dict__: raise OSError("Could not update IO setting: Invalid key") self.__dict__[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item using curly brackets GridIO["<key>"] => value """ if not key in self.__dict__: raise OSError("Invalid attribute") return self.__dict__[key] def __str__(self): head = f"Pyaerocom {type(self).__name__}" return "\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(head, len(head) * "-", dict_to_str(self.to_dict()))