Source code for pyaerocom.helpers

General helper methods for the pyaerocom library.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math as ma
from collections import Counter
from datetime import MINYEAR, date, datetime

import iris
import iris.analysis
import iris.coords
import iris.cube
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from cf_units import Unit

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._warnings import ignore_warnings
from pyaerocom.exceptions import (
from pyaerocom.time_config import (
from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType
from pyaerocom.variable_helpers import get_variable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NUM_KEYS_META = ["longitude", "latitude", "altitude"]

STR_TO_IRIS = dict(

[docs] def varlist_aerocom(varlist): if isinstance(varlist, str): varlist = [varlist] elif not isinstance(varlist, list): raise ValueError("Need string or list") output = [] for var in varlist: try: _var = const.VARS[var].var_name_aerocom if not _var in output: output.append(_var) except VariableDefinitionError as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) if len(output) == 0: raise ValueError("None of the input variables appears to be valid") return output
[docs] def delete_all_coords_cube(cube, inplace=True): """Delete all coordinates of an iris cube Parameters ---------- cube : iris.cube.Cube input cube that is supposed to be cleared of coordinates inplace : bool if True, then the coordinates are deleted in the input object, else in a copy of it Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube input cube without coordinates """ if not inplace: cube = cube.copy() for aux_fac in cube.aux_factories: cube.remove_aux_factory(aux_fac) for coord in cube.coords(): cube.remove_coord(coord) return cube
[docs] def extract_latlon_dataarray( arr, lat, lon, lat_dimname=None, lon_dimname=None, method="nearest", new_index_name=None, check_domain=True, ): """Extract individual lat / lon coordinates from `DataArray` Parameters ---------- arr : DataArray data (must contain lat and lon dimensions) lat : array or similar 1D array containing latitude coordinates lon : array or similar 1D array containing longitude coordinates lat_dimname : str, optional name of latitude dimension in input data (if None, it assumes standard name) lon_dimname : str, optional name of longitude dimension in input data (if None, it assumes standard name) method : str how to interpolate to input coordinates (defaults to nearest neighbour) new_index_name : str, optional name of flattend latlon dimension (defaults to latlon) check_domain : bool if True, lat/lon domain of datarray is checked and all input coordinates that are outside of the domain are ignored. Returns ------- DataArray data at input coordinates """ if lat_dimname is None: lat_dimname = "lat" if lon_dimname is None: lon_dimname = "lon" if not lat_dimname in arr.dims and lat_dimname == "lat": for alias in const.COORDINFO["lat"].aliases: if alias in arr.dims: lat_dimname = alias break if not lon_dimname in arr.dims and lon_dimname == "lon": for alias in const.COORDINFO["lon"].aliases: if alias in arr.dims: lon_dimname = alias break if isinstance(lat, str): lat = [lat] if isinstance(lon, str): lon = [lon] if check_domain: arr_lat = arr[lat_dimname].data arr_lon = arr[lon_dimname].data lat0, lat1 = arr_lat.min(), arr_lat.max() lon0, lon1 = arr_lon.min(), arr_lon.max() new_lat = [] new_lon = [] for x, y in zip(lat, lon): if (lat0 <= x <= lat1) and (lon0 <= y <= lon1): new_lat.append(x) new_lon.append(y) if len(new_lat) == 0 and len(new_lon) == 0: raise DataCoverageError("Coordinates not found in dataarray") lat, lon = new_lat, new_lon if new_index_name is None: new_index_name = "latlon" where = { lat_dimname: xr.DataArray(lat, dims=new_index_name), lon_dimname: xr.DataArray(lon, dims=new_index_name), } subset = arr.sel(where, method=method) subset.attrs["lat_dimname"] = lat_dimname subset.attrs["lon_dimname"] = lon_dimname return subset
[docs] def lists_to_tuple_list(*lists): """Convert input lists (of same length) into list of tuples e.g. input 2 lists of latitude and longitude coords, output one list with tuple coordinates at each index """ return list(zip(*lists))
[docs] def tuple_list_to_lists(tuple_list): """Convert list with tuples (e.g. (lat, lon)) into multiple lists""" return list(map(list, zip(tuple_list)))
[docs] def make_dummy_cube_latlon( lat_res_deg: float = 2, lon_res_deg: float = 3, lat_range: list[float] | tuple[float, float] = (-90, 90), lon_range: list[float] | tuple[float, float] = (-180, 180), ): """Make an empty Cube with given latitude and longitude resolution Dimensions will be lat, lon Parameters ---------- lat_res_deg : float or int latitude resolution of grid lon_res_deg : float or int longitude resolution of grid lat_range : tuple or list 2-element list containing latitude range. If `None`, then `(-90, 90)` is used. lon_range : tuple or list 2-element list containing longitude range. If `None`, then `(-180, 180)` is used. Returns ------- Cube dummy cube in input resolution """ # Accept lists for lat_range and lon_range, but make sure correct length assert len(lat_range) == len(lon_range) == 2 lons = np.arange( lon_range[0] + (lon_res_deg / 2), lon_range[1] + (lon_res_deg / 2), lon_res_deg ) lats = np.arange( lat_range[0] + (lat_res_deg / 2), lat_range[1] + (lat_res_deg / 2), lat_res_deg ) lon_circ = check_coord_circular(lons, modulus=360) latdim = iris.coords.DimCoord( lats, var_name="lat", standard_name="latitude", circular=False, units=Unit("degrees") ) londim = iris.coords.DimCoord( lons, var_name="lon", standard_name="longitude", circular=lon_circ, units=Unit("degrees") ) latdim.guess_bounds() londim.guess_bounds() dummy = iris.cube.Cube(np.ones((len(lats), len(lons)))) dummy.add_dim_coord(latdim, 0) dummy.add_dim_coord(londim, 1) dummy.var_name = "dummy_grid" return dummy
[docs] def check_coord_circular(coord_vals, modulus, rtol=1e-5): """Check circularity of coordinate Parameters ---------- coord_vals : list or ndarray values of coordinate to be tested modulus : float or int modulus of coordinate (e.g. 360 for longitude) rtol : float relative tolerance Returns ------- bool True if circularity is given, else False Raises ------ ValueError if circularity is given and results in overlap (right end of input array is mapped to a value larger than the first one at the left end of the array) """ from pyaerocom import const if len(coord_vals) < 2: logger.warning( "Checking coordinate values for circularity " "failed since coord array has less than 2 values" ) return False step = coord_vals[-1] - coord_vals[-2] tol = step * rtol diff = coord_vals[-1] - coord_vals[0] + step if diff - tol > modulus: raise ValueError( "Circularity is given but results in overlap (right " "end of input array is mapped to a value larger than " "the first one at the left end of the array)." ) if abs(modulus - diff) > tol: return False return True
[docs] def numpy_to_cube(data, dims=None, var_name=None, units=None, **attrs): """Make a cube from a numpy array Parameters ---------- data : ndarray input data dims : list, optional list of :class:`iris.coord.DimCoord` instances in order of dimensions of input data array (length of list and shapes of each of the coordinates must match dimensions of input data) var_name : str, optional name of variable units : str unit of variable **attrs additional attributes to be added to metadata Returns ------- iris.cube.Cube Raises ------ DataDimensionError if input `dims` is specified and results in conflict """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Invalid input, need numpy array") cube = iris.cube.Cube(data) cube.var_name = var_name cube.units = units sh = data.shape if dims is not None: if not len(dims) == data.ndim: raise DataDimensionError("Input number of dimensios must match array dimension number") for i, dim in enumerate(dims): if not isinstance(dim, iris.coords.DimCoord): raise ValueError("Need iris.DimCoord...") elif not len(dim.points) == sh[i]: raise DataDimensionError( f"Length mismatch between {dim.var_name} dim ({len(dim.points)}) " f"and array dimension {i} ({sh[i]})" ) cube.add_dim_coord(dim, i) cube.attributes.update(attrs) return cube
[docs] def copy_coords_cube(to_cube, from_cube, inplace=True): """Copy all coordinates from one cube to another Requires the underlying data to be the same shape. Warning -------- This operation will delete all existing coordinates and auxiliary coordinates and will then copy the ones from the input data object. No checks of any kind will be performed Parameters ---------- to_cube other : GriddedData or Cube other data object (needs to be same shape as this object) Returns ------- GriddedData data object containing coordinates from other object """ if not all([isinstance(x, iris.cube.Cube) for x in [to_cube, from_cube]]): raise ValueError("Invalid input. Need instances of iris.cube.Cube class...") if not from_cube.shape == to_cube.shape: raise DataDimensionError("Cannot copy coordinates: shape mismatch") to_cube = delete_all_coords_cube(to_cube, inplace) for i, dim_coord in enumerate(from_cube.dim_coords): to_cube.add_dim_coord(dim_coord, i) for aux_coord, dim in from_cube._aux_coords_and_dims: to_cube.add_aux_coord(aux_coord, dim) for aux_fac in from_cube.aux_factories: to_cube.add_aux_factory(aux_fac) return to_cube
[docs] def infer_time_resolution(time_stamps, dt_tol_percent=5, minfrac_most_common=0.8): """Infer time resolution based on input time-stamps Calculates time difference *dt* between consecutive timestamps provided via input array or list. Then it counts the most common *dt* (e.g. 86400 s for daily). Before inferring the frequency it then checks all other *dts* occurring in the input array to see if they are within a certain interval around the most common one (e.g. +/- 5% as default, via arg `dt_tol_percent`), that is, 86390 would be included if most common dt is 86400 s but not 80000s. Then it checks if the number of *dts* that are within that tolerance level around the most common *dt* exceed a certain fraction (arg `minfrac_most_common`) of the total number of *dts* that occur in the input array (default is 80%). If that is the case, the most common frequency is attempted to be derived using :func:`TsType.from_total_seconds` based on the most common *dt* (in this example that would be *daily*). Parameters ---------- time_stamps : pandas.DatetimeIndex, or similar list of time stamps dt_tol_percent : int tolerance in percent of accepted range of time diffs with respect to most common time difference. minfrac_most_common : float minimum required fraction of time diffs that have to be equal to, or within tolerance range, the most common time difference. Raises ------ TemporalResolutionError if frequency cannot be derived. Returns ------- str inferred frequency """ from pyaerocom import TsType if not isinstance(time_stamps, pd.DatetimeIndex): time_stamps = pd.DatetimeIndex(time_stamps) vals = time_stamps.values dts = (vals[1:] - vals[:-1]).astype("timedelta64[s]").astype(int) if np.min(dts) < 0: raise TemporalResolutionError("Nasa Ames file contains neg. meas periods...") counts = Counter(dts).most_common() most_common_dt, most_common_num = counts[0] num_within_tol = most_common_num lower = most_common_dt * (100 - dt_tol_percent) / 100 upper = most_common_dt * (100 + dt_tol_percent) / 100 for dt, num in counts[1:]: if lower <= dt <= upper: num_within_tol += num frac_ok = num_within_tol / len(dts) if not frac_ok > minfrac_most_common: raise TemporalResolutionError("Failed to infer ts_type") tst = TsType.from_total_seconds(most_common_dt) return str(tst)
[docs] def seconds_in_periods(timestamps, ts_type): """ Calculates the number of seconds for each period in timestamps. Parameters ---------- timestamps : numpy.datetime64 or numpy.ndarray Either a single datetime or an array of datetimes. ts_type : str Frequency of timestamps. Returns ------- np.array : Array with same length as timestamps containing number of seconds for each period. """ ts_type = TsType(ts_type) if isinstance(timestamps, np.datetime64): timestamps = np.array([timestamps]) if isinstance(timestamps, np.ndarray): timestamps = [to_pandas_timestamp(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps] # From here on timestamps should be a numpy array containing pandas Timestamps seconds_in_day = 86400 if ts_type >= TsType("monthly"): if ts_type == TsType("monthly"): days_in_months = np.array([timestamp.days_in_month for timestamp in timestamps]) seconds = days_in_months * seconds_in_day return seconds if ts_type == TsType("daily"): return seconds_in_day * np.ones_like(timestamps) raise NotImplementedError("Only yearly, monthly and daily frequencies implemented.") elif ts_type == TsType("yearly"): days_in_year = [] for ts in timestamps: if ts.year % 4 == 0: days_in_year.append(366) # Leap year else: days_in_year.append(365) seconds = np.array(days_in_year) * seconds_in_day return seconds raise TemporalResolutionError(f"Unknown TsType: {ts_type}")
[docs] def get_tot_number_of_seconds(ts_type, dtime=None): """Get total no. of seconds for a given frequency ToDo ---- This method needs revision and can be solved simpler probably Parameters ---------- ts_type : str or TsType frequency for which number of seconds is supposed to be retrieved dtime : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Raises ------ AttributeError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ ts_tpe = TsType(ts_type) if ts_tpe >= TsType("monthly"): if dtime is None: raise AttributeError( "For frequncies larger than or eq. monthly you" + " need to provide dtime in order to compute the number of second." ) if not ts_type == "monthly": raise NotImplementedError("Can only handle monthly so far...") # find seconds from dtime # TODO generalize this days_in_month = dtime.dt.daysinmonth return days_in_month * 24 * 60 * 60 else: return TS_TYPE_SECS[ts_type]
[docs] def get_standard_name(var_name): """Converts AeroCom variable name to CF standard name Also handles alias names for variables, etc. or strings corresponding to older conventions (e.g. names containing 3D). Parameters ---------- var_name : str AeroCom variable name Returns ------- str corresponding standard name """ from pyaerocom import const return const.VARS[var_name].standard_name
[docs] def get_standard_unit(var_name): """Gets standard unit of AeroCom variable Also handles alias names for variables, etc. or strings corresponding to older conventions (e.g. names containing 3D). Parameters ---------- var_name : str AeroCom variable name Returns ------- str corresponding standard unit """ from pyaerocom import const return const.VARS[var_name].units
[docs] def get_lowest_resolution(ts_type, *ts_types): """Get the lowest resolution from several ts_type codes Parameters ---------- ts_type : str first ts_type *ts_types one or more additional ts_type codes Returns ------- str the ts_type that corresponds to the lowest resolution Raises ------ ValueError if one of the input ts_type codes is not supported """ # all_ts_types = const.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType lowest = TsType(ts_type) for freq in ts_types: _temp = TsType(freq) if _temp < lowest: lowest = _temp return lowest.val
[docs] def sort_ts_types(ts_types): """Sort a list of ts_types Parameters ---------- ts_types : list list of strings (or instance of :class:`TsType`) to be sorted Returns ------- list list of strings with sorted frequencies Raises ------ TemporalResolutionError if one of the input ts_types is not supported """ freqs_sorted = [] for ts_type in ts_types: if isinstance(ts_type, str): ts_type = TsType(ts_type) if len(freqs_sorted) == 0: freqs_sorted.append(ts_type) else: insert = False for i, tt in enumerate(freqs_sorted): if tt < ts_type: insert = True break if insert: freqs_sorted.insert(i, ts_type) else: freqs_sorted.append(ts_type) return [str(tt) for tt in freqs_sorted]
[docs] def get_highest_resolution(ts_type, *ts_types): """Get the highest resolution from several ts_type codes Parameters ---------- ts_type : str first ts_type *ts_types one or more additional ts_type codes Returns ------- str the ts_type that corresponds to the highest resolution Raises ------ ValueError if one of the input ts_type codes is not supported """ lst = [ts_type] lst.extend(ts_types) return sort_ts_types(lst)[0]
[docs] def isnumeric(val): """Check if input value is numeric Parameters ---------- val input value to be checked Returns ------- bool True, if input value corresponds to a range, else False. """ from numbers import Number if isinstance(val, Number): return True return False
[docs] def isrange(val): """Check if input value corresponds to a range Checks if input is list, or array or tuple with 2 entries, or alternatively a slice that has defined start and stop and has set step to None. Note ---- No check is performed, whether first entry is smaller than second entry if all requirements for a range are fulfilled. Parameters ---------- val input value to be checked Returns ------- bool True, if input value corresponds to a range, else False. """ if isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): if len(val) == 2: return True return False elif isinstance(val, slice): if val.step is not None or val.start is None or val.stop is None: return False return True return False
def _check_stats_merge(statlist, var_name, pref_attr, fill_missing_nan): has_errs = False is_3d = [] stats = [] for stat in statlist: if not var_name in stat: raise DataCoverageError(f"All input stations must contain {var_name} data") elif pref_attr is not None and not pref_attr in stat: raise MetaDataError( f"Cannot sort station relevance by attribute {pref_attr}. " f"At least one of the input stations does not contain this attribute" ) elif not isinstance(stat[var_name], pd.Series): stat._to_ts_helper(var_name) # this will raise MetaDataError or TemporalResolutionError if there is # an unresolvable issue with sampling frequency stat.get_var_ts_type(var_name) is_3d.append(stat.check_if_3d(var_name)) if var_name in stat.data_err: has_errs = True stats.append(stat) if np.any(is_3d): if not np.all(is_3d): raise ValueError( "Merge error: some of the input stations contain " "altitude info (suggesting profile data), others " "not." ) is_3d = True else: is_3d = False return (stats, is_3d, has_errs) def _merge_stats_2d( stats, var_name, sort_by_largest, pref_attr, add_meta_keys, resample_how, min_num_obs ): if pref_attr is not None: stats.sort(key=lambda s: s[pref_attr]) else: stats.sort(key=lambda s: len(s[var_name].dropna())) if sort_by_largest: stats = stats[::-1] # remove first station from the list merged = stats.pop(0) for i, stat in enumerate(stats): merged.merge_other( stat, var_name, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys, resample_how=resample_how, min_num_obs=min_num_obs, ) return merged def _merge_stats_3d(stats, var_name, add_meta_keys, has_errs): dtime = [] for stat in stats: _t = stat[var_name].index.unique() if not len(_t) == 1: raise NotImplementedError( "So far, merging of profile data " "requires that profile values are " "sampled at the same time" ) dtime.append(_t[0]) tidx = pd.DatetimeIndex(dtime) # AeroCom default vertical grid vert_grid = const.make_default_vert_grid() _data = np.ones((len(vert_grid), len(tidx))) * np.nan if has_errs: _data_err = np.ones((len(vert_grid), len(tidx))) * np.nan for i, stat in enumerate(stats): if i == 0: merged = stat else: merged.merge_meta_same_station(stat, add_meta_keys=add_meta_keys) _data[:, i] = np.interp(vert_grid, stat["altitude"], stat[var_name].values) if has_errs: try: _data_err[:, i] = np.interp(vert_grid, stat["altitude"], stat.data_err[var_name]) except Exception: pass _coords = {"time": tidx, "altitude": vert_grid} d = xr.DataArray(data=_data, coords=_coords, dims=["altitude", "time"], name=var_name) d = d.sortby("time") merged[var_name] = d merged.dtime = d.time merged.altitude = d.altitude return merged
[docs] def merge_station_data( stats, var_name, pref_attr=None, sort_by_largest=True, fill_missing_nan=True, add_meta_keys=None, resample_how=None, min_num_obs=None, ): """Merge multiple StationData objects (from one station) into one instance Note ---- all input :class:`StationData` objects need to have same attributes ``station_name``, ``latitude``, ``longitude`` and ``altitude`` Parameters ---------- stats : list list containing :class:`StationData` objects (note: all of these objects must contain variable data for the specified input variable) var_name : str data variable name that is to be merged pref_attr optional argument that may be used to specify a metadata attribute that is available in all input :class:`StationData` objects and that is used to order the input stations by relevance. The associated values of this attribute need to be sortable (e.g. revision_date). This is only relevant in case overlaps occur. If unspecified the relevance of the stations is sorted based on the length of the associated data arrays. sort_by_largest : bool if True, the result from the sorting is inverted. E.g. if ``pref_attr`` is unspecified, then the stations will be sorted based on the length of the data vectors, starting with the shortest, ending with the longest. This sorting result will then be inverted, if ``sort_by_largest=True``, so that the longest time series get's highest importance. If, e.g. ``pref_attr='revision_date'``, then the stations are sorted by the associated revision date value, starting with the earliest, ending with the latest (which will also be inverted if this argument is set to True) fill_missing_nan : bool if True, the resulting time series is filled with NaNs. NOTE: this requires that information about the temporal resolution (ts_type) of the data is available in each of the StationData objects. add_meta_keys : str or list, optional additional non-standard metadata keys that are supposed to be considered for merging. resample_how : str or dict, optional in case input stations come in different frequencies they are merged to the lowest common freq. This parameter can be used to control, which aggregator(s) are to be used (e.g. mean, median). min_num_obs : str or dict, optional in case input stations come in different frequencies they are merged to the lowest common freq. This parameter can be used to control minimum number of observation constraints for the downsampling. Returns ------- StationData merged data """ if isinstance(var_name, list): if len(var_name) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Merging of multivar data not yet possible") var_name = var_name[0] stats, is_3d, has_errs = _check_stats_merge(stats, var_name, pref_attr, fill_missing_nan) # ToDo: data_err is not handled at the moment for 2D data, needs r # revision and should be done in StationData.merge, also 3D vs 2D # should be handled by StationData directly... if is_3d: merged = _merge_stats_3d(stats, var_name, add_meta_keys, has_errs) else: merged = _merge_stats_2d( stats, var_name, sort_by_largest, pref_attr, add_meta_keys, resample_how, min_num_obs ) if fill_missing_nan: try: merged.insert_nans_timeseries(var_name) except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Could not insert NaNs into timeseries of variable {var_name} " f"after merging stations. Reason: {repr(e)}" ) merged["stat_merge_pref_attr"] = pref_attr return merged
def _get_pandas_freq_and_loffset(freq): """Helper to convert resampling info""" if freq in TS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_FREQ: freq = TS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_FREQ[freq] loffset = None if freq in PANDAS_RESAMPLE_OFFSETS: loffset = PANDAS_RESAMPLE_OFFSETS[freq] return (freq, loffset)
[docs] def make_datetime_index(start, stop, freq): """Make pandas.DatetimeIndex for input specs Note ---- If input frequency is specified in `PANDAS_RESAMPLE_OFFSETS`, an offset will be added (e.g. 15 days for monthly data). Parameters ---------- start start time. Preferably as :class:`pandas.Timestamp`, else it will be attempted to be converted. stop stop time. Preferably as :class:`pandas.Timestamp`, else it will be attempted to be converted. freq frequency of datetime index. Returns ------- DatetimeIndex """ if not isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp): start = to_pandas_timestamp(start) if not isinstance(stop, pd.Timestamp): stop = to_pandas_timestamp(stop) freq, loffset = _get_pandas_freq_and_loffset(freq) idx = pd.date_range(start=start, end=stop, freq=freq) if loffset is not None: idx = idx + pd.Timedelta(loffset) return idx
[docs] def make_datetimeindex_from_year(freq, year): """Create pandas datetime index Parameters ---------- freq : str pandas frequency str year : int year Returns ------- pandas.DatetimeIndex index object """ start, stop = start_stop_from_year(year) return make_datetime_index(start, stop, freq)
[docs] def calc_climatology(s, start, stop, min_count=None, set_year=None, resample_how="mean"): """Compute climatological timeseries from pandas.Series Parameters ---------- s : pandas.Series time series data start : numpy.datetime64 or similar start time of data used to compute climatology stop : numpy.datetime64 or similar start time of data used to compute climatology mincount_month : int, optional minimum number of observations required per aggregated month in climatological interval. Months not meeting this requirement will be set to NaN. set_year : int, optional if specified, the output data will be assigned the input year. Else the middle year of the climatological interval is used. resample_how : str string specifying how the climatological timeseries is to be aggregated Returns ------- DataFrame dataframe containing climatological timeseries as well as columns std and count """ if not isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp): start, stop = start_stop(start, stop) sc = s[start:stop] sc.dropna(inplace=True) if len(sc) == 0: raise ValueError( "Cropping input time series in climatological interval resulted in empty series" ) if set_year is None: set_year = int(start.year + (stop.year - start.year) / 2) + 1 df = pd.DataFrame(sc) df["month"] = df.index.month clim = df.groupby("month").agg([resample_how, "std", "count"]) # clim.columns = clim.columns.droplevel(0) clim.columns = ["data", "std", "numobs"] idx = [np.datetime64(f"{set_year}-{x:02d}-15") for x in clim.index.values] clim.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(idx), inplace=True) if min_count is not None: mask = clim["numobs"] < min_count clim.loc[mask, "data"] = np.nan return clim
[docs] def resample_timeseries(ts, freq, how=None, min_num_obs=None): """Resample a timeseries (pandas.Series) Parameters ---------- ts : Series time series instance freq : str new temporal resolution (can be pandas freq. string, or pyaerocom ts_type) how aggregator to be used, accepts everything that is accepted by :func:`pandas.core.resample.Resampler.agg` and in addition, percentiles may be provided as str using e.g. 75percentile as input for the 75% percentile. min_num_obs : int, optional minimum number of observations required per period (when downsampling). E.g. if input is in daily resolution and freq is monthly and min_num_obs is 10, then all months that have less than 10 days of data are set to nan. Returns ------- Series resampled time series object """ if how is None: how = "mean" elif "percentile" in how: p = int(how.split("percentile")[0]) how = lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x, p) freq, loffset = _get_pandas_freq_and_loffset(freq) resampler = ts.resample(freq) data = resampler.agg(how) if min_num_obs is not None: numobs = resampler.count() # df = resampler.agg([how, 'count']) invalid = numobs < min_num_obs if np.any(invalid): data.values[invalid] = np.nan if loffset is not None: data.index = data.index + pd.Timedelta(loffset) return data
[docs] def resample_time_dataarray(arr, freq, how=None, min_num_obs=None): """Resample the time dimension of a :class:`xarray.DataArray` Note ---- The dataarray must have a dimension coordinate named "time" Parameters ---------- arr : DataArray data array to be resampled freq : str new temporal resolution (can be pandas freq. string, or pyaerocom ts_type) how : str how to aggregate (e.g. mean, median) min_num_obs : int, optional minimum number of observations required per period (when downsampling). E.g. if input is in daily resolution and freq is monthly and min_num_obs is 10, then all months that have less than 10 days of data are set to nan. Returns ------- DataArray resampled data array object Raises ------ IOError if data input `arr` is not an instance of :class:`DataArray` DataDimensionError if time dimension is not available in dataset """ if how is None: how = "mean" elif "percentile" in how: raise NotImplementedError( "percentile based resampling is not yet available for xarray based data" ) if not isinstance(arr, xr.DataArray): raise OSError(f"Invalid input for arr: need DataArray, got {type(arr)}") elif not "time" in arr.dims: raise DataDimensionError("Cannot resample time: input DataArray has no time dimension") from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType to = TsType(freq) pd_freq = to.to_pandas_freq() invalid = None if min_num_obs is not None: invalid = arr.resample(time=pd_freq).count(dim="time") < min_num_obs freq, loffset = _get_pandas_freq_and_loffset(freq) resampler = arr.resample(time=pd_freq, loffset=loffset) try: aggfun = getattr(resampler, how) except AttributeError: raise ResamplingError(f"Invalid aggregator {how} for temporal resampling of DataArray...") arr = aggfun(dim="time") if invalid is not None:[] = np.nan return arr
[docs] def same_meta_dict(meta1, meta2, ignore_keys=["PI"], num_keys=NUM_KEYS_META, num_rtol=1e-2): """Compare meta dictionaries Parameters ---------- meta1 : dict meta dictionary that is to be compared with ``meta2`` meta2 : dict meta dictionary that is to be compared with ``meta1`` ignore_keys : list list containing meta keys that are supposed to be ignored num_keys : keys that contain numerical values num_rtol : float relative tolerance level for comparison of numerical values Returns ------- bool True, if dictionaries are the same, else False """ if not meta1.keys() == meta2.keys(): return False for k, v in meta1.items(): if k in ignore_keys: continue elif k in num_keys: if not ma.isclose(v, meta2[k], rel_tol=num_rtol): return False elif isinstance(v, dict): if not same_meta_dict(v, meta2[k]): return False else: if not v == meta2[k]: return False return True
[docs] def str_to_iris(key, **kwargs): """Mapping function that converts strings into iris analysis objects Please see dictionary ``STR_TO_IRIS`` in this module for valid definitions Parameters ---------- key : str key of :attr:`STR_TO_IRIS` dictionary Returns ------- obj corresponding iris analysis object (e.g. Aggregator, method) """ key = key.lower() if not key in STR_TO_IRIS: raise KeyError( "No iris.analysis object available for key %s, please " "choose from %s" % (key, STR_TO_IRIS.keys()) ) val = STR_TO_IRIS[key] if callable(val): return val(**kwargs) return val
[docs] @ignore_warnings(UserWarning, r"Parsing .* in DD/MM/YYYY format") def to_pandas_timestamp(value): """Convert input to instance of :class:`pandas.Timestamp` Parameters ---------- value input value that is supposed to be converted to time stamp Returns -------- pandas.Timestamp """ if isinstance(value, np.str_): value = str(value) if isinstance(value, pd.Timestamp): return value elif isinstance(value, (str, np.datetime64, datetime, date)): return pd.Timestamp(value) else: try: numval = int(value) if not 0 <= numval <= 10000: raise ValueError("Could not infer valid year from numerical time input") return pd.Timestamp(str(numval)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to convert {value} to Timestamp: {repr(e)}")
[docs] def to_datetime64(value): """Convert input value to numpy.datetime64 Parameters ---------- value input value that is supposed to be converted, needs to be either str, datetime.datetime, pandas.Timestamp or an integer specifying the desired year. Returns ------- datetime64 input timestamp converted to datetime64 """ if isinstance(value, np.datetime64): return value else: try: return to_pandas_timestamp(value).to_datetime64() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to convert {value} to datetime64 objectError: {repr(e)}")
[docs] def is_year(val): """Check if input is / may be year Parameters ---------- val input that is supposed to be checked Returns ------- bool True if input is a number between -2000 and 10000, else False """ try: if -2000 < int(val) < 10000: return True raise Exception except Exception: return False
def _check_climatology_timestamp(t): if isnumeric(t) and t == 9999: return pd.Timestamp("1-1-2222") elif isinstance(t, np.datetime64): tstr = str(t) if tstr.startswith("9999"): return pd.Timestamp(tstr.replace("9999", "2222")) elif isinstance(t, str) and "9999" in t: return pd.Timestamp(t.replace("9999", "2222")) elif isinstance(t, datetime) and t.year == 9999: return pd.Timestamp(t.replace(year=2222)) raise ValueError(f"Failed to identify {t} as climatological timestamp...")
[docs] def start_stop(start, stop=None, stop_sub_sec=True): """Create pandas timestamps from input start / stop values Note ---- If input suggests climatological data in AeroCom format (i.e. year=9999) then the year is converted to 2222 instead since pandas cannot handle year 9999. Parameters ----------- start start time (any format that can be converted to pandas.Timestamp) stop stop time (any format that can be converted to pandas.Timestamp) stop_sub_sec : bool if True and if input for stop is a year (e.g. 2015) then one second is subtracted from stop timestamp (e.g. if input stop is 2015 and denotes "until 2015", then for the returned stop timestamp one second will be subtracted, so it would be 31.12.2014 23:59:59). Returns ------- pandas.Timestamp start timestamp pandas.Timestamp stop timestamp Raises ------ ValueError if input cannot be converted to pandas timestamps """ isclim = False try: start = to_pandas_timestamp(start) except pd.errors.OutOfBoundsDatetime: # probably climatology start = _check_climatology_timestamp(start) isclim = True if stop is None: if isclim: yr = 2222 else: yr = start.year stop = to_pandas_timestamp(f"{yr}-12-31 23:59:59") else: try: subt_sec = False if isnumeric(stop): subt_sec = True stop = to_pandas_timestamp(stop) if subt_sec and stop_sub_sec: stop = stop - pd.Timedelta(1, "s") except pd.errors.OutOfBoundsDatetime: stop = _check_climatology_timestamp(stop) return (start, stop)
[docs] def datetime2str(time, ts_type=None): from pyaerocom import const conv = TS_TYPE_DATETIME_CONV[ts_type] if is_year(time): return str(time) try: time = to_pandas_timestamp(time).strftime(conv) except pd.errors.OutOfBoundsDatetime: logger.warning(f"Failed to convert time {time} to string") return time
[docs] def start_stop_str(start, stop=None, ts_type=None): conv = TS_TYPE_DATETIME_CONV[ts_type] if is_year(start) and stop is None: return str(start) start, stop = start_stop(start, stop) start_str = start.strftime(conv) stop_str = stop.strftime(conv) if stop_str != start_str: return f"{start_str}-{stop_str}" return start_str
[docs] def start_stop_from_year(year): """Create start / stop timestamp from year Parameters ---------- year : int the year for which start / stop is to be instantiated Returns ------- numpy.datetime64 start datetime numpy.datetime64 stop datetime """ start = np.datetime64(f"{year}-01-01T00:00:00") stop = np.datetime64(f"{year}-12-31T23:59:59") return (start, stop)
[docs] def to_datestring_YYYYMMDD(value): """Convert input time to string with format YYYYMMDD Parameters ---------- value input time, may be string, datetime, numpy.datetime64 or pandas.Timestamp Returns ------- str input formatted to string YYYYMMDD Raises ------ ValueError if input is not supported """ if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 8: "Input is already string containing 8 chars. Assuming it " "is in the right format and returning unchanged" ) return value try: return to_pandas_timestamp(value).strftime("%Y%m%d") except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"Invalid input, need str, datetime, numpy.datetime64 or pandas.Timestamp. " f"Error: {repr(e)}" )
[docs] def cftime_to_datetime64(times, cfunit=None, calendar=None): """Convert numerical timestamps with epoch to numpy datetime64 This method was designed to enhance the performance of datetime conversions and is based on the corresponding information provided in the cftime package (`see here < _cftime.pyx>`__). Particularly, this object does, what the :func:`num2date` therein does, but faster, in case the time stamps are not defined on a non standard calendar. Parameters ---------- times : :obj:`list` or :obj:`ndarray` or :obj:`iris.coords.DimCoord` array containing numerical time stamps (relative to basedate of ``cfunit``). Can also be a single number. cfunit : :obj:`str` or :obj:`Unit`, optional CF unit string (e.g. day since 2018-01-01 00:00:00.00000000 UTC) or unit. Required if `times` is not an instance of :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` calendar : :obj:`str`, optional string specifying calendar (only required if ``cfunit`` is of type ``str``). Returns ------- ndarray numpy array containing timestamps as datetime64 objects Raises ------ ValueError if cfunit is ``str`` and calendar is not provided or invalid, or if the cfunit string is invalid Example ------- >>> cfunit_str = 'day since 2018-01-01 00:00:00.00000000 UTC' >>> cftime_to_datetime64(10, cfunit_str, "gregorian") array(['2018-01-11T00:00:00.000000'], dtype='datetime64[us]') """ if isinstance(times, iris.coords.DimCoord): # special case times, cfunit = times.points, times.units try: len(times) except Exception: times = [times] if isinstance(cfunit, str): if calendar is None: raise ValueError( "Require specification of calendar for conversion into datetime64 objects" ) cfunit = Unit(cfunit, calendar) # raises Error if calendar is invalid if not isinstance(cfunit, Unit): raise ValueError( "Please provide cfunit either as instance of class cf_units.Unit or as a string" ) calendar = cfunit.calendar basedate = cfunit.num2date(0) if (calendar == "proleptic_gregorian" and basedate.year >= MINYEAR) or ( calendar in ["gregorian", "standard"] and basedate > GREGORIAN_BASE ): # NOTE: changed on 9 July 2018 by jgliss due to error (kernel died) # after update of dependencies (cf_units). Attribute name does not # work anymore... cfu_str = cfunit.origin # res = cfu_str.split()[0].lower() if res in microsec_units: tstr = "us" elif res in millisec_units: tstr = "ms" elif res in sec_units: tstr = "s" elif res in min_units: tstr = "m" elif res in hr_units: tstr = "h" elif res in day_units: tstr = "D" else: raise ValueError("unsupported time units") basedate = np.datetime64(basedate) dt = np.asarray(np.asarray(times), dtype=f"timedelta64[{tstr}]") return basedate + dt else: return np.asarray([np.datetime64(t) for t in cfunit.num2date(times)])
[docs] def get_constraint(lon_range=None, lat_range=None, time_range=None, meridian_centre=True): """Function that creates an :class:`iris.Constraint` based on input Note ---- Please be aware of the definition of the longitudes in your data when cropping within the longitude dimension. The longitudes in your data may be defined either from **-180 <= lon <= 180** (pyaerocom standard) or from **0 <= lon <= 360**. In the former case (-180 -> 180) you can leave the additional input parameter ``meridian_centre=True`` (default). Parameters ---------- lon_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing longitude range for cropping Example input to crop around meridian: `lon_range=(-30, 30)` lat_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing latitude range for cropping. time_range : :obj:`tuple`, optional 2-element tuple containing time range for cropping. Allowed data types for specifying the times are 1. a combination of 2 :class:`pandas.Timestamp` instances or 2. a combination of two strings that can be directly converted\ into :class:`pandas.Timestamp` instances (e.g.\ `time_range=("2010-1-1", "2012-1-1")`) or 3. directly a combination of indices (:obj:`int`). meridian_centre : bool specifies the coordinate definition range of longitude array. If True, then -180 -> 180 is assumed, else 0 -> 360 Returns ------- iris.Constraint the combined constraint from all valid input parameters """ constraints = [] if lon_range is not None: constraints.append(get_lon_rng_constraint(*lon_range, meridian_centre)) if lat_range is not None: constraints.append(get_lat_rng_constraint(*lat_range)) if time_range is not None: constraints.append(get_time_rng_constraint(*time_range)) if len(constraints) > 0: c = constraints[0] for cadd in constraints[1:]: c = c & cadd return c
[docs] def get_lat_rng_constraint(low, high): """Create latitude constraint based on input range Parameters ---------- low : float or int lower latitude coordinate high : float or int upper latitude coordinate Returns ------- iris.Constraint the corresponding iris.Constraint instance """ return iris.Constraint(latitude=lambda v: low <= v <= high)
[docs] def get_lon_rng_constraint(low, high, meridian_centre=True): """Create longitude constraint based on input range Parameters ---------- low : float or int left longitude coordinate high : float or int right longitude coordinate meridian_centre : bool specifies the coordinate definition range of longitude array of the data to be cropped. If True, then -180 -> 180 is assumed, else 0 -> 360 Returns ------- iris.Constraint the corresponding iris.Constraint instance Raises ------ ValueError if first coordinate in lon_range equals or exceeds second LongitudeConstraintError if the input implies cropping over border of longitude array (e.g. 160 -> - 160 if -180 <= lon <= 180). """ if low == high: raise ValueError("the specified values are equal") elif low > high: raise ValueError("Left coordinate must exceed right coordinate") if meridian_centre: low, high = (low + 180) % 360 - 180, (high + 180) % 360 - 180 else: low, high = low % 360, high % 360 if low > high: msg = "Cannot crop over right border of longitude range" raise LongitudeConstraintError(msg) return iris.Constraint(longitude=lambda v: low <= v <= high)
[docs] def get_time_rng_constraint(start, stop): """Create iris.Constraint for data extraction along time axis Parameters ---------- start : :obj:`Timestamp` or :obj:` str` start time of desired subset. If string, it must be convertible into :class:`pandas.Timestamp` (e.g. "2012-1-1") stop : :obj:`Timestamp` or :obj:` str` start time of desired subset. If string, it must be convertible into :class:`pandas.Timestamp` (e.g. "2012-1-1") Returns ------- iris.Constraint iris Constraint instance that can, e.g., be used as input for :func:`pyaerocom.griddeddata.GriddedData.extract` """ if not isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp): start = pd.Timestamp(start) if not isinstance(stop, pd.Timestamp): stop = pd.Timestamp(stop) t_lower = iris.time.PartialDateTime(year=start.year, month=start.month, t_upper = iris.time.PartialDateTime(year=stop.year, month=stop.month, return iris.Constraint(time=lambda cell: t_lower <= cell <= t_upper)
[docs] def get_max_period_range(periods): start = min([int(per.split("-")[0]) for per in periods]) stop = max(int(per.split("-")[1]) if len(per.split("-")) > 1 else int(per) for per in periods) return start, stop
[docs] def make_dummy_cube( var_name: str, start_yr: int = 2000, stop_yr: int = 2020, freq: str = "daily", dtype=float ) -> iris.cube.Cube: startstr = f"days since {start_yr}-01-01 00:00" if freq not in TS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_FREQ.keys(): raise ValueError(f"{freq} not a recognized frequency") start_str = f"{start_yr}-01-01 00:00" stop_str = f"{stop_yr}-12-31 00:00" times = pd.date_range(start_str, stop_str, freq=TS_TYPE_TO_PANDAS_FREQ[freq]) days_since_start = (times - times[0]).days unit = get_variable(var_name).units lat_range = (-90, 90) lon_range = (-180, 180) lat_res_deg = 45 lon_res_deg = 90 time_unit = Unit(startstr, calendar="gregorian") lons = np.arange( lon_range[0] + (lon_res_deg / 2), lon_range[1] + (lon_res_deg / 2), lon_res_deg ) lats = np.arange( lat_range[0] + (lat_res_deg / 2), lat_range[1] + (lat_res_deg / 2), lat_res_deg ) latdim = iris.coords.DimCoord( lats, var_name="lat", standard_name="latitude", long_name="Center coordinates for latitudes", circular=False, units=Unit("degrees"), ) londim = iris.coords.DimCoord( lons, var_name="lon", standard_name="longitude", long_name="Center coordinates for longitudes", circular=False, units=Unit("degrees"), ) timedim = iris.coords.DimCoord( days_since_start, var_name="time", standard_name="time", long_name="Time", units=time_unit ) latdim.guess_bounds() londim.guess_bounds() dummy = iris.cube.Cube(np.ones((len(times), len(lats), len(lons))), units=unit) dummy.add_dim_coord(latdim, 1) dummy.add_dim_coord(londim, 2) dummy.add_dim_coord(timedim, 0) dummy.var_name = var_name dummy.ts_type = freq = for coord in dummy.coords(): coord.points = coord.points.astype(dtype) return dummy