Source code for pyaerocom.helpers_landsea_masks

Helper methods for access of and working with land/sea masks. pyaerocom
provides automatic access to HTAP land sea masks from this URL:

Filtering by these masks is implemented in :class:`Filter` and all relevant
data classes (i.e. :class:`GriddedData`, :class:`UngriddedData`,

import glob
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
import requests
import xarray as xr
from iris import load_cube

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom.exceptions import DataRetrievalError
from pyaerocom.helpers import numpy_to_cube

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def available_htap_masks(): """ List of HTAP mask names Returns ---------- list Returns a list of available htap region masks. """ return const.HTAP_REGIONS
[docs] def download_htap_masks(regions_to_download=None): """Download HTAP mask URL: Parameters ----------- regions_to_download : list List containing the regions to download. Returns ------- list List of file paths that point to the mask files that were successfully downloaded Raises ------ ValueError if one of the input regions does not exist DataRetrievalError if download fails for one of the input regions """ if regions_to_download is None: regions_to_download = const.HTAP_REGIONS elif isinstance(regions_to_download, str): regions_to_download = [regions_to_download] elif not isinstance(regions_to_download, list): raise ValueError("Invalid input for regions_to_download, need list or str") path_out = const.FILTERMASKKDIR base_url = const.URL_HTAP_MASKS paths = [] for region in regions_to_download: if not region in const.HTAP_REGIONS: raise ValueError(f"No such HTAP region {region}") elif region == "EAS": filename = f"{region}" file_out = os.path.join(path_out, f"{region}") else: filename = f"{region}" file_out = os.path.join(path_out, filename) url = os.path.join(base_url, filename) try: r = requests.get(url) open(file_out, "wb").write(r.content) paths.append(file_out) except Exception as e: raise DataRetrievalError(f"Failed to download HTAP mask {region}. Reason {repr(e)}") return paths
[docs] def get_htap_mask_files(*region_ids): """Get file paths to input HTAP regions Parameters ---------- *region_ids ID's of regions for which mask files are supposed to be retrieved Returns ------- list list of file paths for each input region Raises ------ FileNotFoundError if default local directory for storage of HTAP masks does not exist NameError if multiple mask files are found for the same region """ mask_dir = const.FILTERMASKKDIR if not os.path.exists(mask_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("HTAP mask directory does not exist") out = [] for region in region_ids: if not region in const.HTAP_REGIONS: raise ValueError(f"No such HTAP region {region}") files = glob.glob(os.path.join(mask_dir, f"{region}*.nc")) if len(files) != 1: if len(files) == 0:"Downloading HTAP mask {region}") files = download_htap_masks(region) elif len(files) > 1: raise NameError(f"Found multiple masks for region {region}") out.append(files[0]) return out
[docs] def load_region_mask_xr(*regions): """Load boolean mask for input regions (as xarray.DataArray) Parameters ----------- *regions regions that are supposed to be loaded and merged (just use string, no list or similar) Returns --------- xarray.DataArray boolean mask for input region(s) """ masks = None for i, fil in enumerate(get_htap_mask_files(*regions)): r = regions[i] if i == 0: masks = xr.open_dataset(fil)[r + "htap"] name = r else: masks += xr.open_dataset(fil)[r + "htap"] name += f"-{r}" if masks is not None: mask = masks.where(masks < 1, 1) mask["name"] = name mask.attrs["long_name"] = name mask = mask.rename({"lat": "latitude", "long": "longitude"}) return mask
[docs] def load_region_mask_iris(*regions): """Loads regional mask to iris. Parameters ----------- region_id : str Chosen region. Returns --------- iris.cube.Cube cube representing merged mask from input regions """ cubes = [] names = [] for i, fil in enumerate(get_htap_mask_files(*regions)): names.append(regions[i]) cubes.append(load_cube(fil)) if len(cubes) == 1: out = cubes[0] else: merged_np = np.max([ for x in cubes], axis=0) out = numpy_to_cube(merged_np, dims=(cubes[0].coords()[0], cubes[0].coords()[1])) out.units = cubes[0].units name = "-".join(names) out.var_name = name # out.attributes['long_name'] = name return out
[docs] def get_mask_value(lat, lon, mask): """Get value of mask at input lat / lon position Parameters ---------- lat : float latitute lon : float longitude mask : xarray.DataArray data array Returns ------- float neirest neigbhour mask value to input lat lon """ if not isinstance(mask, xr.DataArray): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input for mask: need DataArray, got {type(mask)}") return float(mask.sel(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, method="nearest"))
[docs] def check_all_htap_available(): """ Check for missing HTAP masks on local computer and download """ return get_htap_mask_files(*available_htap_masks())
[docs] def get_lat_lon_range_mask_region(mask, latdim_name=None, londim_name=None): """ Get outer lat/lon rectangle of a binary mask Parameters ---------- mask : xr.DataArray binary mask latdim_name : str, optional Name of latitude dimension. The default is None, in which case lat is assumed. londim_name : str, optional Name of longitude dimension. The default is None, in which case long is assumed. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing lat and lon ranges of the mask. """ if latdim_name is None: # htap latdim_name = "lat" if londim_name is None: londim_name = "long" # htap assert isinstance(mask, xr.DataArray) assert mask.dims == (latdim_name, londim_name) data = lats = lons = lonmask = np.where(data.any(axis=0))[0] # flatten latitude dimenstion firstidx, lastidx = lonmask.min(), lonmask.max() lonr = sorted([lons[firstidx], lons[lastidx]]) latmask = np.where(data.any(axis=1))[0] # flatten latitude dimenstion firstidx, lastidx = latmask.min(), latmask.max() latr = sorted([lats[firstidx], lats[lastidx]]) return dict(lat_range=latr, lon_range=lonr)