Source code for

Caching class for reading and writing of ungridded data Cache objects

import glob
import logging
import os
import pickle
from import Iterator
from pathlib import Path

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom.exceptions import CacheReadError, CacheWriteError
from pyaerocom.ungriddeddata import UngriddedData

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Write data attribute list contains_vars in header of pickled file and
# check if variables match the request
[docs] class CacheHandlerUngridded: """Interface for reading and writing of cache files Cache filename mask is <data_id>_<var>.pkl e.g. EBASMC_scatc550aer.pkl Attributes ---------- reader : ReadUngriddedBase reading class for dataset loaded_data : dict dictionary containing successfully loaded instances of single variable :class:`UngriddedData` objects (keys are variable names) """ __version__ = "1.12" #: Cache file header keys that are checked (and required unchanged) when #: reading a cache file CACHE_HEAD_KEYS = [ "pyaerocom_version", "newest_file_in_read_dir", "newest_file_date_in_read_dir", "data_revision", "reader_version", "ungridded_data_version", "cacher_version", ] def __init__(self, reader=None, cache_dir=None, **kwargs): self._reader = None if reader is not None: self.reader = reader self.loaded_data = {} self._cache_dir = cache_dir @property def reader(self): """Instance of reader class""" if self._reader is None: raise AttributeError("No reader class assigned to cache object") return self._reader @reader.setter def reader(self, val): from import ReadUngriddedBase if not isinstance(val, ReadUngriddedBase): raise TypeError("Invalid input for reader") self._reader = val self.loaded_data = {} @property def cache_dir(self): """Directory where cache data objects are stored""" if self._cache_dir is not None: return self._cache_dir return const.CACHEDIR @cache_dir.setter def cache_dir(self, val): if not isinstance(val, str) or not os.path.exists(val): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Input directory does not exist: {val}") self._cache_dir = val @property def data_id(self): """Data ID of the associated dataset""" return self.reader.data_id @property def src_data_dir(self): """Data source directory of the associated dataset Needed to check whether an existing cache file is outdated """ return self.reader.data_dir
[docs] def default_file_name(self, var_name): """File name of cache file Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable to be cached. Returns ------- str file name of pickle file """ name = "_".join([self.data_id, var_name]) return name + ".pkl"
[docs] def file_path(self, var_or_file_name, cache_dir=None): """File path of cache file Parameters ---------- var_or_file_name : str name of output filename or variable that is supposed to be stored. Default usage is to provide variable and then :func:`default_file_name` is used. Can be None if input `data` contains only a single variable. cache_dir : str, optional output directory (default is pyaerocom cache dir accessed via :func:`cache_dir`). Returns ------- str output file path """ if not var_or_file_name.endswith(".pkl"): var_or_file_name = self.default_file_name(var_or_file_name) if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = self.cache_dir elif not os.path.exists(cache_dir): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Specified output directory does not exist:{cache_dir}") return os.path.join(cache_dir, var_or_file_name)
def _check_pkl_head_vs_database(self, in_handle): current = self.cache_meta_info() head = pickle.load(in_handle) if not isinstance(head, dict): raise CacheReadError("Invalid cache file") for k, v in head.items(): if not k in current: raise CacheReadError(f"Invalid cache header key: {k}") elif not v == current[k]:"{k} is outdated (value: {v}). Current value: {current[k]}") return False return True
[docs] def cache_meta_info(self): """Dictionary containing relevant caching meta-info""" try: newestp = max(glob.iglob(os.path.join(self.src_data_dir, "*")), key=os.path.getctime) newest_date = os.path.getctime(newestp) newest = os.path.basename(newestp) except Exception: newest = None newest_date = None try: rev = self.reader.data_revision reader_ver = self.reader.__version__ except AttributeError: rev = None reader_ver = None current = dict.fromkeys(self.CACHE_HEAD_KEYS) from pyaerocom import __version__ current["pyaerocom_version"] = __version__ current["newest_file_in_read_dir"] = newest current["newest_file_date_in_read_dir"] = newest_date current["data_revision"] = rev current["reader_version"] = reader_ver current["ungridded_data_version"] = UngriddedData.__version__ current["cacher_version"] = self.__version__ return current
[docs] def check_and_load(self, var_or_file_name, force_use_outdated=False, cache_dir=None): """Check if cache file exists and load Note ---- If a cache file exists for this database, but cannot be loaded or is outdated against pyaerocom updates, then it will be removed (the latter only if :attr:`pyaerocom.const.RM_CACHE_OUTDATED` is True). Parameters ---------- var_or_file_name : str name of output filename or variable that is supposed to be stored. Default usage is to provide variable and then :func:`default_file_name` is used. Can be None if input `data` contains only a single variable.ead force_use_outdated : bool if True, read existing cache file even if it is not up to date or pyaerocom version changed (not recommended to use) cache_dir : str, optional output directory (default is pyaerocom cache dir accessed via :func:`cache_dir`). Returns ------- bool True, if cache file exists and could be successfully loaded, else False. Note: if import is successful, the corresponding data object (instance of :class:`pyaerocom.UngriddedData` can be accessed via :attr:`loaded_data' Raises ------ TypeError if cached file is not an instance of :class:`pyaerocom.UngriddedData` class (which should not happen) """ try: fp = self.file_path(var_or_file_name, cache_dir=cache_dir) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) return False if not os.path.isfile(fp):"Cache file does not exist: {fp}") return False delete_existing = const.RM_CACHE_OUTDATED if not force_use_outdated else False in_handle = open(fp, "rb") if force_use_outdated: last_meta = pickle.load(in_handle) assert len(last_meta) == len(self.CACHE_HEAD_KEYS) ok = True else: try: ok = self._check_pkl_head_vs_database(in_handle) except Exception as e: ok = False delete_existing = True logger.exception( f"File error in cached data file {fp}. " f"File will be removed and data reloaded. Error: {repr(e)}" ) if not ok: # TODO: Should we delete the cache file if it is outdated ??? f"Aborting reading cache file {fp}. Aerocom database " f"or pyaerocom version has changed compared to cached version" ) in_handle.close() if delete_existing: # something was wrong"Deleting outdated cache file: {fp}") os.remove(fp) return False # everything is okay data = pickle.load(in_handle) if not isinstance(data, UngriddedData): raise TypeError( f"Unexpected data type stored in cache file, need instance of UngriddedData, " f"got {type(data)}" ) self.loaded_data[var_or_file_name] = data"Successfully loaded cache file {fp}") return True
[docs] def write(self, data, var_or_file_name=None, cache_dir=None): """Write single-variable instance of UngriddedData to cache Parameters ---------- data : UngriddedData object containing the data (possibly containing multiple variables) var_or_file_name : str, optional name of output filename or variable that is supposed to be stored. Default usage is to provide variable and then :func:`default_file_name` is used. Can be None if input `data` contains only a single variable. cache_dir : str, optional output directory (default is pyaerocom cache dir accessed via :func:`cache_dir`). Returns ------- str output file path """ meta = self.cache_meta_info() if not isinstance(data, UngriddedData): raise TypeError(f"Invalid input, need instance of UngriddedData, got {type(data)}") if not var_or_file_name.endswith(".pkl"): var_name = var_or_file_name if len(data.contains_datasets) > 1: raise CacheWriteError( f"Input UngriddedData object contains datasets: {data.contains_datasets}. " f"Can only write single dataset objects" ) if var_name is None: if len(data.contains_vars) > 1: raise CacheWriteError( f"Input UngriddedData object for {self.reader.data_id} " f"contains more than one variable: {data.contains_vars}. " f"Please specify which variable should be cached" ) var_name = data.contains_vars[0] elif not var_name in data.contains_vars: raise CacheWriteError( f"Cannot write cache file: variable {var_name} " f"does not exist in input UngriddedData object" ) if len(data.contains_vars) > 1: data = data.extract_var(var_name) fp = self.file_path(var_or_file_name, cache_dir=cache_dir)"Writing cache file: {fp}") success = True # OutHandle =, 'wb') # takes too much time out_handle = open(fp, "wb") try: # write cache header pickle.dump(meta, out_handle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # write data pickle.dump(data, out_handle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Failed to write cache: {repr(e)}") success = False finally: out_handle.close() if not success: os.remove(fp)"Wrote: {fp}") return fp
def __str__(self): return f"pyaerocom.CacheHandlerUngridded\nDefault cache dir: {self.cache_dir}"
[docs] def list_cache_files() -> Iterator[Path]: """ List all pickled data objects in cache directory If not set differently, the cache directory is the pyaerocom default, accessible via :attr:`pyaerocom.const.CACHEDIR`. """ ch = CacheHandlerUngridded() return Path(ch.cache_dir).glob("*.pkl")