Source code for

Pyearocom module for reading and processing of EBAS NASA Ames files

For details on the file format see `here <
import csv
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO

import numpy as np

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import dict_to_str, str_underline
from pyaerocom.exceptions import NasaAmesReadError, TimeZoneError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EbasColDef(dict): """Dict-like object for EBAS NASA Ames column definitions Note ---- The meta attribute name 'unit' can also be accessed using the CF attr name 'units' Attributes ---------- name : str column name unit : str unit of data in column (if applicable) is_var : bool True if column corresponds to variable data, False if not is_flag : bool True, if column corresponds to Flag column, False if not flag_col : int column number of flag column that corresponds to this data column (only relevant if :attr:`is_var` is True) Parameters ---------- name : str column name is_var : bool True if column corresponds to variable data, False if not is_flag : bool True, if column corresponds to Flag column, False if not unit : :obj:`str`, optional unit of data in column (if applicable) flag_col : :obj:`str`, optional ``name`` of flag column that corresponds to this data colum (only relevant if :attr:`is_var` is True) """ def __init__(self, name, is_var, is_flag, unit="1"): = name self.unit = unit self.is_var = is_var self.is_flag = is_flag self.flag_col = None
[docs] def get_wavelength_nm(self): """Try to access wavelength information in nm (as float)""" if not "wavelength" in self: raise KeyError(f"Column variable {} does not contain wavelength information") elif not "nm" in self.wavelength: raise NotImplementedError("Wavelength definition is not in nm") return float(self.wavelength.split("nm")[0].strip())
[docs] def to_dict(self, ignore_keys=["is_var", "is_flag", "flag_col", "wavelength_nm"]): d = {} for k, v in self.items(): if k in ignore_keys: continue elif k == "unit": k = "units" d[k] = v return d
def __getitem__(self, key): # add support for units attr (CF standard name) if key == "units": key = "unit" return super().__getitem__(key) def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key] def __setattr__(self, key, val): self[key] = val def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): colattrs = "" for key, val in self.items(): colattrs += f"{key}: {val}, " return colattrs[:-2]
def _readline_ref_and_revision(line): spl = line.strip().split() basedate = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(f"{spl[0]}{spl[1]}{spl[2]}", "%Y%m%d"), "s") rev = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(f"{spl[3]}{spl[4]}{spl[5]}", "%Y%m%d"), "s") return [basedate, rev]
[docs] class NasaAmesHeader: """Header class for Ebas NASA Ames file Note ---- Is used in :class:`EbasNasaAmesFile` and should not be used directly. Attributes ----------- """ _NUM_FIXLINES = 13 _HEAD_ROWS_MANDATORY = [0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11] # conversion methods for first 13 header lines of CONV_STR = lambda l: str(l.strip()) CONV_PI = lambda l: "; ".join([x.strip() for x in l.split(";")]) CONV_MULTIINT = lambda l: [int(x) for x in l.strip().split()] CONV_MULTIFLOAT = lambda l: [float(x) for x in l.strip().split()] CONV_INT = lambda l: int(l.strip()) CONV_FLOAT = lambda l: float(l.strip()) _STARTDATE_FMT = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" # the parameters that are always in the beginning of the file _H_FIXLINES_YIELD = [ ["num_head_lines", "num_head_fmt"], # line 1 "data_originator", # line 2 "sponsor_organisation", # 3 "submitter", # 4 "project_association", # 5 ["vol_num", "vol_totnum"], # 6 ["ref_date", "revision_date"], # 7 "freq", # 8 "descr_time_unit", # 9 "num_cols_dependent", # 10 "mul_factors", # 11 "vals_invalid", # 12 "descr_first_col", # 13 ] # conversion methods are defined above _H_FIXLINES_CONV = [ CONV_MULTIINT, # 1 -> yields 2 CONV_PI, # 2 CONV_STR, # 3 CONV_STR, # 4 CONV_STR, # 5 CONV_MULTIINT, # 6 _readline_ref_and_revision, # 7 lambda l : [x.strip() for x in l.strip().split(" ")], #7 CONV_FLOAT, # 8 CONV_STR, # 9 CONV_INT, # 10 CONV_MULTIFLOAT, # 11 CONV_MULTIFLOAT, # 12 CONV_STR, ] # 13 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._head_fix = dict( num_head_lines=np.nan, num_head_fmt=np.nan, data_originator="", sponsor_organisation="", submitter="", project_association="", vol_num=np.nan, vol_totnum=np.nan, ref_date=np.nan, revision_date=np.nan, freq=np.nan, descr_time_unit="", num_cols_dependent=np.nan, mul_factors=[], vals_invalid=[], descr_first_col="", ) self._var_defs = [] self._meta = {} self.update(**kwargs) @property def head_fix(self): """Dictionary containing fixed header info (that is always available)""" return self._head_fix @property def var_defs(self): """List containing column variable definitions List index is column index in file and value is instance of :class:`EbasColDef` """ return self._var_defs @property def meta(self): """Meta data dictionary (specific for this file)""" return self._meta
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v
def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self._head_fix: return self._head_fix[key] elif key in self._meta: return self._meta[key] else: raise AttributeError(f"Invalid attribute: {key}") def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__getattr__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self._head_fix: self._head_fix[key] = val else: self._meta[key] = val def __str__(self): head = f"{type(self).__name__}" s = f"{head}\n{len(head)*'-'}\n" s += dict_to_str(self._head_fix) s += f"\n\n{str_underline('Column variable definitions', indent=3)}" for item in self._var_defs: s += f"\n {repr(item)}" s += f"\n\n{str_underline('EBAS meta data', indent=3)}" s += dict_to_str(self.meta) return s
[docs] class EbasFlagCol: """Simple helper class to decode and interpret EBAS flag columns Attributes ---------- raw_data : ndarray raw flag column (containing X-digit floating point numbers) """ def __init__(self, raw_data, interpret_on_init=True): self.raw_data = raw_data self._decoded = None self._valid = None if interpret_on_init: self.decode() @property def FLAG_INFO(self): """Detailed information about EBAS flag definitions""" return const.ebas_flag_info @property def decoded(self): """Nx3 numpy array containing decoded flag columns""" if self._decoded is None: self.decode() return self._decoded @property def valid(self): """Boolean array specifying valid and invalid measurements""" if self._valid is None: self.decode() return self._valid
[docs] def decode(self): """Decode raw flag column""" flags = np.zeros((len(self.raw_data), 3)).astype(int) mask = self.raw_data.astype( bool ) # rmooves all points that are 0, i.e. that contain no flag (valid measurements) valid = np.ones_like(self.raw_data).astype(bool) not_ok = self.raw_data[mask] if len(not_ok) > 0: _decoded = [] _valid = [] for flag in not_ok: item = f"{flag:.9f}".split(".")[1] vals = [int(item[:3]), int(item[3:6]), int(item[6:9])] _invalid = False for val in vals: if val == 100: _invalid = False break # since all other flags are irrelevant if 100 is flagged elif ( val in self.FLAG_INFO["valid"] and not self.FLAG_INFO["valid"][val] ): # is invalid _invalid = True _decoded.append(vals) _valid.append(not _invalid) flags[mask] = np.asarray(_decoded) valid[mask] = _valid self._valid = valid self._decoded = flags
[docs] class EbasNasaAmesFile(NasaAmesHeader): """EBAS NASA Ames file interface Class interface for reading and processing of EBAS NASA Ames file Attributes ---------- time_stamps : ndarray array containing datetime64 objects with timestamps flags : dict dictionary containing :class:`EbasFlagCol` objects for each column containing flags Parameters ---------- file : :obj:`str`, optional EBAS NASA Ames file. if valid file path, then the file is read on init (please note following options for import) only_head : bool read only file header replace_invalid_nan : bool replace all invalid values in the table by NaNs. The invalid values for each dependent data column are identified based on the information in the file header. convert_timestamps : bool compute array of numpy datetime64 timestamps from numeric timestamps in data evaluate_flags : bool if True, all flags in all flag columns are decoded from floating point representation to 3 integers, e.g. 0.111222333 -> 111 222 333 quality_check : bool perform quality check after import (for details see :func:`_quality_check`) **kwargs optional input args that are passed to init of :class:`NasaAmesHeader` base class """ TIMEUNIT2SECFAC = dict(days=3600 * 24, Days=3600 * 24) ERR_LOW_STATS = "percentile:15.87" ERR_HIGH_STATS = "percentile:84.13" def __init__( self, file=None, only_head=False, replace_invalid_nan=True, convert_timestamps=True, evaluate_flags=False, quality_check=True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._data_header = [] # Header line of data block self._data = [] # data block self.time_stamps = None self.start_meas = None self.stop_meas = None self.flag_col_info = {} self.file = None if file is not None: if not os.path.exists(file): raise OSError(f"File {file} does not exists") self.read_file( file, only_head, replace_invalid_nan, convert_timestamps, evaluate_flags, quality_check, ) @property def data(self): """2D numpy array containing data table""" return self._data @property def data_header(self): return self._data_header @property def shape(self): """Shape of data array""" return @property def col_num(self): """Number of columns in table""" return self.num_cols_dependent + 1 @property def col_names(self): """Column names of table""" # cols = [x["name"] for x in self.var_defs] return [x["name"] for x in self.var_defs] @property def col_names_vars(self): """Names of all columns that are flagged as variables""" return [ for x in self.var_defs if x.is_var] @property def col_nums_vars(self): """Column index number of all variables""" return [i for (i, item) in enumerate(self.var_defs) if item.is_var] @property def base_date(self): """Base date of data as numpy.datetime64[s]""" if not "timezone" in self.meta: raise AttributeError( "Fatal: could not infer base date. Timezone is not available in file header" ) if not self.timezone.lower() == "utc": raise TimeZoneError("Timezones other than UTC are not yet supported") return self.ref_date @property def time_unit(self): """Time unit of data""" return self.descr_time_unit.split()[0].strip()
[docs] @staticmethod def numarr_to_datetime64(basedate, num_arr, mulfac_to_sec): """Convert array of numerical timestamps into datetime64 array Parameters ---------- basedate : datetime64 reference date num_arr : ndarray numerical time stamps relative to basedate mulfac_to_sec : float multiplicative factor to convert numerical values to unit of seconds Returns ------- ndarray array containing timestamps as datetime64 objects """ totnum = len(num_arr) if totnum == 0: raise AttributeError("No data available in file") return basedate + (num_arr * mulfac_to_sec).astype("timedelta64[s]")
[docs] def all_cols_contain(self, colnums, what): """ Check if all input columns contain input attr `what` Parameters ---------- colnums : list list of column numbers what : str name of attribute (e.g. `matrix`, `statistics`, `tower_inlet_height`) Returns ------- bool True if all input columns contain `what` attr., else False. """ return all([what in self.var_defs[col] for col in colnums])
[docs] def assign_flagcols(self): _prev = 0 for idx, item in enumerate(self.var_defs): if item.is_flag: for _idx in range(_prev, idx): self.var_defs[_idx].flag_col = idx _prev = idx + 1
[docs] def init_flags(self, evaluate=True): """Decode flag columns and store info in :attr:`flags`""" for idx, item in enumerate(self.var_defs): if item.is_flag: data =[:, idx] flag = EbasFlagCol(raw_data=data, interpret_on_init=evaluate) self.flag_col_info[idx] = flag
[docs] def compute_time_stamps(self): """Compute time stamps from first two data columns""" if not self.var_defs[0].unit == self.var_defs[1].unit: raise NasaAmesReadError( "2nd column is not endtime or does not " "have the same unit as 1st column (starttime)" ) offs = self.base_date unit = self.time_unit if not unit in self.TIMEUNIT2SECFAC: raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit for temporal resolution: {unit}") mulfac = self.TIMEUNIT2SECFAC[unit] start = self.numarr_to_datetime64(offs,[:, 0], mulfac) stop = self.numarr_to_datetime64(offs,[:, 1], mulfac) dt = stop - start # mid timestamps self.time_stamps = start + dt * 0.5 self.start_meas = start self.stop_meas = stop return (start, stop)
[docs] def get_time_gaps_meas(self, np_freq="s"): """Get array with time gaps between individual measurements This is computed based on start and stop timestamps, e.g. `=dt[0] = start[1] - stop[0]` Parameters ---------- np_freq : str string specifying output frequency of gap values Returns ------- ndarray array with time-differences as floating point number in specified input resolution """ if self.start_meas is None: self.compute_time_stamps() # assigns start / stop attrs. start, stop = self.start_meas, self.stop_meas gaps = (start[1:] - stop[:-1]).astype(f"timedelta64[{np_freq}]").astype(float) return gaps
[docs] def get_dt_meas(self, np_freq="s"): """Get array with time between individual measurements This is computed based on start and timestamps, e.g. `dt[0] = start[1] - start[0]` Parameters ---------- np_freq : str string specifying output frequency of gap values Returns ------- ndarray array with time-differences as floating point number in specified input resolution """ if self.start_meas is None: self.compute_time_stamps() # assigns start / stop attrs. start = self.start_meas dts = (start[1:] - start[:-1]).astype(f"timedelta64[{np_freq}]").astype(float) return dts
def _quality_check(self): msgs = "" if not len(self.data_header) == len(self.var_defs): msgs += ( "Mismatch between variable definitions in header and " "number of data columns in table\n" ) if not "timezone" in self.meta: msgs += "Timezone not defined in metadata" if msgs: raise AttributeError(f"Quality check failed. Messages: {msgs}")
[docs] def read_header(self, nasa_ames_file, quality_check=True): self.read_file(nasa_ames_file, only_head=True, quality_check=quality_check)
[docs] def read_file( self, nasa_ames_file, only_head=False, replace_invalid_nan=True, convert_timestamps=True, evaluate_flags=False, quality_check=False, ): """Read NASA Ames file Parameters ---------- nasa_ames_file : str EBAS NASA Ames file only_head : bool read only file header replace_invalid_nan : bool replace all invalid values in the table by NaNs. The invalid values for each dependent data column are identified based on the information in the file header. convert_timestamps : bool compute array of numpy datetime64 timestamps from numeric timestamps in data evaluate_flags : bool if True, all data columns get assigned their corresponding flag column, the flags in all flag columns are decoded from floating point representation to 3 integers, e.g. 0.111222333 -> 111 222 333 and if input ```replace_invalid_nan==True```, then the invalid measurements in each column are replaced with NaN's. quality_check : bool perform quality check after import (for details see :func:`_quality_check`) """"Reading NASA Ames file:\n{nasa_ames_file}") lc = 0 # line counter dc = 0 # data block line counter mc = 0 # meta block counter END_VAR_DEF = np.nan # will be set (info stored in header) IN_DATA = False data = [] self.file = nasa_ames_file for line in open(nasa_ames_file): if IN_DATA: # in data block (end of file) try: data.append(tuple(float(x.strip()) for x in line.strip().split())) # data.append([float(x.strip()) for x in line.strip().split()]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"EbasNasaAmesFile: Failed to read data row {dc}. Reason: {e}") dc += 1 elif lc < self._NUM_FIXLINES: # in header section (before column definitions) try: val = self._H_FIXLINES_CONV[lc](line) attr = self._H_FIXLINES_YIELD[lc] if isinstance(attr, list): for i, attr_id in enumerate(attr): self[attr_id] = val[i] else: self[attr] = val except Exception as e: msg = f"Failed to read header row {lc}.\n{line}\nError msg: {repr(e)}" if lc in self._HEAD_ROWS_MANDATORY: raise NasaAmesReadError(f"Fatal: {msg}") else: logger.warning(msg) else: # behind header section and before data definition (contains column defs and meta info) if mc == 0: # still in column definition END_VAR_DEF = self._NUM_FIXLINES + self.num_cols_dependent - 1 NUM_HEAD_LINES = self.num_head_lines try: self.var_defs.append(self._read_vardef_line(line)) except Exception as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) elif lc < END_VAR_DEF: self.var_defs.append(self._read_vardef_line(line)) elif lc == NUM_HEAD_LINES - 1: IN_DATA = True self._data_header = h = [x.strip() for x in line.split()] # append information of first two columns to variable # definition array. self._var_defs.insert( 0, EbasColDef(name=h[0], is_flag=False, is_var=False, unit=self.time_unit) ) self._var_defs.insert( 1, EbasColDef(name=h[1], is_flag=False, is_var=False, unit=self.time_unit) ) if only_head: return logger.debug("REACHED DATA BLOCK") elif lc >= END_VAR_DEF + 2: try: name, val = line.split( ":", 1 ) # Adding maxpslit=1 incase colon appears in url key = name.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_") self.meta[key] = val.strip() except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to read line no. {lc}.\n{line}\nError msg: {repr(e)}\n" ) else: logger.debug(f"Ignoring line no. {lc}: {line}") mc += 1 lc += 1 data = np.asarray(data) data[:, 1:] = data[:, 1:] * np.asarray(self.mul_factors) self._data = data if replace_invalid_nan: dep_dat = data[:, 1:] for i, val in enumerate(np.floor(self.vals_invalid)): col = dep_dat[:, i] cond = np.floor(col) == val col[cond] = np.nan dep_dat[:, i] = col data[:, 1:] = dep_dat self._data = data if convert_timestamps: self.compute_time_stamps() self.assign_flagcols() self.init_flags(evaluate=evaluate_flags) if quality_check: self._quality_check()
def _read_vardef_line(self, line_from_file): """Import variable definition line from NASA Ames file""" lineX = line_from_file.replace(", ", ",") # avoid two-char delimiters cr = csv.reader(StringIO(lineX), delimiter=",", quotechar='"') row = next(cr) spl = [x.strip() for x in row] spl = [x.replace(",", ", ") for x in spl] # add space after comma again in quoted fields name = spl[0] if not len(spl) > 1: unit = "" else: unit = spl[1] data = EbasColDef(name=name, is_flag=True, is_var=False, unit=unit) if not "numflag" in name: data.is_var = True data.is_flag = False for item in spl[2:]: if "=" in item: # e.g. wavelength=550nm sub = item.split("=") if len(sub) == 2: idf, val = (x.strip() for x in sub) data[idf.lower().replace(" ", "_")] = val else: logger.warning( f"Could not interpret part of column " f"definition in EBAS NASA Ames file: {item}" ) else: # unit logger.warning(f"Failed to interpret {item}") return data def _data_short_str(self): if len( == 0: s = "No data available" else: s = str( shape = s += f"\nColnum: {shape[1]}" s += f"\nTimestamps: {shape[0]}" return s
[docs] def print_col_info(self): """Print information about individual columns""" for idx, coldef in enumerate(self.var_defs): print(f"Column {idx}\n{coldef}")
def __str__(self): s = super().__str__() s += f"\n\n{str_underline('Data', indent=3)}" s += f"\n{self._data_short_str()}" return s