Source code for

I/O helper methods of the pyaerocom package
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from time import time

import simplejson as json

from pyaerocom import const
from import resources
from pyaerocom.exceptions import VariableDefinitionError, VarNotAvailableError
from import AerocomBrowser

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: country code file name
#: will be prepended with the path later on
COUNTRY_CODE_FILE = "country_codes.json"

def _check_ebas_db_local_vs_remote(loc_remote, loc_local):
    Check and if applicable, copy ebas_file_index.sqlite3 into cache dir

    This may speedup things if remote location is on a mounted server location.
    Nothing the user should worry about in any case.

    loc_remote : str
        remote location of ebas_file_index.sqlite3
    loc_local : str
        local (cached) location of ebas_file_index.sqlite3

        valid location of ebas_file_index.sqlite3 that is supposed to be used

    if os.path.exists(loc_remote):  # remote exists
        if os.path.exists(loc_local):
            chtremote = os.path.getmtime(loc_remote)
            chtlocal = os.path.getmtime(loc_local)
            if chtlocal == chtremote:
                return loc_local

        # changing time differs -> try to copy to local and if that
        # fails, use remote location
            t0 = time()
            shutil.copy2(loc_remote, loc_local)
                f"Copied EBAS SQL database to {loc_local}\nElapsed time: {time()-t0:.3f} s"

            return loc_local
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning(f"Failed to copy EBAS SQL database. Reason: {repr(e)}")
            return loc_remote
    return loc_remote

[docs] def aerocom_savename(data_id, var_name, vert_code, year, ts_type): """Generate filename in AeroCom conventions ToDo: complete docstring """ return f"aerocom3_{data_id}_{var_name}_{vert_code}_{year}_{ts_type}.nc"
def _print_read_info(i, mod, tot_num, last_t, name, logger): # pragma: no cover """Helper for displaying standardised output in reading classes Not to be used directly """ t = f"Reading files {i+1}-{i+1+mod} of {tot_num} " f"({name}) | {t:%T} (delta = {(t-last_t).seconds} s')" ) return t
[docs] def get_metadata_from_filename(filename): """Try access metadata information from filename""" from import FileConventionRead fc = FileConventionRead().from_file(filename) return fc.get_info_from_file(filename)
[docs] def read_ebas_flags_file(ebas_flags_csv): """Reads file ebas_flags.csv Parameters ---------- ebas_flags_csv : str file containing flag info Returns ------- dict dict with loaded flag info """ valid = {} values = {} info = {} with open(ebas_flags_csv) as fio: for line in fio: spl = line.strip().split(",") num = int(spl[0].strip()) try: val_str = spl[-1][1:-1] except Exception: raise OSError( f"Failed to read flag information in row {line} " f"(Check if entries in ebas_flags.csv are quoted)" ) info_str = ",".join(spl[1:-1]) try: info_str = info_str[1:-1] except Exception: raise OSError( f"Failed to read flag information in row {line} " f"(Check if entries in ebas_flags.csv are quoted)" ) isvalid = True if val_str == "V" else False valid[num] = isvalid values[num] = val_str info[num] = info_str result = {} result["valid"] = valid result["info"] = info result["vals"] = values return result
[docs] def add_file_to_log(filepath, err_msg): """ Add input file path to error logdir The logdir location can be accessed via :attr:`pyaerocom.const.LOGFILESDIR` Parameters ---------- filepath : str or Path path of file that has an error err_msg : str Problem associated with input file """ if isinstance(filepath, Path): filepath = str(filepath) try: dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath) spl = dirname.split(os.sep) if spl[-1].lower() == "renamed": model_or_obs_id = spl[-2] else: model_or_obs_id = spl[-1] except Exception: model_or_obs_id = "others" logdir = const.LOGFILESDIR logfile = os.path.join(logdir, f"{model_or_obs_id}.log") if os.path.exists(logfile): # check if this file is already flagged with open(logfile) as f: for line in f: if filepath == line.strip(): return # file is already flagged -> ignore logfile_err = os.path.join(logdir, f"{model_or_obs_id}_ERR.log") with open(logfile, "a+") as f: f.write(f"{filepath}\n") with open(logfile_err, "a+") as ferr: ferr.write(f"{filepath}\n{err_msg}\n\n")
[docs] def get_standard_name(var_name): """Get standard name of aerocom variable Parameters ---------- var_name : str HTAP2 variable name Returns -------- str corresponding standard name Raises ------ VarNotAvailableError if input variable is not defined in *variables.ini* file VariableDefinitionError if standarad name is not set for variable in *variables.ini* file """ if not var_name in const.VARS: raise VarNotAvailableError(f"No such variable {var_name}. Check variables.ini") name = const.VARS[var_name].standard_name if name is None: raise VariableDefinitionError("standard_name not defined for variable") return name
[docs] def search_data_dir_aerocom(name_or_pattern, ignorecase=True): """Search Aerocom data directory based on model / data ID""" browser = AerocomBrowser() return browser.find_data_dir(name_or_pattern, ignorecase)
[docs] def get_all_supported_ids_ungridded(): """Get list of datasets that are supported by :class:`ReadUngridded` Returns ------- list list with supported network names """ from import ReadUngridded return ReadUngridded().SUPPORTED_DATASETS
[docs] def get_obsnetwork_dir(obs_id): """Returns data path for obsnetwork ID Parameters ---------- obs_id : str ID of obsnetwork (e.g. AeronetSunV2Lev2.daily) Returns ------- str corresponding directory from ``pyaerocom.const`` Raises ------ ValueError if obs_id is invalid IOError if directory does not exist """ if not obs_id in const.OBSLOCS_UNGRIDDED: raise ValueError(f"Observation network ID {obs_id} does not exist") data_dir = const.OBSLOCS_UNGRIDDED[obs_id] if not os.path.exists(data_dir): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Data directory {data_dir} for observation network {obs_id} does not exist" ) return data_dir
[docs] def get_country_name_from_iso( iso_code: str | None = None, filename: str | Path | None = None, return_as_dict: bool = False ): """get the country name from the 2 digit iso country code the underlaying json file was taken from this github repository Parameters ---------- iso_code : :obj:`str` string containing the 2 character iso code of the country (e.g. no for Norway) filename : :obj:`str` , optional optional string with the json file to read return_as_dict : :obj:`bool`, optional flag to get the entire list of countries as a dictionary with the country codes as keys and the country names as value Useful if you have to get the names for a lot of country codes Returns ------- string with country name or dictionary with iso codes as keys and the country names as values empty string if the country code was not found Raises ------ ValueError if the country code ins invalid """ if filename is None: # set default file name with resources.path("", COUNTRY_CODE_FILE) as path: filename = path if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) json_data = json.loads(filename.read_text()) iso_dict = {} for indict in json_data: iso_dict[indict["alpha-2"]] = indict["name"] if iso_code is None or return_as_dict: return iso_dict return iso_dict[iso_code.upper()]