Source code for

import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import warnings
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path

import iris
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._concprcp_units_helpers import compute_concprcp_from_pr_and_wetdep
from pyaerocom.exceptions import (
from pyaerocom.griddeddata import GriddedData
from pyaerocom.helpers import get_highest_resolution, isnumeric, sort_ts_types, to_pandas_timestamp
from import AerocomBrowser
from import (
from import (
from import FileConventionRead
from import add_file_to_log
from import concatenate_iris_cubes, load_cubes_custom
from pyaerocom.metastandards import AerocomDataID
from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType
from pyaerocom.variable import Variable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ReadGridded: """Class for reading gridded files using AeroCom file conventions Attributes ---------- data_id : str string ID for model or obsdata network (see e.g. Aerocom interface map plots lower left corner) data : GriddedData imported data object data_dir : str directory containing result files for this model start : pandas.Timestamp start time for data import stop : pandas.Timestamp stop time for data import file_convention : FileConventionRead class specifying details of the file naming convention for the model files : list list containing all filenames that were found. Filled, e.g. in :func:`ReadGridded.get_model_files` from_files : list List of all netCDF files that were used to concatenate the current data cube (i.e. that can be based on certain matching settings such as var_name or time interval). ts_types : list list of all sampling frequencies (e.g. hourly, daily, monthly) that were inferred from filenames (based on Aerocom file naming convention) of all files that were found vars : list list containing all variable names (e.g. od550aer) that were inferred from filenames based on Aerocom model file naming convention years : list list of available years as inferred from the filenames in the data directory. Parameters ---------- data_id : str string ID of model (e.g. "AATSR_SU_v4.3","CAM5.3-Oslo_CTRL2016") data_dir : str, optional directory containing data files. If provided, only this directory is considered for data files, else the input `data_id` is used to search for the corresponding directory. file_convention : str string ID specifying the file convention of this model (cf. installation file `file_conventions.ini < pyaerocom/blob/master/pyaerocom/data/file_conventions.ini>`__) init : bool if True, the model directory is searched (:func:`search_data_dir`) on instantiation and if it is found, all valid files for this model are searched using :func:`search_all_files`. """ CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS = { "==": np.equal, "!=": np.not_equal, "<": np.less, "<=": np.less_equal, ">": np.greater, ">=": np.greater_equal, } AUX_REQUIRES = { "ang4487aer": ("od440aer", "od870aer"), "angabs4487aer": ("abs440aer", "abs870aer"), "od550gt1aer": ("od550aer", "od550lt1aer"), "wetoa": ("wetpoa", "wetsoa"), "dryoa": ("drypoa", "drysoa"), "conc*": ("mmr*", "rho"), "sc550dryaer": ("ec550dryaer", "ac550dryaer"), "mmr*": ("vmr*",), "rho": ("ts", "ps"), "concox": ("concno2", "conco3"), "vmrox": ("vmrno2", "vmro3"), "fmf550aer": ("od550lt1aer", "od550aer"), "concno3": ("concno3c", "concno3f"), "concprcpoxn": ("wetoxn", "pr"), "concprcpoxs": ("wetoxs", "pr"), "concprcprdn": ("wetrdn", "pr"), "concsspm10": ("concss25", "concsscoarse"), "concsspm25": ("concss25", "concsscoarse"), "concno3pm10": ("concno3f", "concno3c"), "concno3pm25": ("concno3f", "concno3c"), "concNno3pm10": ("concno3f", "concno3c"), "concNno3pm25": ("concno3f", "concno3c"), "concNhno3": ("vmrhno3",), "concNtno3": ("concno3f", "concno3c", "vmrhno3"), "concNnh3": ("vmrnh3",), "concNnh4": ("concnh4",), "concNtnh": ("concnh4", "vmrnh3"), } AUX_ALT_VARS = { "od440aer": ["od443aer"], "od870aer": ["od865aer"], "ac550dryaer": ["ac550aer"], } AUX_FUNS = { "ang4487aer": compute_angstrom_coeff_cubes, "angabs4487aer": compute_angstrom_coeff_cubes, "od550gt1aer": subtract_cubes, "wetoa": add_cubes, "dryoa": add_cubes, "sc550dryaer": subtract_cubes, "conc*": multiply_cubes, "mmr*": mmr_from_vmr, "concox": add_cubes, "vmrox": add_cubes, "fmf550aer": divide_cubes, "concno3": add_cubes, "concprcpoxn": compute_concprcp_from_pr_and_wetdep, "concprcpoxs": compute_concprcp_from_pr_and_wetdep, "concprcprdn": compute_concprcp_from_pr_and_wetdep, "concsspm10": add_cubes, "concsspm25": calc_sspm25, "concno3pm10": calc_concno3pm10, "concno3pm25": calc_concno3pm25, "concNno3pm10": calc_concNno3pm10, "concNno3pm25": calc_concNno3pm25, "concNhno3": calc_concNhno3_from_vmr, "concNtno3": calc_concNtno3, "concNnh3": calc_concNnh3_from_vmr, "concNnh4": calc_concNnh4, "concNtnh": calc_concNtnh, # 'mec550*' : divide_cubes, # 'tau*' : lifetime_from_load_and_dep } #: Additional arguments passed to computation methods for auxiliary data #: This is optional and defined per-variable like in AUX_FUNS AUX_ADD_ARGS = { "concprcpoxn": dict( ts_type="daily", prlim=0.1e-3, prlim_units="m d-1", prlim_set_under=np.nan ), "concprcpoxs": dict( ts_type="daily", prlim=0.1e-3, prlim_units="m d-1", prlim_set_under=np.nan ), "concprcprdn": dict( ts_type="daily", prlim=0.1e-3, prlim_units="m d-1", prlim_set_under=np.nan ), } _data_dir = "" VERT_ALT = {"Surface": "ModelLevel"} def __init__(self, data_id=None, data_dir=None, file_convention="aerocom3"): self._data_dir = None #: data_id of gridded dataset self._data_id = data_id self.logger = logger # file naming convention. Default is aerocom3 file convention, change # using self.file_convention.import_default("aerocom2"). Is # automatically updated in class ReadGridded self.file_convention = FileConventionRead(file_convention) self.file_info = None #: List of unique Aerocom variable names that were identified from #: the filenames in the data directory self._vars_2d = [] self._vars_3d = [] #: This object can be used to self.browser = AerocomBrowser() # these can be filled using method add_aux_compute and they will not # affect global settings of the reader class self._aux_requires = {} self._aux_funs = {} #: quick access to variables that can be computed (will be filled and #: handles automatically) self._aux_avail = {} self.ignore_vert_code = False if data_dir is not None: self.data_dir = data_dir elif data_id: self.search_data_dir() if self.data_dir is not None: try: self.search_all_files() except DataCoverageError as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) @property def data_id(self) -> str: """ Data ID of dataset """ return self._data_id @data_id.setter def data_id(self, val): if val is None: val = "" if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError("Invalid input for data_id, need str") self._data_id = val @property def data_dir(self) -> str: """ Directory where data files are located """ return self._data_dir @data_dir.setter def data_dir(self, val): if isinstance(val, Path): val = str(val) if not isinstance(val, str) or not os.path.isdir(val): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Input data directory {val} does not exist") self._data_dir = val self.reinit() @property def years_avail(self) -> list: """ Years available in dataset """ if self.file_info is None: self.search_all_files() return sorted(self.file_info.year.unique()) @property def experiments(self) -> list: """ List of all experiments that are available in this dataset """ if self.file_info is None: self.search_all_files() return sorted(self.file_info.experiment.unique()) @property def files(self) -> list: """ List of data files """ if self.file_info is None: self.search_all_files() return [os.path.join(self.data_dir, x) for x in sorted(self.file_info.filename.values)] @property def ts_types(self): """Available frequencies""" return self.file_info.ts_type.unique() @property def vars_filename(self): return sorted(self._vars_2d + self._vars_3d) @property def vars(self): from pyaerocom.exceptions import DeprecationError raise DeprecationError( "Attribute vars is deprecated in ReadGridded. Please use vars_filename instead" ) @property def vars_provided(self): """Variables provided by this dataset""" return self._get_vars_provided() @property def file_type(self): """File type of data files""" return const.GRID_IO.FILE_TYPE @property def TS_TYPES(self): """List with valid filename encryptions specifying temporal resolution Update 7.11.2019: not in use anymore due to improved handling of all possible frequencies now using TsType class. """ return const.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES @property def start(self): """First available year in the dataset (inferred from filenames) Note ---- This is not variable or ts_type specific, so it is not necessarily given that data from this year is available for all variables in :attr:`vars` or all frequencies liste in :attr:`ts_types` """ if len(self.years_avail) == 0: raise AttributeError( "No information about available years accessible" "please run method search_all_files first" ) yr = sorted(self.years_avail)[0] if yr == 9999: yr = 2222 return to_pandas_timestamp(yr) @property def stop(self): """Last available year in the dataset (inferred from filenames) Note ---- This is not variable or ts_type specific, so it is not necessarily given that data from this year is available for all variables in :attr:`vars` or all frequencies liste in :attr:`ts_types` """ if len(self.years_avail) == 0: raise AttributeError( "No information about available years accessible" "please run method search_all_files first" ) years = sorted(self.years_avail) year = years[-1] if year == 9999: self.logger.warning( "Data contains climatology. Will be ignored as stop time, using last year" ) if len(years) == 1: year = 2222 else: year = years[-2] return to_pandas_timestamp(f"{year}-12-31 23:59:59")
[docs] def reinit(self): """Reinit everything that is loaded specific to data_dir""" self.file_info = None self._vars_2d = [] self._vars_3d = []
def _get_vars_provided(self): """(Private method) get all variables provided""" _vars = [] _vars.extend(self.vars_filename) for aux_var in self.AUX_REQUIRES: if "*" in aux_var: continue if not aux_var in _vars and self.check_compute_var(aux_var): _vars.append(aux_var) for aux_var in self._aux_requires: if "*" in aux_var: continue if not aux_var in _vars and self.check_compute_var(aux_var): _vars.append(aux_var) # also add standard names of 3D variables if not already in list for var in self._vars_3d: var = var.lower().replace("3d", "") if not var in _vars: _vars.append(var) return _vars def _check_aux_compute_access(self, var_name): """Check if input var_name can be computed Note ---- Does not check variable families (e.g. conc*) which is done via :func:`_check_var_match_pattern`. Only checks entries in :attr:`AUX_REQUIRES` and :attr:`aux_requires`. Parameters ---------- var_name : str input variable name that is supposed to be checked Returns ------- bool True, if variable can be computed, else False """ if var_name in self._aux_requires and var_name in self._aux_funs: vars_req = self._aux_requires[var_name] fun = self._aux_funs[var_name] elif var_name in self.AUX_REQUIRES and var_name in self.AUX_FUNS: vars_req = self.AUX_REQUIRES[var_name] fun = self.AUX_FUNS[var_name] else: return False vars_to_read = [] for i, var in enumerate(vars_req): try: # the variable might be updated in _check_var_avail vars_to_read.append(self._check_var_avail(var)) except (VarNotAvailableError, VariableDefinitionError): return False if not len(vars_to_read) == len(vars_req): return False self._aux_avail[var_name] = (vars_to_read, fun) return True def _check_var_match_pattern(self, var_name): """Check if input variable can be accessed via auxiliary variable family E.g. if var_name is concpm10 and mmrpm10 and rho are available Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable that is supposed to be read Returns ------- bool True if variable can be read, else False """ vars_found = [] for pattern in self.registered_var_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(var_name, pattern): vars_required = self.AUX_REQUIRES[pattern] for addvar in vars_required: if not "*" in addvar: vars_found.append(addvar) else: _addvar = var_name spl1 = pattern.split("*") spl2 = addvar.split("*") if len(spl1) != len(spl2): raise AttributeError( "variable patterns in " "AUX_REQUIRES and corresponding " "values (with * in name) need " "to have the same number of " "wildcard delimiters" ) for i, substr in enumerate(spl1): if bool(substr): _addvar = _addvar.replace(substr, spl2[i]) vars_found.append(_addvar) if len(vars_found) == len(vars_required): all_ok = True vars_to_read = [] for var in vars_found: try: vars_to_read.append(self._check_var_avail(var)) except (VarNotAvailableError, VariableDefinitionError): all_ok = False break if all_ok: fun = self.AUX_FUNS[pattern] self.add_aux_compute(var_name, vars_required=vars_to_read, fun=fun) self._aux_avail[var_name] = (vars_to_read, fun) return True return False def _get_aux_vars_and_fun(self, var_to_compute): """Helper that searches auxiliary variables for computation of input var Parameters ---------- var_to_compute : str one of the auxiliary variables that is supported by this interface (cf. :attr:`AUX_REQUIRES`) Raises ------ VarNotAvailableError if one of the required variables for computation is not available in the data Returns ------- list list of variables that are used as input for computation method of input variable callable function that is used to compute input variable """ if not var_to_compute in self._aux_avail: if not self.check_compute_var(var_to_compute): raise VarNotAvailableError(f"Variable {var_to_compute} cannot be computed") return self._aux_avail[var_to_compute]
[docs] def check_compute_var(self, var_name): """Check if variable name belongs to family that can be computed For instance, if input var_name is `concdust` this method will check :attr:`AUX_REQUIRES` to see if there is a variable family pattern (`conc*`) defined that specifies how to compute these variables. If a match is found, the required variables and computation method is added via :func:`add_aux_compute`. Parameters ----------- var_name : str variable name to be checked Returns ------- bool True if match is found, else False """ if "*" in var_name: raise VariableDefinitionError(f"Invalid variable name {var_name}. Must not contain *") if var_name in self._aux_avail: return True elif self._check_aux_compute_access(var_name): return True return self._check_var_match_pattern(var_name)
def _check_var_avail(self, var): if var in self.vars_filename: return var if var in self.AUX_ALT_VARS: for alt_var in self.AUX_ALT_VARS[var]: if alt_var in self.vars_filename: return alt_var v = const.VARS[var] for alias in v.aliases: if alias in self.vars_filename: return alias raise VarNotAvailableError(f"Var {var} is not available in data...")
[docs] def has_var(self, var_name): """Check if variable is available Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable to be checked Returns ------- bool """ # vars_provided includes variables that can be read and variables that # can be computed. It does not consider variable families that may be # able to be computed or alias matches avail = self.vars_provided if var_name in avail: return True try: var = const.VARS[var_name] except VariableDefinitionError as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) return False if self.check_compute_var(var_name): return True for alias in var.aliases: if alias in avail: return True if var.is_alias and var.var_name_aerocom in avail: return True return False
def _get_years_to_load(self, start=None, stop=None): """Array containing year numbers that are supposed to be loaded Returns ------- ndarray all years to be loaded """ start_provided = False if start is None: start = self.start if start.year == 2222: return np.array([9999]) else: start_provided = True if isinstance(start, int) and start == 9999: return np.array([9999]) start = to_pandas_timestamp(start) if stop is None: if start_provided: stop = to_pandas_timestamp(start) else: stop = self.stop else: stop = to_pandas_timestamp(stop) stop -= np.timedelta64( 1, "s" ) # subtract one second to end up at the end of previous year if const.MIN_YEAR > start.year: logger.warning( f"First available year {start} of data {self.data_id} is smaller " f"than supported first year {const.MIN_YEAR}." ) start = const.MIN_YEAR if const.MAX_YEAR < stop.year: raise ValueError( f"Last available year {stop} of data {self.data_id} is larger " f"than supported last year {const.MAX_YEAR}." ) stop = const.MAX_YEAR if start and stop: return np.arange(start.year, stop.year + 1, 1) if not self.years_avail: raise AttributeError( "No information available for available " "years. Please run method " "search_all_files first" ) return np.array(self.years_avail)
[docs] def search_data_dir(self): """Search data directory based on model ID Wrapper for method :func:`search_data_dir_aerocom` Returns ------- str data directory Raises ------ IOError if directory cannot be found """ _dir = self.browser.find_data_dir(self.data_id) self.data_dir = _dir return _dir
@staticmethod def _eval_data_id(data_id): """ Extract meta information from data_id Parameters ---------- data_id : str string specifying model and other relevant information. In the best case following AeroCom Phase III conventions, that is, following the template specified in :class:`AerocomDataID`. Returns ------- vals : list list containing successfully extracted information from data_id """ vals = AerocomDataID(data_id).values return vals def _update_file_convention(self, files): """Update current file convention based on input files Loops over all files in input list and as updates the file convention based on the first file in list that matches one of the registered conventions. Updates class :attr:`file_convention` Raises ------ FileNotFoundError if none of the input files matches a registered convention. """ for file in files: try: self.file_convention.from_file(os.path.basename(file)) return except Exception: pass raise FileNotFoundError( f"None of the available files in {self.data_dir} matches a " f"registered pyaerocom file convention" ) def _evaluate_fileinfo(self, files): result = [] _vars_temp = [] _vars_temp_3d = [] for _file in files: # TODO: resolve this in a more general way... if "ModelLevelAtStations" in _file:"Ignoring file {_file}") continue try: info = self.file_convention.get_info_from_file(_file) if not self.data_id: self.data_id = info["data_id"] var_name = info["var_name"] _is_3d = False if is_3d(var_name): _vars_temp_3d.append(var_name) _is_3d = True else: _vars_temp.append(var_name) if not TsType.valid(info["ts_type"]): # in self.TS_TYPES: raise TemporalResolutionError(f"Invalid frequency {info['ts_type']}") (model, meteo, experiment, pert) = self._eval_data_id(info["data_id"]) result.append( [ var_name, info["year"], info["ts_type"], info["vert_code"], self.data_id, model, meteo, experiment, pert, info["is_at_stations"], _is_3d, os.path.basename(_file), ] ) except (FileConventionError, DataSourceError, TemporalResolutionError) as e: msg = f"Failed to import file\n{_file}\nModel: {self.data_id}\nError: {e}" logger.warning(msg) if const.WRITE_FILEIO_ERR_LOG: add_file_to_log(_file, msg) if len(_vars_temp + _vars_temp_3d) == 0: raise AttributeError("Failed to extract information from filenames") self._vars_2d = sorted(set(_vars_temp)) self._vars_3d = sorted(set(_vars_temp_3d)) return result def _fileinfo_to_dataframe(self, result): header = [ "var_name", "year", "ts_type", "vert_code", "data_id", "name", "meteo", "experiment", "perturbation", "is_at_stations", "3D", "filename", ] df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=header) df.sort_values( [ "var_name", "year", "ts_type", "data_id", "name", "meteo", "experiment", "perturbation", "is_at_stations", "3D", ], inplace=True, ) uv = df.vert_code.unique() if len(uv) == 1 and uv[0] == "": self.ignore_vert_code = True return df
[docs] def search_all_files(self, update_file_convention=True): """Search all valid model files for this model This method browses the data directory and finds all valid files, that is, file that are named according to one of the aerocom file naming conventions. The file list is stored in :attr:`files`. Note ---- It is presumed, that naming conventions of files in the data directory are not mixed but all correspond to either of the conventions defined in Parameters ---------- update_file_convention : bool if True, the first file in `data_dir` is used to identify the file naming convention (cf. :class:`FileConventionRead`) Raises ------ DataCoverageError if no valid files could be found """ if self.data_dir is None: raise AttributeError("please set data_dir first") # get all files with correct ending files = glob(f"{self.data_dir}/*{self.file_type}") if len(files) == 0: logger.warning( f"No files of type {self.file_type} could be found in current " f"data directory (data_dir={os.path.abspath(self.data_dir)}" ) return if update_file_convention: # Check if the found file has a naming according the aerocom conventions # and set the convention for all files (maybe this need to be # updated in case there can be more than one file naming convention # within one model directory) try: self._update_file_convention(files) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.warning(repr(e)) return result = self._evaluate_fileinfo(files) df = self._fileinfo_to_dataframe(result) self.file_info = df if len(df) == 0: raise DataCoverageError(f"No valid files could be found for {self.data_id}")
[docs] def filter_files( self, var_name=None, ts_type=None, start=None, stop=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, is_at_stations=False, df=None, ): """Filter file database Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable that are supposed to be read ts_type : str string specifying temporal resolution (choose from "hourly", "3hourly", "daily", "monthly"). If None, prioritised of the available resolutions is used start : Timestamp or str, optional start time of data import stop : Timestamp or str, optional stop time of data import experiment : str name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more than one experiment) vert_which : str or dict, optional valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column, ModelLevel) or dictionary containing var_name as key and vertical coded string as value, accordingly flex_ts_type : bool if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case the input ts_type is not available for this variable prefer_longer : bool if True and applicable, the ts_type resulting in the longer time coverage will be preferred over other possible frequencies that match the query. """ if df is None: df = self.file_info yrs = self._get_years_to_load(start, stop) year_cond = df.year.isin(yrs) if var_name is None: var_cond = df.var_name.isin(df.var_name.values) else: var_cond = df.var_name == var_name if vert_which is None: vert_cond = df.vert_code.isin(df.vert_code.values) else: vert_cond = df.vert_code == vert_which if ts_type is None: freq_cond = df.ts_type.isin(df.ts_type.values) else: freq_cond = df.ts_type == ts_type if experiment is None: exp_cond = df.experiment.isin(df.experiment.values) else: exp_cond = df.experiment == experiment return df.loc[ (var_cond) & (year_cond) & (freq_cond) & (exp_cond) & (vert_cond) & (df.is_at_stations == is_at_stations) ]
def _infer_ts_type(self, df, ts_type, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer): ts_types = df.ts_type.unique() if len(ts_types) == 1: # only one frequency available if flex_ts_type or ts_type is None or ts_types[0] == ts_type: # all good return ts_types[0] raise DataCoverageError(f"No files could be found for ts_type {ts_type}") highest_avail = get_highest_resolution(*ts_types) # there is more than one frequency available -> decision making # gets more complicated if not flex_ts_type: if ts_type is None: return highest_avail elif ts_type in ts_types: return ts_type raise DataCoverageError("Failed to infer ts_type") # ts_type is flexible if ts_type is None: # initiate with highest available ts_type = highest_avail if not prefer_longer: return ts_type # ts_type is flexible and user prefers the longer period over # higher resolution ts_type = ts_types[0] subset = self.filter_files(ts_type=ts_type, df=df) for _ts_type in ts_types[1:]: _subset = self.filter_files(ts_type=_ts_type, df=df) if len(_subset) > len(subset): subset = _subset ts_type = _ts_type return ts_type
[docs] def filter_query( self, var_name, ts_type=None, start=None, stop=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, is_at_stations=False, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, ): """Filter files for read query based on input specs Parameters ---------- Returns ------- DataFrame dataframe containing filtered dataset """ if not var_name in self.file_info.var_name.values: raise DataCoverageError( f"Variable {var_name} is not available in dataset {self.data_id}" ) subset = self.filter_files( var_name=var_name, ts_type=None, # disregard ts_type in 1. iteration start=start, stop=stop, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, is_at_stations=is_at_stations, ) if len(subset) == 0: if vert_which in self.VERT_ALT: vc = self.VERT_ALT[vert_which] logger.warning( f"No files could be found for var {var_name} and " f"vert_which {vert_which} in {self.data_id}. " f"Trying to find alternative options" ) return self.filter_query( var_name, ts_type, start, stop, experiment, vert_which=vc, is_at_stations=is_at_stations, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, ) raise DataCoverageError("No files could be found") ts_type = self._infer_ts_type(subset, ts_type, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer) subset = self.filter_files(ts_type=ts_type, start=start, stop=stop, df=subset) if len(subset) == len(subset.year.unique()): return subset # File request could not be resolved such that every year only occurs # once msg = "" exps = subset.experiment.unique() verts = subset.vert_code.unique() if len(exps) > 1: msg += f"Found multiple experiments. Choose from: {exps}" if len(verts) > 1: dvc = const.VARS[var_name].get_default_vert_code() if dvc is not None and dvc in verts: return self.filter_query( var_name, ts_type, start, stop, experiment, vert_which=dvc, is_at_stations=is_at_stations, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, ) if msg: msg += "; " msg += f"Found multiple vertical codes. Choose from: {verts}" raise DataQueryError( f"Failed to uniquely identify data files for input query. Reason: {msg}" )
[docs] def get_files( self, var_name, ts_type=None, start=None, stop=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, is_at_stations=False, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, ): """Get data files based on input specs""" subset = self.filter_query( var_name, ts_type, start, stop, experiment, vert_which, is_at_stations, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer, ) return self._generate_file_paths(subset)
def _generate_file_paths(self, df=None): if df is None: df = self.file_info return sorted(os.path.join(self.data_dir, x) for x in df.filename.values)
[docs] def get_var_info_from_files(self) -> dict: """Creates dicitonary that contains variable specific meta information Returns ------- dict dictionary where keys are available variables and values (for each variable) contain information about available ts_types, years, etc. """ result = {} for file in self.files: finfo = self.file_convention.get_info_from_file(file) var_name = finfo["var_name"] if not var_name in result: result[var_name] = var_info = {} for key in finfo: if key != "var_name": var_info[key] = [] else: var_info = result[var_name] for key, val in finfo.items(): if key == "var_name": continue if val is not None and not val in var_info[key]: var_info[key].append(val) # now check auxiliary variables for var_to_compute in self.AUX_REQUIRES: if var_to_compute in result: continue try: vars_to_read = self._get_aux_vars_and_fun(var_to_compute)[0] except VarNotAvailableError: pass except VariableDefinitionError: pass else: # init result info dict for aux variable result[var_to_compute] = var_info = {} first = result[vars_to_read[0]] # init with results from first required variable var_info.update(**first) if len(vars_to_read) > 1: for info_other in vars_to_read[1:]: other = result[info_other] for key, info in var_info.items(): # compute match with other variable var_info[key] = list(np.intersect1d(info, other[key])) var_info["aux_vars"] = vars_to_read return result
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Update one or more valid parameters Parameters ---------- **kwargs keyword args that will be used to update (overwrite) valid class attributes such as `data, data_dir, files` """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in self.__dict__: "Updating %s in ModelImportResult for model %s" "New value: %s" % (k, self.data_id, v) ) self.__dict__[k] = v else:"Ignoring key %s in ModelImportResult.update()" % k)
[docs] def concatenate_cubes(self, cubes): """Concatenate list of cubes into one cube Parameters ---------- CubeList list of individual cubes Returns ------- Cube Single cube that contains concatenated cubes from input list Raises ------ iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError if concatenation of all cubes failed """ return concatenate_iris_cubes(cubes, error_on_mismatch=True)
[docs] def compute_var( self, var_name, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, vars_to_read=None, aux_fun=None, try_convert_units=True, aux_add_args=None, rename_var=None, **kwargs, ): """Compute auxiliary variable Like :func:`read_var` but for auxiliary variables (cf. AUX_REQUIRES) Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable that are supposed to be read start : Timestamp or str, optional start time of data import (if valid input, then the current :attr:`start` will be overwritten) stop : Timestamp or str, optional stop time of data import ts_type : str string specifying temporal resolution (choose from hourly, 3hourly, daily, monthly). If None, prioritised of the available resolutions is used experiment : str name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more than one experiment) vert_which : str valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column, ModelLevel) flex_ts_type : bool if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case the input ts_type is not available for this variable prefer_longer : bool if True and applicable, the ts_type resulting in the longer time coverage will be preferred over other possible frequencies that match the query. try_convert_units : bool if True, units of GriddedData objects are attempted to be converted to AeroCom default. This applies both to the GriddedData objects being read for computation as well as the variable computed from the forme objects. This is, for instance, useful when computing concentration in precipitation from wet deposition and precipitation amount. rename_var : str if this is set, the `var_name` attribute of the output `GriddedData` object will be updated accordingly. **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`_load_var` Returns ------- GriddedData loaded data object """ if vars_to_read is not None: self.add_aux_compute(var_name, vars_to_read, aux_fun) vars_to_read, aux_fun = self._get_aux_vars_and_fun(var_name) if aux_add_args is None: aux_add_args = {} data = [] # all variables that are required need to be in the same temporal # resolution try: ts_type = self.find_common_ts_type( vars_to_read, start, stop, ts_type, experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, ) except DataCoverageError: if not vert_which in self.VERT_ALT: raise vert_which = self.VERT_ALT[vert_which] ts_type = self.find_common_ts_type( vars_to_read, start, stop, ts_type, experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, ) for var in vars_to_read: aux_data = self._load_var( var_name=var, ts_type=ts_type, start=start, stop=stop, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, try_convert_units=try_convert_units, rename_var=None, **kwargs, ) data.append(aux_data) if var_name in self.AUX_ADD_ARGS: for key, val in self.AUX_ADD_ARGS[var_name].items(): if not key in aux_add_args: aux_add_args[key] = val if len(aux_add_args) > 0: cube = aux_fun(*data, **aux_add_args) else: cube = aux_fun(*data) cube.var_name = var_name data = GriddedData( cube, data_id=self.data_id, computed=True, convert_unit_on_init=try_convert_units, **kwargs, ) data.reader = self if rename_var is not None: data.var_name = rename_var return data
[docs] def find_common_ts_type( self, vars_to_read, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, flex_ts_type=True, ): """Find common ts_type for list of variables to be read Parameters ---------- vars_to_read : list list of variables that is supposed to be read start : Timestamp or str, optional start time of data import (if valid input, then the current start will be overwritten) stop : Timestamp or str, optional stop time of data import (if valid input, then the current :attr:`start` will be overwritten) ts_type : str string specifying temporal resolution (choose from hourly, 3hourly, daily, monthly). If None, prioritised of the available resolutions is used experiment : str name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more than one experiment) vert_which : str valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column, ModelLevel) flex_ts_type : bool if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case the input ts_type is not available for this variable Returns ------- str common ts_type for input variable Raises ------ DataCoverageError if no match can be found """ if isinstance(vars_to_read, str): vars_to_read = [vars_to_read] common = self.filter_files( var_name=vars_to_read[0], start=start, stop=stop, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, ).ts_type.unique() if len(common) == 0: raise DataCoverageError( f"Could not find any file matches for query and variable {vars_to_read[0]}" ) for var in vars_to_read[1:]: _tt = self.filter_files( var_name=var, start=start, stop=stop, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which ) common = np.intersect1d(common, _tt.ts_type.unique()) if len(common) == 0: raise DataCoverageError(f"Could not find common ts_type for variables {vars_to_read}") elif len(common) == 1: if ts_type is None or flex_ts_type: return common[0] elif ts_type == common[0]: return ts_type raise DataCoverageError( f"Could not find files with ts_type={ts_type} for all input variables: {vars_to_read}" ) if ts_type is not None: if ts_type in common: return ts_type if not flex_ts_type: raise DataCoverageError( f"Could not find files with ts_type={ts_type} for " f"all input variables: {vars_to_read}" ) # NOTE: Changed by jgliss on 7.11.2019 for more flexibility # common_sorted = [x for x in const.GRID_IO.TS_TYPES if x in common] common_sorted = sort_ts_types(common) return common_sorted[0]
[docs] def add_aux_compute(self, var_name, vars_required, fun): """Register new variable to be computed Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable name to be computed vars_required : list list of variables to read, that are required to compute `var_name` fun : callable function that takes a list of `GriddedData` objects as input and that are read using variable names specified by `vars_required`. """ if isinstance(vars_required, str): vars_required = [vars_required] if not isinstance(vars_required, list): raise ValueError( f"Invalid input for vars_required. Need str or list. Got: {vars_required}" ) elif not callable(fun): raise ValueError("Invalid input for fun. Input is not a callable object") self._aux_requires[var_name] = vars_required self._aux_funs[var_name] = fun if not self._check_aux_compute_access(var_name): raise DataCoverageError( f"Failed to confirm access to auxiliary variable {var_name} from {vars_required}" )
@property def registered_var_patterns(self): """ List of string patterns for computation of variables The information is extracted from :attr:`AUX_REQUIRES` Returns ------- list list of variable patterns """ return [x for x in self.AUX_REQUIRES if "*" in x] def _get_var_to_read(self, var_name: str) -> str: """ Get variable to read The logical order of inferring the variable to read is: 1. Check if input variable name as is, is available in filename 2. If not, check if an old version of that name is available 3. If not, check if an alias name of input name is available 4. If not, check if input variable is an alias and if AeroCom \ variable name is available instead (e.g. input od550csaer \ not available, but od550aer is available) Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable that is supposed to be read Raises ------ VarNotAvailableError if no match can be found VariableDefinitionError if input variable is not defined Returns ------- str name of variable match found """ if var_name in self.vars_filename: return var_name # e.g. user asks for od550aer but files contain only 3d var od5503daer # if not var_to_read in self.vars_filename: for var in self._vars_3d: if Variable(var).var_name == var_name: return var # get instance of Variable class var = const.VARS[var_name] # If the input variable has aliases, check if one of these aliases is # provided in the dataset for alias in var.aliases: if alias in self.vars_filename:"Did not find {var_name} field but {alias}. Using the latter instead") return alias # Finally, if still no match could be found, check if input variable # is an alias and see if the corresponding AeroCom variable name is # available in dataset if var.is_alias and var.var_name_aerocom in self.vars_filename: return var.var_name_aerocom raise VarNotAvailableError(f"Variable {var_name} could not be found") def _eval_vert_which_and_ts_type(self, var_name, vert_which, ts_type): if all(x == "" for x in self.file_info.vert_code.values): f"Deactivating file search by vertical code for {self.data_id}, " f"since filenames do not include information about vertical code " f"(probably AeroCom 2 convention)" ) vert_which = None if isinstance(vert_which, dict): try: vert_which = vert_which[var_name] except Exception: f"Setting vert_which to None, since input dict {vert_which} " f"does not contain input variable {var_name}" ) vert_which = None if isinstance(ts_type, dict): try: ts_type = ts_type[var_name] except Exception: f"Setting ts_type to None, since input dict {ts_type} " f"does not contain specification variable to read {var_name}" ) ts_type = None return vert_which, ts_type # TODO: add from_vars input arg for computation and corresponding method
[docs] def read_var( self, var_name, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, aux_vars=None, aux_fun=None, constraints=None, try_convert_units=True, rename_var=None, **kwargs, ): """Read model data for a specific variable This method searches all valid files for a given variable and for a provided temporal resolution (e.g. *daily, monthly*), optionally within a certain time window, that may be specified on class instantiation or using the corresponding input parameters provided in this method. The individual NetCDF files for a given temporal period are loaded as instances of the :class:`iris.Cube` object and appended to an instance of the :class:`iris.cube.CubeList` object. The latter is then used to concatenate the individual cubes in time into a single instance of the :class:`pyaerocom.GriddedData` class. In order to ensure that this works, several things need to be ensured, which are listed in the following and which may be controlled within the global settings for NetCDF import using the attribute :attr:`GRID_IO` (instance of :class:`OnLoad`) in the default instance of the :class:`pyaerocom.config.Config` object accessible via ``pyaerocom.const``. Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable that are supposed to be read start : Timestamp or str, optional start time of data import stop : Timestamp or str, optional stop time of data import ts_type : str string specifying temporal resolution (choose from "hourly", "3hourly", "daily", "monthly"). If None, prioritised of the available resolutions is used experiment : str name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more than one experiment) vert_which : str or dict, optional valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column, ModelLevel) or dictionary containing var_name as key and vertical coded string as value, accordingly flex_ts_type : bool if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case the input ts_type is not available for this variable prefer_longer : bool if True and applicable, the ts_type resulting in the longer time coverage will be preferred over other possible frequencies that match the query. aux_vars : list only relevant if `var_name` is not available for reading but needs to be computed: list of variables that are required to compute `var_name` aux_fun : callable only relevant if `var_name` is not available for reading but needs to be computed: custom method for computation (cf. :func:`add_aux_compute` for details) constraints : list, optional list of reading constraints (dict type). See :func:`check_constraint_valid` and :func:`apply_read_constraint` for details related to format of the individual constraints. try_convert_units : bool if True, then the unit of the variable data is checked against AeroCom default unit for that variable and if it deviates, it is attempted to be converted to the AeroCom default unit. Default is True. rename_var : str if this is set, the `var_name` attribute of the output `GriddedData` object will be updated accordingly. **kwargs additional keyword args parsed to :func:`_load_var` Returns ------- GriddedData loaded data object Raises ------ AttributeError if none of the ts_types identified from file names is valid VarNotAvailableError if specified ts_type is not supported """ # user has provided input that specified how the input variable # is supposed to be computed. In this case, the variable will be # computed even if it is directly available in a file, i.e. it # could be read. if aux_vars is not None: self.add_aux_compute(var_name, aux_vars, aux_fun) vert_which, ts_type = self._eval_vert_which_and_ts_type(var_name, vert_which, ts_type) data = self._try_read_var( var_name, start, stop, ts_type, experiment, vert_which, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer, try_convert_units=try_convert_units, rename_var=rename_var, **kwargs, ) if constraints is not None: if isinstance(constraints, dict): constraints = [constraints] for constraint in constraints: data = self.apply_read_constraint( data, constraint, start=start, stop=stop, ts_type=ts_type, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, **kwargs, ) return data
[docs] def check_constraint_valid(self, constraint): """ Check if reading constraint is valid Parameters ---------- constraint : dict reading constraint. Requires at lest entries for following keys: - operator (str): for valid operators see :attr:`CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS` - filter_val (float): value against which data is evaluated wrt to \ operator Raises ------ ValueError If constraint is invalid Returns ------- None. """ if not isinstance(constraint, dict): raise ValueError("Read constraint needs to be dict") elif not "operator" in constraint: raise ValueError( f"Constraint requires specification of operator. " f"Valid operators: {self.CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS}" ) elif not constraint["operator"] in self.CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid constraint operator. Choose from: {self.CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS}" ) elif not "filter_val" in constraint: raise ValueError("constraint needs specification of filter_val") elif not isnumeric(constraint["filter_val"]): raise ValueError("Need numerical filter value")
[docs] def apply_read_constraint(self, data, constraint, **kwargs): """ Filter a `GriddeData` object by value in another variable Note ---- BETA version, that was hacked down in a rush to be able to apply AOD>0.1 threshold when reading AE. Parameters ---------- data : GriddedData data object to which constraint is applied constraint : dict dictionary defining read constraint (see :func:`check_constraint_valid` for minimum requirement). If constraint contains key var_name (not mandatory), then the corresponding variable is attemted to be read and is used to evaluate constraint and the corresponding boolean mask is then applied to input `data`. Wherever this mask is True (i.e. constraint is met), the current value in input `data` will be replaced with `` or, if specified, with entry `new_val` in input constraint dict. **kwargs : TYPE reading arguments in case additional variable data needs to be loaded, to determine filter mask (i.e. if `var_name` is specified in input constraint). Parse to :func:`read_var`. Raises ------ ValueError If constraint is invalid (cf. :func:`check_constraint_valid` for details). Returns ------- GriddedData modified data objects (all grid-points that met constraint are replaced with either `` or with a value that can be specified via key `new_val` in input constraint). """ self.check_constraint_valid(constraint) if "new_val" in constraint: new_val = constraint["new_val"] else: new_val = np.nan operator_fun = self.CONSTRAINT_OPERATORS[constraint["operator"]] if "var_name" in constraint: other_data = self.read_var(constraint["var_name"], **kwargs) else: other_data = data if not other_data.shape == data.shape: raise ValueError("Failed to apply filter. Shape mismatch") other_arr = other_data.to_xarray() arr = data.to_xarray() if not other_arr.dims == arr.dims: from pyaerocom.exceptions import DataDimensionError raise DataDimensionError("Mismatch in dimensions") for dim in arr.dims: same_vals = (arr[dim].values == other_arr[dim].values).all() if not same_vals: if dim == "time": other_arr[dim] = arr[dim] else: raise ValueError() # select all grid points where conition is fulfilled mask = operator_fun(other_arr, constraint["filter_val"]) # set values to new_val where condition is fulfilled filtered = xr.where(mask, new_val, arr) # overwrite data in cube with the filtered data outcube = filtered.to_iris() outcube.var_name = data.var_name outcube.units = data.units outcube.attributes = data.cube.attributes outcube_dims = outcube.dim_coords for i, name in enumerate(data.dimcoord_names): _name = outcube_dims[i].name() outcube.remove_coord(_name) outcube.add_dim_coord(data.cube.coord(name), i) data.cube = outcube return data
def _try_read_var( self, var_name, start, stop, ts_type, experiment, vert_which, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer, try_convert_units, rename_var, **kwargs, ): """Helper method used in :func:`read_var` See :func:`read_var` for description of input arguments. """ if var_name in self._aux_requires and self.check_compute_var(var_name): return self.compute_var( var_name=var_name, start=start, stop=stop, ts_type=ts_type, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, try_convert_units=try_convert_units, rename_var=rename_var, **kwargs, ) try: var_to_read = self._get_var_to_read(var_name) return self._load_var( var_name=var_to_read, ts_type=ts_type, start=start, stop=stop, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, try_convert_units=try_convert_units, rename_var=rename_var, **kwargs, ) except VarNotAvailableError: if self.check_compute_var(var_name): return self.compute_var( var_name=var_name, start=start, stop=stop, ts_type=ts_type, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, try_convert_units=try_convert_units, rename_var=rename_var, **kwargs, ) # this input variable was explicitely set to be computed, in which # case reading of that variable is ignored even if a file exists for # that raise VarNotAvailableError( f"Error: variable {var_name} not available in files and can also not be computed." )
[docs] def read( self, vars_to_retrieve=None, start=None, stop=None, ts_type=None, experiment=None, vert_which=None, flex_ts_type=True, prefer_longer=False, require_all_vars_avail=False, **kwargs, ): """Read all variables that could be found Reads all variables that are available (i.e. in :attr:`vars_filename`) Parameters ---------- vars_to_retrieve : list or str, optional variables that are supposed to be read. If None, all variables that are available are read. start : Timestamp or str, optional start time of data import stop : Timestamp or str, optional stop time of data import ts_type : str, optional string specifying temporal resolution (choose from "hourly", "3hourly", "daily", "monthly"). If None, prioritised of the available resolutions is used experiment : str name of experiment (only relevant if this dataset contains more than one experiment) vert_which : str or dict, optional valid AeroCom vertical info string encoded in name (e.g. Column, ModelLevel) or dictionary containing var_name as key and vertical coded string as value, accordingly flex_ts_type : bool if True and if applicable, then another ts_type is used in case the input ts_type is not available for this variable prefer_longer : bool if True and applicable, the ts_type resulting in the longer time coverage will be preferred over other possible frequencies that match the query. require_all_vars_avail : bool if True, it is strictly required that all input variables are available. **kwargs optional and support for deprecated input args Returns ------- tuple loaded data objects (type :class:`GriddedData`) Raises ------ IOError if input variable names is not list or string VarNotAvailableError 1. if ``require_all_vars_avail=True`` and one or more of the desired variables is not available in this class 2. if ``require_all_vars_avail=True`` and if none of the input variables is available in this object """ if vars_to_retrieve is None and "var_names" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "Input arg var_names is deprecated. " "Please use vars_to_retrieve instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) vars_to_retrieve = kwargs["var_names"] if vars_to_retrieve is None: vars_to_retrieve = self.vars_filename elif isinstance(vars_to_retrieve, str): vars_to_retrieve = [vars_to_retrieve] elif not isinstance(vars_to_retrieve, list): raise OSError( f"Invalid input for vars_to_retrieve {vars_to_retrieve}. " f"Need string or list of strings specifying var_names to load. " f"You may also leave it empty (None) in which case all " f"available variables are loaded" ) if require_all_vars_avail: if not all([var in self.vars_provided for var in vars_to_retrieve]): raise VarNotAvailableError( f"One or more of the specified vars ({vars_to_retrieve}) " f"is not available in {self.data_id} database. " f"Available vars: {self.vars_provided}" ) var_names = list(np.intersect1d(self.vars_provided, vars_to_retrieve)) if len(var_names) == 0: raise VarNotAvailableError( f"None of the desired variables is available in {self.data_id}" ) data = [] for var in var_names: try: data.append( self.read_var( var_name=var, start=start, stop=stop, ts_type=ts_type, experiment=experiment, vert_which=vert_which, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, ) ) except (VarNotAvailableError, DataCoverageError) as e: self.logger.warning(repr(e)) return tuple(data)
def _load_files(self, files, var_name, perform_fmt_checks=None): """Load list of files containing variable to read into Cube instances Parameters ---------- files : list list of netcdf file var_name : str name of variable to read perform_fmt_checks : bool if True, the loaded data is checked for consistency with AeroCom default requirements. Returns ------- CubeList list of loaded Cube instances list list containing corresponding filenames of loaded cubes """ cubes, loaded_files = load_cubes_custom( files=files, var_name=var_name, file_convention=self.file_convention, perform_fmt_checks=perform_fmt_checks, ) if len(loaded_files) == 0: raise OSError(f"None of the input files could be loaded in {self.data_id}") # self.loaded_cubes[var_name] = cubes return (cubes, loaded_files) def _get_meta_df(self, subset): """Extract relevant meta information from file_info dataframe Parameters ---------- subset : pd.DataFrame subset of, or :attr:`file_info` Raises ------ DataQueryError if more than one time frequency is available in the dataframe Returns ------- """ meta = {} # check additional metadata ts_types = subset.ts_type.unique() # sanity check if len(ts_types) > 1: raise DataQueryError("Fatal: subset contains more than one ts_type") meta["ts_type"] = ts_types[0] mets = subset.meteo.unique() meta["meteo"] = mets[0] if len(mets) == 1 else list(mets) exps = subset.experiment.unique() meta["experiment"] = exps[0] if len(exps) == 1 else list(exps) perts = subset.perturbation.unique() meta["perturbation"] = perts[0] if len(perts) == 1 else list(perts) vertcodes = subset.vert_code.unique() meta["vert_code"] = vertcodes[0] if len(vertcodes) == 1 else list(vertcodes) return meta def _load_var( self, var_name, ts_type, start, stop, experiment, vert_which, flex_ts_type, prefer_longer, try_convert_units, rename_var, **kwargs, ): """Find files corresponding to input specs and load into GriddedData Note ---- See :func:`read_var` for I/O info. """ if self.ignore_vert_code: vert_which = None subset = self.filter_query( var_name, ts_type, start, stop, experiment, vert_which, is_at_stations=False, flex_ts_type=flex_ts_type, prefer_longer=prefer_longer, ) if len(subset) == 0: raise DataQueryError("Could not find file match for query") match_files = self._generate_file_paths(subset) (cube_list, from_files) = self._load_files(match_files, var_name, **kwargs) is_concat = False if len(cube_list) > 1: try: cube = self.concatenate_cubes(cube_list) is_concat = True except iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError as e: raise NotImplementedError( f"Failed to concatenate cubes: {cube_list}\nError: {repr(e)}" ) else: cube = cube_list[0] meta = self._get_meta_df(subset) data = GriddedData( input=cube, from_files=from_files, data_id=self.data_id, concatenated=is_concat, convert_unit_on_init=try_convert_units, **meta, ) # crop cube in time (if applicable) if isinstance(start, int) and start != 9999: try: data = self._check_crop_time(data, start, stop) except Exception: logger.exception( f"Failed to crop time dimension in {data} (start: {start}, stop: {stop})" ) if rename_var is not None: data.var_name = rename_var data.reader = self return data def _check_crop_time(self, data, start, stop): crop_time = False crop_time_range = [self.start, self.stop] if start is not None: crop_time = True crop_time_range[0] = to_pandas_timestamp(start) if stop is not None: crop_time = True crop_time_range[1] = to_pandas_timestamp(stop) if crop_time:"Applying temporal cropping of result cube") data = data.crop(time_range=crop_time_range) return data def _check_ts_type(self, ts_type): """Check and, if applicable, update ts_type Returns ------- str valid ts_type Raises ------ ValueError """ if ts_type is None: if len(self.ts_types) == 0: raise AttributeError( "Apparently no files with a valid ts_type " "entry in their filename could be found" ) ts_type = self.ts_types[0] if not TsType.valid(ts_type): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input for ts_type: {ts_type}") return ts_type def __getitem__(self, var_name): """Try access import result for one of the models Parameters ---------- var_name : str string specifying variable that is supposed to be extracted Returns ------- GriddedData the corresponding read class for this model Raises ------- ValueError if results for ``var_name`` are not available """ if not var_name in return self.read_var(var_name) # return[var_name] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): head = f"Pyaerocom {type(self).__name__}" s = ( f"\n{head}\n{len(head) * '-'}\n" f"Data ID: {self.data_id}\n" f"Data directory: {self.data_dir}\n" f"Available experiments: {self.experiments}\n" f"Available years: {self.years_avail}\n" f"Available frequencies {self.ts_types}\n" f"Available variables: {self.vars_provided}\n" ) return s.rstrip() ### DEPRECATED STUFF @property def name(self): """Deprecated name of attribute data_id""" warnings.warn("Please use data_id", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.data_id
is_3d = lambda var_name: True if "3d" in var_name.lower() else False