Source code for pyaerocom.metastandards

import logging
from configparser import ConfigParser

import numpy as np

from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import BrowseDict
from import resources

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DataSource(BrowseDict): """Dict-like object defining a data source Attributes ---------- data_id name (or ID) of dataset (e.g. AeronetSunV3Lev2.daily) dataset_name name of dataset (e.g. AERONET) data_product data product (e.g. SDA, Inv, Sun for Aeronet) data_version version of data (e.g. 3) data_level level of data (e.g. 2) framework : str ID of framework to which data is associated (e.g. ACTRIS, GAW) instr_vert_loc : str Vertical location of measuring instrument(s). revision_date last revision date of dataset ts_type_src sampling frequency as defined in data files (use None if undefined) stat_merge_pref_attr : str optional, a metadata attribute that is available in data and that is used to order the individual stations by relevance in case overlaps occur. The associated values of this attribute need to be sortable (e.g. revision_date). This is only relevant in case overlaps occur. """ SUPPORTED_VERT_LOCS = ["ground", "space", "airborne"] _types = dict( dataset_name=str, data_product=str, data_version=float, data_level=float, framework=str, instr_vert_loc=str, ts_type_src=str, stat_merge_pref_attr=str, revision_date=np.datetime64, website=str, ) _ini_file_name = "data_sources.ini" def __init__(self, **info): self.data_id = None self.dataset_name = None self.data_product = None self.data_version = None self.data_level = None self.framework = None self.instr_vert_loc = None self.revision_date = None = None self.ts_type_src = None self.stat_merge_pref_attr = None self.update(**info) if self.data_id is not None: self._parse_source_info_from_ini() @property def data_dir(self): """Directory containing data files""" from import get_obsnetwork_dir return get_obsnetwork_dir(self.data_id)
[docs] def dataset_str(self): s = "" if self.dataset_name is not None: s += self.dataset_name hasv = False if self.data_version is not None: s += f"(v{self.data_version}" hasv = True if self.data_level is not None: if hasv: s += f", Lev {self.data_level})" else: s += f"(Lev {self.data_level})" else: s += ")" else: s += self.data_id return s
[docs] def load_dataset_info(self): """Wrapper for :func:`_parse_source_info_from_ini`""" try: self._parse_source_info_from_ini() except Exception: pass
def _parse_source_info_from_ini(self): """Parse source info from ini file""" if not resources.is_resource("", self._ini_file_name): raise OSError(f"File {self._ini_file_name} does not exist") parser = ConfigParser() with resources.path("", self._ini_file_name) as path: if self.data_id in parser: for k, v in parser[self.data_id].items(): if k in self._types: self[k] = self._types[k](v) else: self[k] = str(v)
[docs] class StationMetaData(DataSource): """This object defines a standard for station metadata in pyaerocom Variable names associated with meta data can vary significantly between different conventions (e.g. conventions in modellers community vs. observations community). Note ---- - This object is a dictionary and can be easily expanded - In many cases, only some of the attributes are relevant Attributes ---------- filename : str name of file (may be full path or only filename) station_id : str Code or unique ID of station station_name :str name or ID of a station. Note, that the concept of a station in pyaerocom is not necessarily related to a fixed coordinate. A station can also be a satellite, ship, or a human walking around and measuring something instrument_name : str name (or ID) of instrument PI : str principal investigator country : str string specifying country (or country ID) ts_type : str frequency of data (e.g. monthly). Note the difference between :attr:`ts_type_src` of :class:`DataSource`, which specifies the freq. of the original files. latitude : float latitude coordinate longitude : float longitude coordinate altitude : float altitude coordinate """ def __init__(self, **info): self.filename = None self.station_id = None self.station_name = None self.instrument_name = None self.PI = None = None self.country_code = None self.ts_type = None self.latitude = np.nan self.longitude = np.nan self.altitude = np.nan super().__init__(**info)
[docs] class AerocomDataID: """ Class representing a model data ID following AeroCom PhaseIII conventions The ID must contain 4 substrings with meta parameters: <ModelName>-<MeteoConfigSpecifier>_<ExperimentName>-<PerturbationName> E.g. NorESM2-met2010_CTRL-AP3 For more information see `AeroCom diagnostics spreadsheet <>`__ This interface can be used to make sure a provided data ID is following this convention and to extract the corresponding meta parameters as dictionary (:func:`to_dict`) or to create an data_id from the corresponding meta parameters :func:`from_dict`. """ DELIM = "_" SUBDELIM = "-" KEYS = ["model_name", "meteo", "experiment", "perturbation"] def __init__(self, data_id=None, **meta_info): self._data_id = None self._values = None if data_id is not None: self.data_id = data_id elif meta_info: self._values_from_dict(meta_info) @property def data_id(self): """ str AeroCom data ID """ return self._data_id @data_id.setter def data_id(self, val): self._values = self._eval_data_id(val) self._data_id = val @property def values(self): if self._values is not None: return self._values raise AttributeError("Meta value list is not set.") @values.setter def values(self, val): if not isinstance(val, list) or not len(val) == len(self.KEYS): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input: need list of length {len(self.KEYS)}") # this will first create a data_id string from input values and # then call setter method to make sure the input is correct. self.data_id = self.from_values(val)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert data_id to dictionary Returns ------- dict dictionary with metadata information """ if not len(self._values) == len(self.KEYS): self._eval_data_id(self.data_id) return dict(zip(self.KEYS, self._values))
def _values_from_dict(self, meta): vals = [] for key in self.KEYS: if not key in meta: raise KeyError(f"Missing specification of {key} in input meta dict") vals.append(meta[key]) self._data_id = self.from_values(vals) self._values = vals
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(meta): """ Create instance of AerocomDataID from input meta dictionary Parameters ---------- meta : dict dictionary containing required keys (cf. :attr:`KEYS`) and corresponding values to create an data_id Raises ------ KeyError if not all information required is provided Returns ------- AerocomDataID """ return AerocomDataID(**meta)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_values(values): """ Create data_id from list of values Note ---- The values have to be in the right order, cf. :attr:`KEYS` Parameters ---------- values : list list containing values for each key in :attr:`KEYS` Raises ------ ValueError if length of input list mismatches length of :attr:`KEYS` Returns ------- str generated data_id """ if not len(values) == 4: raise ValueError("Need 4 entries model_name, meteo_config, experiment, perturbation") return "{}-{}_{}-{}".format(*values)
def _eval_data_id(self, val): """ Check and extract meta information from input data_id Parameters ---------- val : str data_id Raises ------ ValueError if input is not string or is not in format <model_name>-<meteo_config>_<experiment>-<perturbation> Returns ------- values DESCRIPTION. """ if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError(f"Invalid input for data_id. Need str. Got {val}") values = [""] * len(self.KEYS) spl = val.split(self.DELIM) if not len(spl) == 2: logger.debug( "Invalid or old data ID %s. Consider format <model-name>-<meteo-config>_<experiment>-<perturbation>", val, ) values[0] = val return values sub = spl[0].split(self.SUBDELIM, 1) if len(sub) == 2: values[0] = sub[0] # model_name meteo = sub[1] if meteo.startswith("met"): values[1] = meteo # meteo_config else: logger.debug( "Meteorology config substring in data_id %s needs to start with met.", meteo ) values[0] = spl[0] else: values[0] = spl[0] sub = spl[1].split(self.SUBDELIM, 1) if len(sub) == 2: values[2] = sub[0] values[3] = sub[1] else: values[2] = spl[1] return values def __eq__(self, other): return True if self._data_id == str(other) else False def __repr__(self): return self._data_id def __str__(self): return self._data_id
STANDARD_META_KEYS = list(StationMetaData())