Source code for pyaerocom.obs_io

Settings and helper methods / classes for I/O of obervation data

Some settings like paths etc can be found in :mod:``
from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import dict_to_str, str_underline

#: Wavelength tolerance for observations if data for required wavelength
#: is not available

#: This boolean can be used to enable / disable the former (i.e. use
#: available wavelengths of variable in a certain range around variable
#: wavelength).

[docs] class ObsVarCombi: def __init__(self, obs_id, var_name): self.obs_id = obs_id self.var_name = var_name def __repr__(self): return f"{self.obs_id};{self.var_name}" def __str__(self): return repr(self)
[docs] class AuxInfoUngridded: MAX_VARS_PER_METHOD = 2 def __init__( self, data_id, vars_supported, aux_requires, aux_merge_how, aux_funs=None, aux_units=None ): self.data_id = data_id self.vars_supported = vars_supported self.aux_requires = aux_requires self.aux_merge_how = aux_merge_how self.aux_funs = aux_funs self.aux_units = aux_units self.check_status()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Dictionary representation of this object Ignores any potential private attributes. """ dd = {} for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if any([key.startswith(x) for x in ("_", "__")]): continue dd[key] = val return dd
[docs] def check_status(self): """ Check if specifications are correct and consistent Raises ------ ValueError If one of the class attributes is invalid NotImplementedError If computation method contains more than 2 variables / datasets """ if isinstance(self.vars_supported, str): self.vars_supported = [self.vars_supported] if isinstance(self.aux_merge_how, str): nv = len(self.vars_supported) self.aux_merge_how = dict(zip(self.vars_supported, [self.aux_merge_how] * nv)) if self.aux_funs is None: self.aux_funs = {} if self.aux_units is None: self.aux_units = {} for var in self.vars_supported: if not var in self.aux_requires: raise ValueError(f"Variable {var} is not defined in attr aux_requires...") elif not var in self.aux_merge_how: raise ValueError( f"Missing information about how {var} should be merged (aux_merge_how)" ) merge_how = self.aux_merge_how[var] if merge_how == "eval": if not var in self.aux_funs: raise ValueError( f"Specification of computation function is missing for var {var}" ) fun = self.aux_funs[var] if not isinstance(fun, str): raise ValueError("eval functions need to be strings") aux_info = self.aux_requires[var] fc = 0 for aux_id, var_info in aux_info.items(): if isinstance(var_info, str): # make sure variables are represented as list, even if # it is only one aux_info[aux_id] = var_info = [var_info] for _var in var_info: obsvar = ObsVarCombi(aux_id, _var) obsvarstr = str(obsvar) if merge_how == "eval" and not obsvarstr in fun: raise ValueError( f"Mismatch between aux_requires and aux_funs for variable {var}. " f"No such obs;var string {obsvarstr} in computation method {fun}" ) fc += 1 if fc > self.MAX_VARS_PER_METHOD: raise NotImplementedError("So far only 2 variables can be combined...")
def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}; data_id: {self.data_id}; vars_supported: {self.vars_supported}" def __str__(self): name = str(type(self).__name__) s = str_underline(name) s += dict_to_str(self.to_dict()) return s