Source code for pyaerocom.plot.helpers

import as ccrs
import numpy as np

from pyaerocom.mathutils import exponent

[docs] def projection_from_str(projection_str="PlateCarree"): """Return instance of cartopy projection class based on string ID""" try: return ccrs.__dict__[projection_str]() except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"no such projection {projection_str}")
[docs] def custom_mpl(mpl_rcparams=None, default_large=True, **kwargs): """Custom matplotlib settings""" if mpl_rcparams is None: from matplotlib import rcParams as mpl_rcparams small = 10 medium = 12 big = 14 huge = 18 if default_large: default = { "font.size": huge, "axes.titlesize": huge, "axes.labelsize": huge, "xtick.labelsize": big, "ytick.labelsize": big, "legend.fontsize": big, "figure.titlesize": huge, } else: default = { "font.size": small, "axes.titlesize": big, "axes.labelsize": medium, "xtick.labelsize": medium, "ytick.labelsize": medium, "legend.fontsize": small, "figure.titlesize": big, } for k, v in default.items(): try: mpl_rcparams[k] = kwargs[k] except Exception: mpl_rcparams[k] = v return mpl_rcparams
[docs] def calc_figsize(lon_range, lat_range, figh=8): """Calculate figure size based on data The required figure width is computed based on the input height and the aspect ratio of the longitude and latitude arrays Parameters ---------- lon_range : tuple 2-element tuple specifying longitude range (may also be list or array) lat_range : tuple 2-element tuple specifying latitude range (may also be list or array) figh : int figure height in inches add_cbar : bool if True, the width is adapted accordingly Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing figure width and height """ wfac = (lon_range[1] - lon_range[0]) / (lat_range[1] - lat_range[0]) figw = int(wfac * figh) return (figw, figh)
[docs] def calc_pseudolog_cmaplevels(vmin, vmax, add_zero=False): """Initiate pseudo-log discrete colormap levels Parameters ---------- vmin : float lower end of colormap (e.g. minimum value of data) vmax : float upper value of colormap (e.g. maximum value of data) add_zero : bool if True, the lower bound is set to 0 (irrelevant if vmin is 0). Returns ------- list list containing boundary array for discrete colormap (e.g. using BoundaryNorm) Example ------- >>> vmin, vmax = 0.02, 0.75 >>> vals = calc_pseudolog_cmaplevels(vmin, vmax, num_per_mag=10, add_zero=True) >>> for val in vals: print("%.4f" %val) 0.0000 0.0100 0.0126 0.0158 0.0200 0.0251 0.0316 0.0398 0.0501 0.0631 0.0794 0.1000 """ if vmin < 0: vmin = 0 if vmin == 0: vmin = 1 * 10.0 ** (exponent(vmax) - 2) if not add_zero: add_zero = True elif vmax < vmin: raise ValueError("Error: vmax must exceed vmin") bounds = [0] if add_zero else [] low = float(exponent(vmin)) high = float(exponent(vmax)) bounds.extend(np.arange(np.floor(vmin * 10 ** (-low)), 10, 1) * 10.0 ** (low)) if low == high: return bounds for mag in range(int(low + 1), int(high)): bounds.extend(np.linspace(1, 9, 9) * 10 ** (mag)) bounds.extend(np.arange(1, np.ceil(vmax * 10 ** (-high)), 1) * 10.0 ** (high)) bounds.append(vmax) return bounds
[docs] def get_cmap_levels_auto(vmin, vmax, num_per_mag=10): """Initiate pseudo-log discrete colormap levels Note ---- This is a beta version and aims to Parameters ---------- vmin : float lower end of colormap (e.g. minimum value of data) vmax : float upper value of colormap (e.g. maximum value of data) """ high = float(exponent(vmax)) low = -3.0 if vmin == 0 else float(exponent(vmin)) lvls = [] if 1 % vmax * 10 ** (-high) == 0: low += 1 high -= 1 for mag in range(int(low), int(high)): lvls.extend(np.linspace(1, 10, num_per_mag - 1, endpoint=0) * 10 ** (mag)) lvls.extend(np.linspace(1, vmax * 10 ** (-high), num_per_mag, endpoint=1) * 10 ** (high)) return lvls
[docs] def get_cmap_ticks_auto(lvls, num_per_mag=3): """Compute cmap ticks based on cmap levels The cmap levels may be computed automatically using :func:`get_cmap_levels_auto`. Parameters ---------- lvls : list list containing colormap levels num_per_mag : int desired number of ticks per magnitude """ low = exponent(lvls[1]) # second entry (first is 0) vmax = lvls[-1] high = exponent(vmax) ticks = [0] if 1 % vmax * 10 ** (-high) == 0: for mag in range(low, high - 1): ticks.extend(np.linspace(1, 10, num_per_mag, endpoint=0) * 10 ** (mag)) ticks.extend(np.linspace(1, 10, num_per_mag + 1, endpoint=1) * 10 ** (high - 1)) else: for mag in range(low, high): ticks.extend(np.linspace(1, 10, num_per_mag, endpoint=0) * 10 ** (mag)) ticks.extend( np.linspace(1, vmax * 10 ** (-high), num_per_mag + 1, endpoint=1) * 10 ** (high) ) return ticks