Source code for pyaerocom.plot.mapping

import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes
from cartopy.mpl.ticker import LatitudeFormatter, LongitudeFormatter
from geonum.helpers import shifted_color_map
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm, LogNorm, Normalize
from numpy import ceil, linspace, meshgrid
from pandas import to_datetime

from pyaerocom import const
from pyaerocom._warnings import ignore_warnings
from pyaerocom.exceptions import DataDimensionError
from pyaerocom.mathutils import exponent
from pyaerocom.plot.config import COLOR_THEME, MAP_AXES_ASPECT, ColorTheme
from pyaerocom.plot.helpers import (
from pyaerocom.region import Region

MPL_PARAMS = custom_mpl()

[docs] def get_cmap_maps_aerocom(color_theme=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """Get colormap using pyAeroCom color scheme Parameters ---------- color_theme : :ColorTheme, optional instance of pyaerocom color theme. If None, the default schemes is used vmin : float, optional lower end of value range (only considered for diverging color maps with non-symmetric mapping) vmax : float, optional upper end of value range only considered for diverging color maps with non-symmetric mapping) Returns ------- colormap """ if color_theme is None: color_theme = COLOR_THEME if vmin is not None and vmax is not None and vmin < 0 and vmax > 0: cmap = plt.get_cmap(color_theme.cmap_map_div) if color_theme.cmap_map_div_shifted: cmap = shifted_color_map(vmin, vmax, cmap) return cmap return plt.get_cmap(color_theme.cmap_map)
[docs] def set_map_ticks(ax, xticks=None, yticks=None): """Set or update ticks in instance of GeoAxes object (cartopy) Parameters ---------- ax : cartopy.GeoAxes map axes instance xticks : iterable, optional ticks of x-axis (longitudes) yticks : iterable, optional ticks of y-axis (latitudes) Returns ------- cartopy.GeoAxes modified axes instance """ lonleft, lonright = ax.get_xlim() digits = 2 - exponent(lonleft) digits = 0 if digits < 0 else digits tick_format = f".{digits:d}f" if xticks is None: num_lonticks = 7 if lonleft == -lonright else 6 xticks = linspace(lonleft, lonright, num_lonticks) if yticks is None: latleft, latright = ax.get_ylim() num_latticks = 7 if latleft == -latright else 6 yticks = linspace(latleft, latright, num_latticks) ax.set_xticks(xticks, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_yticks(yticks, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) lon_formatter = LongitudeFormatter( number_format=tick_format, degree_symbol="", dateline_direction_label=True ) lat_formatter = LatitudeFormatter(number_format=tick_format, degree_symbol="") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(lon_formatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(lat_formatter) return ax
[docs] def init_map( xlim=(-180, 180), ylim=(-90, 90), figh=8, fix_aspect=False, xticks=None, yticks=None, color_theme=COLOR_THEME, projection=None, title=None, gridlines=False, fig=None, ax=None, draw_coastlines=True, contains_cbar=False, ): """Initalise a map plot Parameters ---------- xlim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted longitude range ylim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted latitude range figh : int height of figure in inches fix_aspect : bool, optional if True, the aspect of the GeoAxes instance is kept fix using the default aspect ``MAP_AXES_ASPECT`` defined in :mod:`pyaerocom.plot.config` xticks : iterable, optional ticks of x-axis (longitudes) yticks : iterable, optional ticks of y-axis (latitudes) color_theme : ColorTheme pyaerocom color theme. projection projection instance from module (e.g. PlateCaree). May also be string. title : str, optional title that is supposed to be inserted gridlines : bool whether or not to add gridlines to the map fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional instance of matplotlib Figure class. If specified, the former to input args (``figh`` and ``fix_aspect``) are ignored. Note that the Figure is wiped clean before plotting, so any plotted content will be lost ax : GeoAxes, optional axes in which the map is plotted draw_coastlines : bool whether or not to draw coastlines contains_cbar : bool whether or not a colorbar is intended to be added to the figure ( impacts the aspect ratio of the figure). Returns ------- ax : cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes axes instance """ if projection is None: projection = ccrs.PlateCarree() elif isinstance(projection, str): projection = projection_from_str(projection) elif not isinstance(projection, ccrs.Projection): raise ValueError("Input for projection needs to be instance of") if not isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): if fig is None: if not fix_aspect: figsize = calc_figsize(xlim, ylim) else: figw = figh * fix_aspect figsize = (figw, figh) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: fig.clf() if contains_cbar: ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.12, 0.75, 0.8], projection=projection) else: ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.12, 0.85, 0.8], projection=projection) if fix_aspect: ax.set_aspect(MAP_AXES_ASPECT) if not isinstance(color_theme, ColorTheme): if isinstance(color_theme, str): color_theme = ColorTheme(color_theme) else: color_theme = COLOR_THEME if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(color=color_theme.color_coastline) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax = set_map_ticks(ax, xticks, yticks) ax.set_xlabel("Longitude") ax.set_ylabel("Latitude") if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if gridlines: ax.gridlines() return ax
[docs] def plot_griddeddata_on_map( data, lons=None, lats=None, var_name=None, unit=None, xlim=(-180, 180), ylim=(-90, 90), vmin=None, vmax=None, add_zero=False, c_under=None, c_over=None, log_scale=True, discrete_norm=True, cbar_levels=None, cbar_ticks=None, add_cbar=True, cmap=None, cbar_ticks_sci=False, color_theme=None, ax=None, ax_cbar=None, **kwargs, ): """Make a plot of gridded data onto a map Parameters ---------- data : ndarray 2D data array lons : ndarray longitudes of data lats : ndarray latitudes of data var_name : :obj:`str`, optional name of variable that is plotted xlim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted longitude range ylim : tuple 2-element tuple specifying plotted latitude range vmin : :obj:`float`, optional lower value of colorbar range vmax : :obj:`float`, optional upper value of colorbar range add_zero : bool if True and vmin is not 0, then, the colorbar is extended down to 0. This may be used, e.g. for logarithmic scales that should include 0. c_under : :obj:`float`, optional colour of data values smaller than ``vmin`` c_over : :obj:`float`, optional colour of data values exceeding ``vmax`` log_scale : bool if True, the value to color mapping is done in a pseudo log scale (see :func:`get_cmap_levels_auto` for implementation) discrete_norm : bool if True, color mapping will be subdivided into discrete intervals cbar_levels : iterable, optional discrete colorbar levels. Will be computed automatically, if None (and applicable) cbar_ticks : iterable, optional ticks of colorbar levels. Will be computed automatically, if None (and applicable) Returns ------- fig matplotlib figure instance containing plot result. Use ``fig.axes[0]`` to access the map axes instance (e.g. to modify the title or lon / lat range, etc.) """ if color_theme is None: color_theme = COLOR_THEME if add_cbar: kwargs["contains_cbar"] = True if ax is None: ax = init_map(xlim, ylim, color_theme=color_theme, **kwargs) if not isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): raise ValueError("Invalid input for ax, need GeoAxes") fig = ax.figure from pyaerocom.griddeddata import GriddedData if not isinstance(data, GriddedData): raise ValueError("need GriddedData") if not data.has_latlon_dims: raise DataDimensionError("Input data needs to have latitude and longitude dimension") if not data.ndim == 2: if not data.ndim == 3 or not "time" in data.dimcoord_names: raise DataDimensionError( "Input data needs to be 2 dimensional " "or 3D with time being the 3rd " "dimension" ) data.reorder_dimensions_tseries() data = data[0] lons = data.longitude.points lats = data.latitude.points data = if add_cbar and ax_cbar is None: ax_cbar = _add_cbar_axes(ax) X, Y = meshgrid(lons, lats) bounds = None if cbar_levels is not None: # user provided levels of colorbar explicitely if vmin is not None or vmax is not None: raise ValueError("Please provide either vmin/vmax OR cbar_levels") bounds = list(cbar_levels) low, high = bounds[0], bounds[-1] if add_zero and low > 0: bounds.insert(0, 0) # insert zero bound if cmap is None: cmap = get_cmap_maps_aerocom(color_theme, low, high) elif isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=False) else: with ignore_warnings(RuntimeWarning, "All-NaN axis encountered"): dmin = np.nanmin(data) dmax = np.nanmax(data) if any([np.isnan(x) for x in [dmin, dmax]]): raise ValueError("Cannot plot map of data: all values are NaN") elif dmin == dmax: raise ValueError(f"Minimum value in data equals maximum value: {dmin}") if vmin is None: vmin = dmin else: if vmin < 0 and log_scale: log_scale = False if vmax is None: vmax = dmax if exponent(vmin) == exponent(vmax): log_scale = False if log_scale: # no negative values allowed if vmin < 0: vmin = data[data > 0].min() if ( c_under is None ): # special case, set c_under to indicate that there is values below 0 c_under = "r" if cmap is None: cmap = get_cmap_maps_aerocom(color_theme, vmin, vmax) elif isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if discrete_norm: # to compute upper range of colour range, round up vmax exp = float(exponent(vmax) - 1) vmax_colors = ceil(vmax / 10**exp) * 10**exp bounds = calc_pseudolog_cmaplevels(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax_colors, add_zero=add_zero) norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=False) else: norm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) else: if add_zero and vmin > 0: vmin = 0 if cmap is None: cmap = get_cmap_maps_aerocom(color_theme, vmin, vmax) elif isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if discrete_norm: bounds = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 10) norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=False) else: norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cbar_extend = "neither" if c_under is not None: cmap = cmap.copy() cmap.set_under(c_under) cbar_extend = "min" if bounds is not None: bounds.insert(0, bounds[0] - bounds[1]) if c_over is not None: cmap = cmap.copy() cmap.set_over(c_over) if bounds is not None: bounds.append(bounds[-1] + bounds[-2]) if cbar_extend == "min": cbar_extend = "both" else: cbar_extend = "max" fig.norm = norm disp = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, data, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading="auto") if add_cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(disp, extend=cbar_extend, cax=ax_cbar, shrink=0.8) fig.cbar = cbar if var_name is not None: var_str = var_name # + VARS.unit_str if unit is not None: if not str(unit) in ["1", "no_unit"]: var_str += f" [{unit}]" cbar.set_label(var_str) if cbar_ticks: cbar.set_ticks(cbar_ticks) if cbar_ticks_sci: lbls = [] for lbl in tstr = lbl.get_text() if bool(tstr): lbls.append(f"{float(tstr):.1e}") else: lbls.append("") return fig
def _add_cbar_axes(ax): # , where='right'): _loc = ax.bbox._bbox fig = ax.figure ax_cbar = fig.add_axes([_loc.x1 + 0.02, _loc.y0, 0.02, _loc.y1 - _loc.y0]) return ax_cbar
[docs] def plot_map_aerocom(data, region, **kwargs): """High level map plotting function for Aerocom default plotting Note ---- This function does not iterate over a cube in time, but uses the first available time index in the data. Parameters ---------- data : GriddedData input data from one timestamp (if data contains more than one time stamp, the first index is used) region : str or Region valid region ID or region """ from pyaerocom import GriddedData if not isinstance(data, GriddedData): raise ValueError( "This plotting method needs an instance of pyaerocom " "GriddedData on input, got: %s" % type(data) ) if isinstance(region, str): region = Region(region) elif not isinstance(region, Region): raise ValueError("Invalid input for region, need None, str or Region") data = data.filter_region(region.region_id) s = data.plot_settings vmin, vmax, levs = s.map_vmin, s.map_vmax, None if isinstance(s.map_cbar_levels, list) and len(s.map_cbar_levels) > 0: vmin, vmax = None, None levs = s.map_cbar_levels fig = plot_griddeddata_on_map( data, xlim=region.lon_range_plot, ylim=region.lat_range_plot, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, c_over=s.map_c_over, c_under=s.map_c_under, cbar_levels=levs, xticks=region.lon_ticks, yticks=region.lat_ticks, cbar_ticks=s.map_cbar_ticks, **kwargs, ) ax = fig.axes[0] # annotate model in lower left corner lonr, latr = region.lon_range_plot, region.lat_range_plot ax.annotate( data.data_id, xy=(lonr[0] + (lonr[1] - lonr[0]) * 0.03, latr[0] + (latr[1] - latr[0]) * 0.03), xycoords="data", horizontalalignment="left", color="black", fontsize=MPL_PARAMS["axes.titlesize"] + 2, bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", facecolor="white", edgecolor="none", alpha=0.7), ) ax.annotate( "source: AEROCOM", xy=(0.97, 0.03), xycoords="figure fraction", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize=MPL_PARAMS["xtick.labelsize"], bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", facecolor="none", edgecolor="black"), ) var = data.var_name.upper() avg = data.mean() start = to_datetime(data.start).strftime("%Y%m%d") tit = f"{var} {start} mean {avg.round(3)}" ax.set_title(tit) return fig
[docs] def plot_nmb_map_colocateddata( coldata, in_percent=True, vmin=-100, vmax=100, cmap=None, s=80, marker=None, step_bounds=None, add_cbar=True, norm=None, cbar_extend=None, add_mean_edgecolor=True, ax=None, ax_cbar=None, cbar_outline_visible=False, cbar_orientation=None, ref_label=None, stats_area_weighted=False, **kwargs, ): """Plot map of normalised mean bias from instance of ColocatedData Parameters ---------- coldata : ColocatedData data object in_percent : bool plot bias in percent vmin : int minimum value of colormapping vmax : int maximum value of colormapping cmap : str or cmap colormap used, defaults to bwr s : int size of marker marker : str marker used step_bounds : int, optional step used for discrete colormapping (if None, continuous is used) cbar_extend : str extend colorbar ax : GeoAxes, optional axes into which the bias is supposed to be plotted ax_cbar : plt.Axes, optional axes for colorbar cbar_outline_visible : bool if False, borders of colorbar are removed cbar_orientation : str e.g. 'vertical', defaults to 'vertical' **kwargs keyword args passed to :func:`init_map` Returns ------- GeoAxes """ if cbar_extend is None: cbar_extend = "both" if cbar_orientation is None: cbar_orientation = "vertical" if cmap is None: cmap = "bwr" if marker is None: marker = "o" try: mec = kwargs.pop("mec") except KeyError: try: mec = kwargs.pop("markeredgecolor") except KeyError: mec = "face" try: mew = kwargs.pop("mew") except KeyError: mew = 1 if not coldata.ndim in (3, 4): raise DataDimensionError("only 3D or 4D colocated data objects are supported") assert "time" in coldata.dims mean_bias = coldata.calc_nmb_array() if mean_bias.ndim == 1: (lats, lons, data) = mean_bias.latitude, mean_bias.longitude, elif "latitude" in mean_bias.dims and "longitude" in mean_bias.dims: stacked = mean_bias.stack(latlon=["latitude", "longitude"]) valid = ~stacked.isnull() coords = stacked.latlon[valid].values lats, lons = list(zip(*list(coords))) data =[tuple(valid)] if ref_label is None: ref_label = coldata.metadata["data_source"][0] if in_percent: data *= 100 if ax is None: ax = init_map(contains_cbar=True, **kwargs) if not isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): raise TypeError("Input axes need to be instance of cartopy.GeoAxes") fig = ax.figure if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if norm is None and step_bounds is not None: bounds = np.arange(vmin, vmax + step_bounds, step_bounds) norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=False) if add_mean_edgecolor: nn = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) nmb = coldata.calc_statistics(use_area_weights=stats_area_weighted)["nmb"] if in_percent: nmb *= 100 ec = cmap(nn(nmb)) else: ec = mec _sc = ax.scatter( lons, lats, c=data, marker=marker, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=s, norm=norm, label=ref_label, edgecolors=ec, linewidths=mew, ) if add_cbar: if ax_cbar is None: ax_cbar = _add_cbar_axes(ax) cbar = fig.colorbar(_sc, extend=cbar_extend, cax=ax_cbar, orientation=cbar_orientation) cbar.outline.set_visible(cbar_outline_visible) cbar.set_label("NMB [%]") return ax