Source code for pyaerocom.region

This module contains functionality related to regions in pyaerocom
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import BrowseDict
from pyaerocom.config import ALL_REGION_NAME
from pyaerocom.helpers_landsea_masks import get_mask_value, load_region_mask_xr
from pyaerocom.region_defs import HTAP_REGIONS  # list of HTAP regions
from pyaerocom.region_defs import REGION_DEFS  # all region definitions
from pyaerocom.region_defs import OLD_AEROCOM_REGIONS, REGION_NAMES  # custom names (dict)


[docs] class Region(BrowseDict): """Class specifying a region Attributes ---------- region_id : str ID of region (e.g. EUROPE) name : str name of region (e.g. Europe) used e.g. in plotting. lon_range : list longitude range (min, max) covered by region lat_range : list latitude range (min, max) covered by region lon_range_plot : list longitude range (min, max) used for plotting region. lat_range_plot : list latitude range (min, max) used for plotting region. lon_ticks : list list of longitude ticks used for plotting lat_ticks : list list of latitude ticks used for plotting Parameters ---------- region_id : str ID of region (e.g. "EUROPE"). If the input region ID is registered as a default region in :mod:`pyaerocom.region_defs`, then the default information is automatically imported on class instantiation. **kwargs additional class attributes (see above for available default attributes). Note, any attr. values provided by kwargs are preferred over potentially defined default attrs. that are imported automatically. """ def __init__(self, region_id=None, **kwargs): if region_id is None: region_id = ALL_REGION_NAME if region_id in REGION_NAMES: name = REGION_NAMES[region_id] else: name = region_id self.region_id = region_id = name self.lon_range = None self.lat_range = None # longitude / latitude range of data in plots self.lon_range_plot = None self.lat_range_plot = None self.lon_ticks = None self.lat_ticks = None self._mask_data = None if region_id in REGION_DEFS: self.import_default(region_id) self.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def is_htap(self): """Boolean specifying whether region is an HTAP binary region""" return True if self.region_id in HTAP_REGIONS else False
[docs] def import_default(self, region_id): """Import region definition Parameters ---------- region_id : str ID of region Raises ------ KeyError if no region is registered for the input ID """ self.update(REGION_DEFS[region_id]) if self.lon_range_plot is None: self.lon_range_plot = self.lon_range if self.lat_range_plot is None: self.lat_range_plot = self.lat_range
@property def center_coordinate(self): """Center coordinate of this region""" latc = self.lat_range[0] + (self.lat_range[1] - self.lat_range[0]) / 2 lonc = self.lon_range[0] + (self.lon_range[1] - self.lon_range[0]) / 2 return (latc, lonc)
[docs] def distance_to_center(self, lat, lon): """Compute distance of input coordinate to center of this region Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of coordinate lon : float longitude of coordinate Returns ------- float distance in km """ from pyaerocom.geodesy import calc_distance cc = self.center_coordinate return calc_distance(lat0=cc[0], lon0=cc[1], lat1=lat, lon1=lon)
[docs] def contains_coordinate(self, lat, lon): """Check if input lat/lon coordinate is contained in region Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of coordinate lon : float longitude of coordinate Returns ------- bool True if coordinate is contained in this region, False if not """ lat_lb = self.lat_range[0] lat_ub = self.lat_range[1] lon_lb = self.lon_range[0] lon_ub = self.lon_range[1] # latitude bounding boxes should always be defined with the southern most boundary less than the northernmost lat_ok = lat_lb <= lat <= lat_ub # if the longitude bounding box has a lowerbound less than the upperbound if lon_lb < lon_ub: # it suffices to check that lon is between these values lon_ok = lon_lb <= lon <= lon_ub # if the longitude lowerbound has a value lessthan the upperbound elif lon_ub < lon_lb: # lon is contained in the bounding box in two cases lon_ok = lon < lon_ub or lon > lon_lb else: lon_ok = False # safeguard return lat_ok * lon_ok
[docs] def mask_available(self): if not self.is_htap(): return False return True
[docs] def get_mask_data(self): if not self.mask_available(): raise AttributeError(f"No binary mask data available for region {self.region_id}.") if self._mask_data is None: self._mask_data = load_region_mask_xr(self.region_id) return self._mask_data
[docs] def plot_mask(self, ax, color, alpha=0.2): mask = self.get_mask_data() # import numpy as np data = data[data == 0] = np.nan = data mask.plot(ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_borders(self, ax, color, lw=2): raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon...")
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None): """ Plot this region Draws a rectangle of the outer bounds of the region and if a binary mask is available for this region, it will be plotted as well. Parameters ---------- ax : GeoAxes, optional axes instance to be used for plotting. Defaults to None in which case a new instance is created. Returns ------- GeoAxes axes instance used for plotting """ from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes from pyaerocom.plot.mapping import init_map if ax is None: ax = init_map() elif not isinstance(ax, GeoAxes): raise ValueError("Invalid input for ax: need cartopy GeoAxes..") if self.mask_available(): self.plot_mask(ax, color="r") ax.set_xlabel("Longitude") ax.set_ylabel("Latitude") name = if not name == self.region_id: name += f" (ID={self.region_id})" ax.set_title(name) return ax
def __contains__(self, val): if not isinstance(val, tuple): raise TypeError("Invalid input, need tuple") if not len(val) == 2: raise ValueError("Invalid input: coordinate must contain 2 elements (lat, lon)") return self.contains_coordinate(lat=val[0], lon=val[1]) def __repr__(self): return f"Region {} {super().__repr__()}" def __str__(self): s = ( "pyaeorocom Region\nName: %s\n" "Longitude range: %s\n" "Latitude range: %s\n" "Longitude range (plots): %s\n" "Latitude range (plots): %s" % (, self.lon_range, self.lat_range, self.lon_range_plot, self.lat_range_plot) ) return s
[docs] def all(): """Wrapper for :func:`get_all_default_region_ids`""" return list(REGION_DEFS)
[docs] def get_all_default_region_ids(): """Get list containing IDs of all default regions Returns ------- list IDs of all predefined default regions """ return OLD_AEROCOM_REGIONS
def _get_regions_helper(reg_ids): """ Get dictionary of :class:`Region` instances for input IDs Parameters ---------- reg_ids : list list of region IDs Returns ------- dict keys are input region IDs, values are loaded :class:`Region` instances """ regs = {} for reg in reg_ids: regs[reg] = Region(reg) return regs
[docs] def get_old_aerocom_default_regions(): """ Load dictionary with default AeroCom regions Returns ------- dict keys are region ID's, values are instances of :class:`Region` """ return _get_regions_helper(OLD_AEROCOM_REGIONS)
[docs] def get_htap_regions(): """ Load dictionary with HTAP regions Returns ------- dict keys are region ID's, values are instances of :class:`Region` """ return _get_regions_helper(HTAP_REGIONS)
[docs] def get_all_default_regions(): """Get dictionary containing all default regions from region.ini file Returns ------- dict dictionary containing all default regions; keys are region ID's, values are instances of :class:`Region`. """ return get_old_aerocom_default_regions()
#: ToDO: check how to handle methods properly with HTAP regions...
[docs] def get_regions_coord(lat, lon, regions=None): """Get the region that contains an input coordinate Note ---- This does not yet include HTAP, since this causes troules in automated AeroCom processing Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of coordinate lon : float longitude of coordinate regions : dict, optional dictionary containing instances of :class:`Region` as values, which are considered. If None, then all default regions are used. Returns ------- list list of regions that contain this coordinate """ matches = [] if regions is None: regions = get_all_default_regions() ocean_mask = load_region_mask_xr("OCN") on_ocean = bool(get_mask_value(lat, lon, ocean_mask)) for rname, reg in regions.items(): if rname == ALL_REGION_NAME: # always True for ALL_REGION_NAME matches.append(rname) continue # OCN needs special handling determined by the rname, not hardcoded to return OCN b/c of HTAP issues if rname in POSSIBLE_REGION_OCEAN_NAMES: if on_ocean: matches.append(rname) continue if reg.contains_coordinate(lat, lon) and not on_ocean: matches.append(rname) if len(matches) == 0: matches.append(ALL_REGION_NAME) return matches
[docs] def find_closest_region_coord( lat: float, lon: float, regions: dict | None = None, **kwargs ) -> list[str]: """Finds list of regions sorted by their center closest to input coordinate Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of coordinate lon : float longitude of coordinate regions : dict, optional dictionary containing instances of :class:`Region` as values, which are considered. If None, then all default regions are used. Returns ------- list[str] sorted list of region IDs of identified regions """ if regions is None: regions = get_all_default_regions() matches = get_regions_coord(lat, lon, regions) matches.sort(key=lambda id: regions[id].distance_to_center(lat, lon)) if kwargs.get("regions_how") == "htap": # keep only first entry and Oceans if it exists keep = matches[:1] if "Oceans" in matches[1:]: keep += ["Oceans"] if ALL_REGION_NAME in matches[1:]: keep += [ALL_REGION_NAME] return list(set(keep)) return matches