Source code for pyaerocom.trends_engine

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from scipy.stats import kendalltau
from scipy.stats.mstats import theilslopes

from pyaerocom.trends_helpers import (

[docs] class TrendsEngine: """Trend computation engine (does not need to be instantiated)""" CMAP = matplotlib.colormaps["bwr"] NORM = Normalize(-10, 10)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_trend( data, ts_type, start_year, stop_year, min_num_yrs, season=None, slope_confidence=None ): """ Compute trend Parameters ---------- data : pd.Series input timeseries data ts_type : str frequency of input data (must be monthly or yearly) start_year : int or str start of period for trend stop_year : int or str end of period for trend min_num_yrs : int minimum number of years for trend computation season : str, optional which season to use, defaults to whole year (no season) slope_confidence : float, optional confidence of slope, between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.68. Returns ------- dict trends results for input data """ if season is None: season = "all" if slope_confidence is None: slope_confidence = 0.68 if not ts_type in ["yearly", "monthly"]: raise ValueError(ts_type) result = _init_trends_result_dict(start_year) start_str = _start_season(season, start_year) stop_str = str(stop_year) data = data.loc[start_str:stop_str] result["period"] = f"{start_year}-{stop_year}" result["season"] = season if len(data) == 0: return result (start_date, stop_date, period_index, num_dates_period) = _init_period_dates( start_year, stop_year, season ) if ts_type == "monthly": data = _get_yearly(data, season, start_year) result["data"] = data dates = data.index.values values = data.values # get period filter mask tmask = np.logical_and(dates >= start_date, dates <= stop_date) # apply period mask to jsdate vector and value vector dates_data = dates[tmask] # vector containing data values vals = values[tmask] valid = ~np.isnan(vals) # works only on not nan values dates_data = dates_data[valid] vals = vals[valid] num_dates_data = dates_data.astype("datetime64[Y]").astype(np.float64) # TODO: len(y) is number of years - 1 due to midseason averages result["n"] = len(vals) if not len(vals) >= min_num_yrs: return result result["y_mean"] = np.nanmean(vals) result["y_min"] = np.nanmin(vals) result["y_max"] = np.nanmax(vals) # Mann / Kendall test [tau, pval] = kendalltau(x=num_dates_data, y=vals) (slope, yoffs, slope_low, slope_up) = theilslopes( y=vals, x=num_dates_data, alpha=slope_confidence ) # estimate error of slope at input confidence level slope_err = np.mean([abs(slope - slope_low), abs(slope - slope_up)]) reg_data = slope * num_dates_data + yoffs reg_period = slope * num_dates_period + yoffs # value used for normalisation of slope to compute trend T # T=m / v0 v0_data = reg_data[0] v0_period = reg_period[0] # Compute the mean residual value, which is used to estimate # the uncertainty in the normalisation value used to compute # trend mean_residual = np.mean(np.abs(vals - reg_data)) # trend is slope normalised by first reference value. # 2 trends are computed, 1. the trend using the first value of # the regression line at the first available data year, 2. the # trend corresponding to the value corresponding to the first # year of the considered period. trend_data = slope / v0_data * 100 trend_period = slope / v0_period * 100 # Compute errors of normalisation values v0_err_data = mean_residual t0_data, tN_data = num_dates_data[0], num_dates_data[-1] t0_period = num_dates_period[0] # sanity check assert t0_data < tN_data assert t0_period <= t0_data dt_ratio = (t0_data - t0_period) / (tN_data - t0_data) v0_err_period = v0_err_data * (1 + dt_ratio) trend_data_err = _compute_trend_error( m=slope, m_err=slope_err, v0=v0_data, v0_err=v0_err_data ) trend_period_err = _compute_trend_error( m=slope, m_err=slope_err, v0=v0_period, v0_err=v0_err_period ) result["pval"] = pval result["m"] = slope result["m_err"] = slope_err result["yoffs"] = yoffs result["slp"] = trend_data result["slp_err"] = trend_data_err result["reg0"] = v0_data tp, tperr, v0p = None, None, None if v0_period > 0: tp = trend_period tperr = trend_period_err v0p = v0_period result[f"slp_{start_year}"] = tp result[f"slp_{start_year}_err"] = tperr result[f"reg0_{start_year}"] = v0p return result
class TrendPlotter: # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError( "consider removing or re-implementing (based on code from v0.10.0)" ) def get_trend_color(self, trend_val): return self.CMAP(self.NORM(trend_val)) def plot(self, season="all", period=None, ax=None): if not season in self.seasons_avail: raise AttributeError(f"No results available for season {season}") if period is None: if len(self.results[season]) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Found multiple trends for different periods: {list(self.results[season])}. " f"Please specify period..." ) period = list(self.results[season])[0] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(18, 8)) if self.has_daily: ax.plot(self.daily, "-", marker=".", label="daily", c="#d9d9d9") if self.has_monthly: ax.plot(self.monthly, label="monthly", c="#4d4d4d") ax.plot(self.get_yearly(season), " ok", label="yearly") if period in self.periods_avail: (s_data, s_period, td, tp, tdstr, tpstr) = self._get_trend_data(season, period) ax.plot(s_data, "-", color=self.get_trend_color(td), label="trend", lw=2) ax.plot(s_period, "--", color=self.get_trend_color(tp)) ax.text(0.01, 0.95, tpstr, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14) ax.text(0.01, 0.9, tdstr, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14) ax.yaxis.grid(c="#d9d9d9", ls="-.") ylbl = self.var_name if self.var_name is not None and "units" in self.meta: u = str(self.meta["units"]) if not u in ["", "1"]: ylbl += f" [{u}]" ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) tit = "" if self.meta["station_name"] is not None: tit += self.meta["station_name"] try: self.meta.load_dataset_info() except Exception: pass dsinfo = self.meta.dataset_str() if dsinfo is not None: tit += f"; {dsinfo}" tit += " - " tit += period ax.set_title(tit) ax.legend(loc=1) ax.set_xlim(_start_stop_period(period)) return ax