Source code for pyaerocom.trends_helpers

Helper methods for computation of trends

Most methods here are private and not to be used directly. Please use
:class:`TrendsEngine` instead.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

SEASONS = {"spring": [3, 4, 5], "summer": [6, 7, 8], "autumn": [9, 10, 11], "winter": [12, 1, 2]}

SEASON_CODES = {"spring": "MAM", "summer": "JJA", "autumn": "SON", "winter": "DJF"}

    "MAM": "spring",
    "JJA": "summer",
    "SON": "autumn",
    "DJF": "winter",
    "all": "all",

[docs] def _compute_trend_error(m, m_err, v0, v0_err): """Computes error of trend estimate using gaussian error propagation The (normalised) trend is computed as T = m / v0 where m denotes the slope of a regression line and v0 denotes the normalistation value. This method computes the uncertainty of T (delta_T) using gaussian error propagation of uncertainties accompanying m and v0. Parameters ---------- m : float slope in units of <U> yr-1 (where <U> denotes the unit of the data). (m -> "montant"). m_err : float slope error (same unit as `m`) v0 : float normalisation value in units of <U> v0_err : float error of `v0` (same units as `v0`) Returns ------- float error of T in computed using gaussian error propagation of trend formula in units of %/yr """ delta_sl = m_err / v0 delta_ref = m * v0_err / v0**2 return np.sqrt(delta_sl**2 + delta_ref**2) * 100
[docs] def _get_season(mon): for seas, months in SEASONS.items(): if mon in months: return seas
[docs] def _get_unique_seasons(idx): seasons = [] mons = idx.month for mon in mons: seas = _get_season(mon) if not seas in seasons: seasons.append(seas) return seasons
[docs] def _get_season_from_months(months: str) -> str: if months not in MONTHS_CODES: raise ValueError(f"{months} is not a valid season") return MONTHS_CODES[months]
[docs] def _mid_season(seas, yr): if seas == "spring": return np.datetime64(f"{yr}-04-15") if seas == "summer": return np.datetime64(f"{yr}-07-15") if seas == "autumn": return np.datetime64(f"{yr}-10-15") if seas == "winter": return np.datetime64(f"{yr}-01-15") if seas == "all": return np.datetime64(f"{yr}-06-15") raise ValueError("Invalid input for season (seas):", seas)
[docs] def _start_season(seas, yr): if seas == "spring": return f"{yr}-03-01" if seas == "summer": return f"{yr}-06-01" if seas == "autumn": return f"{yr}-09-01" if seas == "winter": return f"{yr - 1}-12-01" if seas == "all": return f"{yr}-01-01" raise ValueError("Invalid input for season (seas):", seas)
[docs] def _end_season(seas, yr): if seas == "spring": return f"{yr}-06-01" if seas == "summer": return f"{yr}-09-01" if seas == "autumn": return f"{yr}-12-01" if seas == "winter": return f"{yr}-03-01" if seas == "all": return f"{yr}-01-01" raise ValueError("Invalid input for season (seas):", seas)
[docs] def _find_area(lat, lon, regions_dict=None): """Find area corresponding to input lat/lon coordinate Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude lon : float longitude Returns ------- str name of region """ from pyaerocom.region import find_closest_region_coord reg = find_closest_region_coord(lat, lon)[0] if regions_dict is not None and reg in regions_dict: return regions_dict[reg] return reg
[docs] def _years_from_periodstr(period): """Convert period str to start / stop years Parameters ---------- period : str period str, e.g. '1990-2010' Returns ------- int start year int stop year """ return [int(x) for x in period.split("-")]
[docs] def _start_stop_period(period): """Convert period str to start / stop dates Parameters ---------- period : str period str, e.g. '1990-2010' Returns ------- date start datetime date stop datetime """ from datetime import date ( y0, y1, ) = _years_from_periodstr(period) return (date(y0, 1, 1), date(y1, 12, 31))
[docs] def _seas_slice(yr, season): pass
[docs] def _get_yearly(data, seas, start_yr): dates = [] values = [] yrs = np.unique(data.index.year) for yr in yrs: if yr < start_yr: # winter continue if seas == "all": # yearly trends subset = data.loc[str(yr)] else: start = _start_season(seas, yr) stop = _end_season(seas, yr) subset = data.loc[start:stop] if len(subset) == 0: val = np.nan elif np.isnan(subset.values).all(): val = np.nan elif seas == "all": seasons = _get_unique_seasons(subset.index) if len(seasons) == 4: val = np.nanmean(subset.values) else: val = np.nan else: val = np.nanmean(subset.values) dates.append(_mid_season(seas, yr)) values.append(val) return pd.Series(values, index=dates)
[docs] def _init_period_dates(start_year, stop_year, season): start_date = _mid_season(season, start_year) stop_date = _mid_season(season, stop_year) # datetime index covering whole input period (data may not be fully covered # in the whole period) period_index = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=stop_date, freq=pd.DateOffset(years=1)) num_dates_period = period_index.values.astype("datetime64[Y]").astype(np.float64) return (start_date, stop_date, period_index, num_dates_period)