Source code for pyaerocom.units_helpers

import pandas as pd
from cf_units import Unit

from pyaerocom.exceptions import UnitConversionError
from pyaerocom.time_config import SI_TO_TS_TYPE
from pyaerocom.tstype import TsType
from pyaerocom.variable_helpers import get_variable

#: default frequency for rates variables (e.g. deposition, precip)


# Atoms
M_O = 15.999  # u
M_S = 32.065  # u
M_N = 14.0067  # u
M_H = 1.00784  # u

# Molecules
M_SO2 = M_S + 2 * M_O
M_SO4 = M_S + 4 * M_O

M_NO2 = M_N + 2 * M_O
M_NO3 = M_N + 3 * M_O

M_NH3 = M_N + 3 * M_H
M_NH4 = M_N + 4 * M_H

# Unit conversion and custom units definitions

# 2.1 Other conversion factors
HA_TO_SQM = 10000  # hectar to square metre.


#: Custom unit conversion factors for certain variables
#: columns: variable -> from unit -> to_unit -> conversion
#: factor
UCONV_MUL_FACS = pd.DataFrame(
        # ["dryso4", "mg/m2/d", "mgS m-2 d-1", M_S / M_SO4],
        # ["drynh4", "mg/m2/d", "mgN m-2 d-1", M_N/ M_NH4],
        # ["concso4", "ug S/m3", "ug m-3", M_SO4 / M_S],
        # ["SO4ugSm3", "ug/m3", "ug S m-3", M_S / M_SO4],
        # ["concso4pm25", "ug S/m3", "ug m-3", M_SO4 / M_S],
        # ["concso4pm10", "ug S/m3", "ug m-3", M_SO4 / M_S],
        ["concso2", "ug S/m3", "ug m-3", M_SO2 / M_S],
        ["concbc", "ug C/m3", "ug m-3", 1.0],
        ["concoa", "ug C/m3", "ug m-3", 1.0],
        ["concoc", "ug C/m3", "ug m-3", 1.0],
        ["conctc", "ug C/m3", "ug m-3", 1.0],
        # a little hacky for ratpm10pm25...
        # ["ratpm10pm25", "ug m-3", "1", 1.0],
        ["concpm25", "ug m-3", "1", 1.0],
        ["concpm10", "ug m-3", "1", 1.0],
        ["concno2", "ug N/m3", "ug m-3", M_NO2 / M_N],
        # ["concno3", "ug N/m3", "ug m-3", M_NO3 / M_N],
        ["concnh3", "ug N/m3", "ug m-3", M_NH3 / M_N],
        # ["concnh4", "ug N/m3", "ug m-3", M_NH4 / M_N],
        ["wetso4", "kg S/ha", "kg m-2", M_SO4 / M_S / HA_TO_SQM],
        ["concso4pr", "mg S/L", "g m-3", M_SO4 / M_S],
    columns=["var_name", "from", "to", "fac"],
).set_index(["var_name", "from"])

# may be used to specify alternative names for custom units  defined

    # mass concentrations
    "ug S m-3": "ug S/m3",
    "ug C m-3": "ug C/m3",
    "ug N m-3": "ug N/m3",
    "ugC/m3": "ug C m-3",
    # deposition rates (implicit)
    ## sulphur species
    "mgS/m2": "mg S m-2",
    "mgSm-2": "mg S m-2",
    ## nitrogen species
    "mgN/m2": "mg N m-2",
    "mgNm-2": "mg N m-2",
    # deposition rates (explicit)
    ## sulphur species
    "mgS/m2/h": "mg S m-2 h-1",
    "mg/m2/h": "mg m-2 h-1",
    "mgS/m**2/h": "mg S m-2 h-1",
    "mgSm-2h-1": "mg S m-2 h-1",
    "mgSm**-2h-1": "mg S m-2 h-1",
    "mgS/m2/d": "mg S m-2 d-1",
    ## nitrogen species
    "mgN/m2/h": "mg N m-2 h-1",
    "mgN/m**2/h": "mg N m-2 h-1",
    "mgNm-2h-1": "mg N m-2 h-1",
    "mgNm**-2h-1": "mg N m-2 h-1",
    "mgN/m2/d": "mg N m-2 d-1",
    ## others
    "MM/H": "mm h-1",
    # others
    "/m": "m-1",

def _check_unit_endswith_freq(unit):
    Check if input unit ends with an SI frequency string

    Considered SI base periods are defined in :attr:`SI_TO_TS_TYPE` (keys)
    and accepted specifications as frequency in unit string are either via
    "/<period>" or "<period>-1" (e.g. "/d" "d-1").

    unit : str
        unit to be checked

        True if input unit ends with valid frequency string, else False
    if isinstance(unit, Unit):
        unit = str(unit)
    for si_unit in SI_TO_TS_TYPE:
        if unit.endswith(f"/{si_unit}") or unit.endswith(f"{si_unit}-1"):
            return True
    return False

[docs] def rate_unit_implicit(unit): """ Check whether input rate unit is implicit Implicit rate units do not contain frequency string, e.g. "mg m-2" instead of "mg m-2 d-1". Such units are, e.g. used in EMEP output where the frequency corresponds to the output frequency, e.g. "mg m-2" per day if output is daily. Note ---- For now, this is just a wrapper for :func:`_check_unit_endswith_freq`, but there may be more sophisticated options in the future, which may be added to this function. Parameters ---------- unit : str unit to be tested Returns ------- bool True if input unit appears to be implicit, else False. """ return not _check_unit_endswith_freq(unit)
def _unit_conversion_fac_custom(var_name, from_unit): """Get custom conversion factor for a certain unit Tries to determine custom conversion factor for a variable, relative to that variables pyaerocom default unit. These are typically conversions that cannot be handled by :mod:`cf_units` (e.g. if variable is `concno3` which should be in units of "ug m-3" but is given in units of "ug N m-3", that is, nitrogen mass and not molecular NO3 mass. Since such atomar units are not supported by `cf_units` which is based on SI (it would think the "N" is Newton), pyaerocom provides a simple interface to circumvent these issues for such variables by providing explicit conversion factors to convert from e.g. "ug N m-3" to "ug m-3", for affected variables, such as concno3. Parameters ---------- var_name : str name of variable for which factor is to be determined (needs to be registered in global attr. :attr:`UCONV_MUL_FACS` from_unit : str input unit (e.g. "ug N m-3") Raises ------ UnitConversionError if no or no unique unit conversion factor could be retrieved for input from global attr. :attr:`UCONV_MUL_FACS` Returns ------- str output unit float corresponding converison factor """ if from_unit in UALIASES: from_unit = UALIASES[from_unit] try: info = UCONV_MUL_FACS.loc[(var_name, str(from_unit)), :] if not isinstance(info, pd.Series): raise UnitConversionError( "FATAL: Could not find unique conversion factor in table " "UCONV_MUL_FACS in Please check for " "dulplicate entries" ) except KeyError: raise UnitConversionError( f"Failed to convert unit {from_unit} (variable {var_name}). " f"Reason: no custom conversion factor could be inferred from table " f"pyaerocom.units_helpers.UCONV_MUL_FACS" ) return (, info.fac) def _unit_conversion_fac_si(from_unit, to_unit): """Retrieve multiplication factor for unit conversion Works only for standard units that are supported by :mod:`cf_units` library. See also :func:`get_unit_conversion_factor` for more general cases. Parameters ---------- from_unit : Unit or str input unit to_unit : Unit or str output unit Raises ------ UnitConversionError if units cannot be converted into each other using cf_units package Returns -------- float multiplicative conversion factor """ if isinstance(from_unit, str): from_unit = Unit(from_unit) try: return from_unit.convert(1, to_unit) except ValueError: raise UnitConversionError(f"Failed to convert unit from {from_unit} to {to_unit}") def _get_unit_conversion_fac_helper(from_unit, to_unit, var_name=None): """ Helper for unit conversion Parameters ---------- from_unit : str input unit to_unit : str output unit var_name : str, optional associated variable Returns ------- float multiplication factor to convert data with input unit to output unit (e.g. 1000 if input unit is kg and output unit g). """ pre_conv_fac = 1.0 if from_unit == to_unit: # nothing to do return 1.0 elif var_name is not None and var_name in UCONV_MUL_FACS.index: try: from_unit, pre_conv_fac = _unit_conversion_fac_custom(var_name, from_unit) except UnitConversionError: # from_unit is likely not custom but standard... and if not # call of unit_conversion_fac_si below will crash pass return _unit_conversion_fac_si(from_unit, to_unit) * pre_conv_fac
[docs] def get_unit_conversion_fac(from_unit, to_unit, var_name=None, ts_type=None): try: return _get_unit_conversion_fac_helper(from_unit, to_unit, var_name) except UnitConversionError: if ( ts_type is not None and var_name is not None and get_variable(var_name).is_rate and rate_unit_implicit(from_unit) ): freq_si = TsType(ts_type).to_si() from_unit = f"{from_unit} {freq_si}-1" return _get_unit_conversion_fac_helper(from_unit, to_unit, var_name) raise UnitConversionError(f"failed to convert unit from {from_unit} to {to_unit}")
[docs] def convert_unit(data, from_unit, to_unit, var_name=None, ts_type=None): """Convert unit of data Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray or similar input data from_unit : cf_units.Unit or str current unit of input data to_unit : cf_units.Unit or str new unit of input data var_name : str, optional name of variable. If provided, and standard conversion with :mod:`cf_units` fails, then custom unit conversion is attempted. ts_type : str, optional frequency of data. May be needed for conversion of rate variables such as precip, deposition, etc, that may be defined implictly without proper frequency specification in the unit string. Returns ------- data data in new unit """ conv_fac = get_unit_conversion_fac(from_unit, to_unit, var_name, ts_type) if conv_fac != 1: data *= conv_fac return data