Source code for pyaerocom.variable

import logging
import warnings
from ast import literal_eval
from configparser import ConfigParser

import numpy as np

from pyaerocom import var_groups
from pyaerocom._lowlevel_helpers import dict_to_str, list_to_shortstr
from pyaerocom.exceptions import VariableDefinitionError
from pyaerocom.mathutils import make_binlist
from pyaerocom.obs_io import OBS_WAVELENGTH_TOL_NM

#: helper vor checking if variable name contains str 3d or 3D
from pyaerocom.variable_helpers import (
from pyaerocom.varnameinfo import VarNameInfo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Variable: """Interface that specifies default settings for a variable See `variables.ini < pyaerocom/data/variables.ini>`__ file for an overview of currently available default variables. Parameters ---------- var_name : str string ID of variable (see file variables.ini for valid IDs) init : bool if True, input variable name is attempted to be read from config file cfg : ConfigParser open config parser that holds the information in config file available (i.e. :func:`` has been called with config file as input) **kwargs any valid class attribute (e.g. map_vmin, map_vmax, ...) Attributes ---------- var_name : str input variable name var_name_aerocom : str AEROCOM variable name (see e.g. `AEROCOM protocol <>`__ for a list of available variables) is_3d : bool flag that indicates if variable is 3D is_dry : bool flag that is set based on filename that indicates if variable data corresponds to dry conditions. units : str unit of variable (None if no unit) default_vert_code : str, optional default vertical code to be loaded (i.e. Column, ModelLevel, Surface). Only relevant during reading and in case conflicts occur (e.g. abs550aer, 2010, Column and Surface files) aliases : list list of alternative names for this variable minimum : float lower limit of allowed value range upper_limit : float upper limit of allowed value range obs_wavelength_tol_nm : float wavelength tolerance (+/-) for reading of obsdata. Default is 10, i.e. if this variable is defined at 550 nm and obsdata contains measured values of this quantity within interval of 540 - 560, then these data is used scat_xlim : float x-range for scatter plot scat_ylim : float y-range for scatter plot scat_loglog : bool scatter plot on loglog scale scat_scale_factor : float scale factor for scatter plot map_cmap : str name of default colormap (matplotlib) of this variable. map_vmin : float data value corresponding to lower end of colormap in map plots of this quantity map_vmax : float data value corresponding to upper end of colormap in map plots of this quantity map_c_under : str color used for values below :attr:`map_vmin` in map plots of this quantity map_c_over : str color used for values exceeding :attr:`map_vmax` in map plots of this quantity map_cbar_levels : :obj:`list`, optional levels of colorbar map_cbar_ticks : :obj:`list`, optional colorbar ticks """ literal_eval_list = lambda val: list(literal_eval(val)) str2list = lambda val: [x.strip() for x in val.split(",")] str2bool = lambda val: val.lower() in ("true", "1", "t", "yes") _TYPE_CONV = { "wavelength_nm": float, "minimum": float, "maximum": float, "dimensions": str2list, "obs_wavelength_tol_nm": float, "scat_xlim": literal_eval_list, "scat_ylim": literal_eval_list, "scat_loglog": str2bool, "scat_scale_factor": float, "dry_rh_max": float, "map_cmap": str, "map_vmin": float, "map_vmax": float, "map_cbar_levels": literal_eval_list, "map_cbar_ticks": literal_eval_list, "_is_rate": bool, } # maybe used in config ALT_NAMES = {"unit": "units"} plot_info_keys = [ "scat_xlim", "scat_ylim", "scat_loglog", "scat_scale_factor", "map_vmin", "map_vmax", "map_cmap", "map_c_under", "map_c_over", "map_cbar_levels", "map_cbar_ticks", ] VMIN_DEFAULT = -np.inf VMAX_DEFAULT = np.inf @staticmethod def _check_input_var_name(var_name): if "3d" in var_name: var_name = var_name.replace("3d", "") elif "3D" in var_name: var_name = var_name.replace("3D", "") elif "_" in var_name: raise ValueError(f"invalid variable name {var_name}. Must not contain underscore") return var_name def __init__(self, var_name=None, init=True, cfg=None, **kwargs): if var_name is None: var_name = "od550aer" elif not isinstance(var_name, str): raise ValueError( f"Invalid input for variable name, need str type, got {type(var_name)}" ) # save orig. input for whatever reason self._var_name_input = var_name self.var_name = self._check_input_var_name(var_name) self._var_name_aerocom = None self.standard_name = None # Assume variables that have no unit specified in variables.ini are # unitless. self.units = "1" self.default_vert_code = None self.wavelength_nm = None self.dry_rh_max = 40 self.dimensions = None self.minimum = self.VMIN_DEFAULT self.maximum = self.VMAX_DEFAULT self.description = None self.comments_and_purpose = None # wavelength tolerance in nm self.obs_wavelength_tol_nm = None self.scat_xlim = None self.scat_ylim = None self.scat_loglog = None self.scat_scale_factor = 1.0 # settings for map plotting self.map_cmap = "coolwarm" self.map_vmin = None self.map_vmax = None self.map_c_under = None self.map_c_over = "r" self.map_cbar_levels = None self.map_cbar_ticks = None self._is_rate = False # imports default information and, on top, variable information (if # applicable) if init: self.parse_from_ini(self.var_name, cfg=cfg) self.update(**kwargs) if self.obs_wavelength_tol_nm is None: self.obs_wavelength_tol_nm = OBS_WAVELENGTH_TOL_NM @property def var_name_aerocom(self): """AeroCom variable name of the input variable""" vna = self._var_name_aerocom return self.var_name if vna is None else vna @property def var_name_input(self): """Input variable""" return self._var_name_input @property def is_3d(self): """True if str '3d' is contained in :attr:`var_name_input`""" return True if "3d" in self.var_name_input.lower() else False @property def is_wavelength_dependent(self): """Indicates whether this variable is wavelength dependent""" return True if self.wavelength_nm is not None else False @property def is_at_dry_conditions(self): """Indicate whether variable denotes dry conditions""" var_name = self.var_name_aerocom if var_name.startswith("dry"): # dry deposition return False return True if "dry" in var_name else False @property def is_deposition(self): """ Indicates whether input variables is a deposition rate Note ---- This funtion only identifies wet and dry deposition based on the variable names, there might be other variables that are deposition variables but cannot be identified by this function. Parameters ---------- var_name : str Name of variable to be checked Returns ------- bool If True, then variable name denotes a deposition variables """ var_name = self.var_name_aerocom if var_name.startswith(var_groups.drydep_startswith): return True elif var_name.startswith(var_groups.wetdep_startswith): return True elif var_name.startswith(var_groups.totdep_startswith): return True elif var_name in var_groups.dep_add_vars: return True return False @property def is_emission(self): """ Indicates whether input variables is an emission rate Note ---- This funtion only identifies wet and dry deposition based on the variable names, there might be other variables that are deposition variables but cannot be identified by this function. Parameters ---------- var_name : str Name of variable to be checked Returns ------- bool If True, then variable name denotes a deposition variables """ var_name = self.var_name_aerocom if var_name.startswith(var_groups.emi_startswith): return True elif var_name in var_groups.emi_add_vars: return True return False @property def is_rate(self): """Indicates whether variable name is a rate Rates include e.g. deposition or emission rate variables but also precipitation Returns ------- bool True if variable is rate, else False """ if self.is_emission: return True elif self.is_deposition: return True elif self._is_rate: return True return False @property def is_alias(self): return True if self.var_name != self.var_name_aerocom else False @property def unit(self): """Unit of variable (old name, deprecated)""" warnings.warn( "Attr. name unit in Variable class is deprecated. Please use units instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.units @property def plot_info(self): """Dictionary containing plot information""" d = {} for k in self.plot_info_keys: d[k] = self[k] return d
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): for key, val in kwargs.items(): self[key] = val
@property def has_unit(self): """Boolean specifying whether variable has unit""" return True if not self.units in (1, None) else False @property def lower_limit(self): """Old attribute name for :attr:`minimum` (following HTAP2 defs)""" warnings.warn("Old name for attribute minimum", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.minimum @property def upper_limit(self): """Old attribute name for :attr:`maximum` (following HTAP2 defs)""" warnings.warn("Old name for attribute maximum", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.maximum @property def unit_str(self): """string representation of unit""" if self.units is None: return "" else: return f"[{self.units}]"
[docs] @staticmethod def read_config(): return parse_variables_ini()
@property def var_name_info(self): return VarNameInfo(self.var_name) @property def aliases(self): """Alias variable names that are frequently found or used Returns ------- list list containing valid aliases """ return get_aliases(self.var_name) @property def long_name(self): """Wrapper for :attr:`description`""" return self.description
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self.__dict__)
@staticmethod def _check_aliases(var_name): ap = parse_aliases_ini() aliases = _read_alias_ini(ap) if var_name in aliases: return aliases[var_name] return _check_alias_family(var_name, ap)
[docs] def get_default_vert_code(self): """Get default vertical code for variable name""" if self.default_vert_code is not None: return self.default_vert_code try: return VarNameInfo(self.var_name_aerocom).get_default_vert_code() except ValueError: logger.warning( f"default_vert_code not set for {self.var_name_aerocom} and " f"could also not be inferred" ) return None
[docs] def get_cmap(self): """ Get cmap str for var Returns ------- str """ return self.map_cmap
def _cmap_bins_from_vmin_vmax(self): """ Calculate cmap discretisation bins from :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax` Sets value of :attr:`map_cbar_levels` Raises ------ AttributeError if :attr:`vmin` and :attr:`vmax` are not defined """ if self.minimum == self.VMIN_DEFAULT or self.maximum == self.VMAX_DEFAULT: raise AttributeError( f"need minimum and maximum to be specified " f"for variable {self.var_name} in " f"order to retrieve cmap_bins" ) self.map_cbar_levels = make_binlist(self.minimum, self.maximum)
[docs] def get_cmap_bins(self, infer_if_missing=True): """ Get cmap discretisation bins Parameters ---------- infer_if_missing : bool if True and :attr:`map_cbar_levels` is not defined, try to infer using :func:`_cmap_bins_from_vmin_vmax`. Raises ------ AttributeError if unavailable Returns ------- list levels """ if self.map_cbar_levels is None: if infer_if_missing: self._cmap_bins_from_vmin_vmax() else: raise AttributeError( f"map_cbar_levels is not defined for variable {self.var_name}" ) return self.map_cbar_levels
[docs] def parse_from_ini(self, var_name=None, cfg=None): """Import information about default region Parameters ---------- var_name : str variable name var_name_alt : str alternative variable name that is used if variable name is not available cfg : ConfigParser open config parser object Returns ------- bool True, if default could be loaded, False if not """ if cfg is None: cfg = self.read_config() elif not isinstance(cfg, ConfigParser): raise ValueError(f"invalid input for cfg, need config parser got {type(cfg)}") if not var_name in cfg: try: var_name = self._check_aliases(var_name) except VariableDefinitionError:"Unknown input variable {var_name}") return self._var_name_aerocom = var_name var_info = cfg[var_name] # this variable should import settings from another variable if "use" in var_info: use = var_info["use"] if not use in cfg: raise VariableDefinitionError( f"Input variable {var_name} depends on {use} " f"which is not available in variables.ini." ) self.parse_from_ini(use, cfg) for key, val in var_info.items(): if key in self.ALT_NAMES: key = self.ALT_NAMES[key] self._add(key, val)
def _add(self, key, val): if key in self._TYPE_CONV: try: val = self._TYPE_CONV[key](val) except: pass elif key == "units" and val == "None": val = "1" if val == "None": val = None self[key] = val def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.__dict__[key] = val def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def __repr__(self): return "{self.var_name}\nstandard_name: {self.standard_name}; Unit: {self.units}" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = Variable(other) elif not isinstance(other, Variable): raise TypeError("Can only compare with str or other Variable instance") return True if other.var_name_aerocom == self.var_name_aerocom else False def __str__(self): head = f"Pyaerocom {type(self).__name__}" s = f"\n{head}\n{len(head)*'-'}" plot_s = "\nPlotting settings\n......................" for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k in self.plot_info_keys: if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, dict): plot_s += f"\n{k} (dict)" plot_s += dict_to_str(v, indent=3, ignore_null=True) elif isinstance(v, list): plot_s += f"\n{k} (list, {len(v)} items)" plot_s += list_to_shortstr(v) else: plot_s += f"\n{k}: {v}" else: if isinstance(v, dict): s += f"\n{k} (dict)" s += dict_to_str(v, indent=3, ignore_null=True) elif isinstance(v, list): s += f"\n{k} (list, {len(v)} items)" s += list_to_shortstr(v) else: s += f"\n{k}: {v}" s += plot_s return s